King's Business - 1938-03

March, 1938

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Winning with the Word T o the Los Angeles County General Hos­ pital, the new nineteen-story building in which a vast company of 3,306 inpatients may be accommodated, a group of young women students of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles go each week, their arms filled with flowers. Attached to the stems of the individual blossoms are Scripture verses, and until the supply is exhausted, a flower is given to each patient in the wards visited. The giving of a flower— and of a smile— have often opened the way for heart-to- heart talks with patients on the subject of their need of the Saviour. In addition to this cheering ministry, the women of the Institute, in their student organization known as the King’s Daugh­ ters, determined to distribute among the patients in the General Hospital at Christ­ mas, as many New Testaments a s , these young women could provide. T o some of the students, the giving of even the small amount of twenty cents, the price to them of the gift Testaments, was a distinct sacri­ fice. And although the girls were able to buy and wrap as holiday packages as many as 113 Testaments, the greater problem loomed up: “What are these among so many ?”|pj But, as promised by the Lord, His bless­ ing attended the giving of His Word. On the day that the Books were presented, one poor sufferer saw at once', quite clearly, that she might accept the Lord Jesus Christ as her Saviour, with simplicity and sureness, just as she received the Book from her young friend. She read: “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name” (John 1:12). And she “ received.” Three other women, in the days that followed, were found reading their gift Books when a Christian worker called, and each of these three patients accepted Christ — the way of salvation being pointed out to them from their own Testaments. One patient, upon her return to her home in a small town not far from Los Angeles, wrote to the K ing’s Daughters at the Insti­ tute. The request in her letter was passed on at once to one of the Institute’s Bible Women. “ I was a patient in the General Hospital,” the writer began, “when you girls were so kind and thoughtful as to give each of us a New Testament. I had the Gospel of John with me, but I was so glad to receive a New Testament. I have been doing my reading from your gift Book. . . . Would it be convenient for you to send a Bible teacher out here, if half a dozen women will agree to study an assigned lesson, the teacher to come once a week and spend an hour teaching us? We are hungry to know more of the Word. . . . Our neighborhood is two and a half miles from town, and a mile from the bus line.” The incidents which are cited concern only two phases of the Institute’s many activities. By whatever means God’s Word is presented and is appropriated by needy hearts, the fact of the truth of God’s prom­ ise shines forth in glorious light: “My word . . . shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it” (Isa. 55:11).

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G iv e y o u r y o u n g p e o p le character*? b u ild in g S to ry P a p e rs th a t p o in t th e w a y to C h ristia n id e a lism a n d a ch ie v e ­ m en t, th a t a p p ly C h ristia n p rin cip le s to d a y -b y -d a y liv in g , th a t a re d e sig n e d e s p e c ia lly f o r in d iv id u a l a g e g ro u p s. In o th e r w o r d s — Give Them These Story Papers THE YOUNG PEOPLE’S WEEKLY f o r th o s e 18 to 22 S ix teen p a g e s o f sto rie s , fe a tu re s, h e lp on life p ro b lem s, h o b b y and cla ss a c tiv ity s u g g e stio n s . (C lu b ra te , 17c p e r q u a rte r.) THE BOYS’ WORLD THE GIRLS’ COMPANION E ig h t -p a g e p a p e rs issu ed w e e k ly fo r te e n -a g e b o y s a n d g ir ls . T h e b est in s to r ie s ; in s p ira tio n a l a rtic le s ; in fo r m a ­ tio n a b o u t a th le tics, h o b b ie s, e n te r ­ ta in m en t. (C lu b ra te f o r ea ch p a p er, 1 2c p e r q u a rte r.) WHAT TO DO f o r ch ild re n 9 t o 12 E a ch w e e k it a n s w e rs in a C h ris­ tia n w a y th e d em an d s o f b o y s an d g ir ls f o r in te re s tin g a ctiv itie s , g o o d rea d in g , a n d k n o w le d g e o f th e w o r ld a rou n d th em . (C lu b ra te s, 12c p e r q u a rte r.) DEW DROPS LITTLE LEARNER’S E a ch p u b lish e d w e e k ly fo r tin y tots, t o 8, and 3 to 5. C h a rm in g stories, sim p le a ctiv itie s , a ll w ith an e y e to fo r m in g th e b e st o f ch a r a c te r h a b its. (C lu b ra te s p e r q u a r te r : D e w D ro p s, 6 ^ c ; L ittle L e a rn e r’s, 3c.) HIGHEST IN QUALITY AND LOWEST IN PRICE David C. Cook Publishing Company 21-C Lincoln St., Elgin, HI. Gentlemen: Please send samples of your Story Papers and details of Half-price Trial offer. Also, send free copy of your, new catalog. Name ...... .................................... Street, Box, Route ........................................... City ...........I ....................... ■ State WÊÊÊÊÊ I __ !

For 6 months your school may subscribe at half-price to any of these character-building Story Papers that it has not previously used. DAVID C. COOK PUBLISHING COM PANY 21-C Lincoln St., Elgin, 111.

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