King's Business - 1938-03

March, 1938

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Though thy path be lone and cheerless And the road be steep and rough, He hath said, and He is faithful— ' Is His promise not enough? He hath said that thou shalt triumph—' Shalt thou then be- overthrown ? He hath said He will be with thee__ Shall He leave thee then alone? He hath said He careth for thee— Shall He not thy need supply? He hath said He Ioveth ever— Shall He slight thy faintest sigh? Hush! His word abideth faithful, Changeless ever shall endure; Yesterday, today, forever, All His promises are sure! Weary soul, be not downhearted! Courage take and faith renew— God’s own promise faileth never— He hath said, and He will do! Why has this symbol, which originally was a barbarity and stood for slavery and contempt, become such a mark of honor? . . . It is the death of Jesus Christ that has transformed that symbol of shame into a thing of glory. In human language no word has been more glorified, and yet no word has been so misused and applied to trifles. W e speak of our “ crosses,” refer­ ring to some of the trivial vexations of daily experience. But the word -“ cross” never occurs in the plural in the New Testament. There is only one cross that matters, and that the cross of the Saviour o f the world.— A . S t . J ohn T horpe . “ I take, O' cross, thy shadow For my abiding place . . APRIL 10 Working for the Future ‘'Whatsoever a man sovieth, that shall he also reap” ('Gal. 6:7). A famous painter was well known for the careful manner in which he went about his work. When some one .asked him why he took such pains, he replied: “ Because I am painting for eternity.” It is a solemn thing to think that the future will be the harvest of the present— that my condition, in my dying hour may depend upon my ac­ tions today.—D. L. M oody . “ To this end was I born, and for this cause came 1 into the world” (John 18:37). Dr. Horace Bushnell wrote these great words: “ God has a definite plan for every human being; girding him, visibly or in­ visibly, for some exact thing, which it will be the true significance and the glory of his life to have accomplished.” Let one once come profoundly to believe that, and one’s service will become definite and dy­ namic, whether it be at home or abroad, whether it be much or little, whether it be public or obscure, whether it be alone — E. M argaret C larkson . APRIL 9 Suffering and Glory ‘ God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Gal. 6:14). APRIL 11 A Definite Purpose

Over twenty years ago Mr. and Mrs. Anglin, pictured below, founded this great faith work, the largest Christian orphan­ age in the Orient. Their sole reliance has been in the prom­ ises of the Saviour and the mercies of the Father. Their hands have been upheld by thousands of earnest Christians sharing their prayers and means in this ministry. May the Holy Spirit move you to join in this good work before the Lord returns and it is too late to rescue the millions in China who do not know Jesus as Saviour. T H O U S A N D S S A V E D

“ A most worthy Work. I want to help you,” writes one loving friend. You too can help however humble by reading and helping distribute the literature of the Home and by pur­ chasing fancy work and handcraft made by the children of the Home. Write today for illustrated catalog of “ Home Handcraft” and other merchandise. Preach the Gospel— Minister to the Needy Efficiently and effectively in the midst of war tom China the Home proclaims the Kingdom. If they could see the present need surely every Christian would do everything possible to win these helpless little ones for Christ. Free booklet, "Helping China's Helpless" sent on request. Write today. O N E S 1PH O RU S AM E R I C A N O F F I C E : 2811 N. Racine Ave., Drawer il, Chicago, III. 9 1%DmH ot K now ! ▼ In a recent test o f high school students only 9 % (1,659 out o f 18,434) were able to name three O ld Testament Prophets. 80 % did not know the first king o f the Hebrew nation. 69% did not know how many books were in the Bible. The answers o f those attending Sunday School were only 5% better than o f those not attending. Doesn’t this show the crying need o f teaching MORE BIBLE in the Sunday School? G * v G jcC e jcL S & v L e s CLARENCE H. BENSON, Editor-In-Chief This how famous series o f Sunday School lessons teaches Bible—More Bible—ALL BIBLE. Its source and ending is the holy W ord o f God. It is,n7to make every teacher a real Bible Educator and every pupil a real Bible Student,

HOM E o f

PRAISE HIM “ W e like the A ll Bible Lessons better each week. Praise the Lord for them."—Pa. A gospel message in every one."—-N. Y. Far ahead o f any courses I have ever seen."—Kan. p “ Greatblessing."— Pa. Biblically sound and fundamental."—La. “ Makes teaching a pleasure.**—Can. Can never go back to pupil-centered les­ sons." —Miss.

Expanded curriculum, simplified and revised, covers 15 years. The new Young People — Teacher Training Course constitutes the pre­ liminary training course o f the Evangelical Teacher Training Association — how better than as trained teachers can you weld young people into the working life o f the Church? IS THE BIBLE WORTH TEACHING? Many Church schools substitute an ethical — cultural methodology" for the Bible. They put pedagogy and philosophy above simple Bible truth. Here is a course that answers every need. Graded by departments to main- « in h'Krest, correlate worship, and stimulate expression. Try All Bible Graded Series in your school and discover itspower to stir up zeal that flows from the Word o f God. THE SCRIPTURE PRESS Dept. KB 800 N. Clark St., Chicago, 111.


* THE SCRIPTURE PRESS j 800 N. Clark Street, Chicago, 111., Dept. KB

Send 10cents toward postage for free sam­ ple copies (previous quarters — specify departments) also compendium o f 780 lessons. If current manuals are wanted regular price applies. Teachers’ 25c, pu­ pils’ 10c. Write today.

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