King's Business - 1938-03

March, 1938

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


O u r Literature Table

Christ in His Suffering By K. SCHILDER

Goforth o f China By ROSALIND GOFORTH

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Here is a monument of modern Christian litera­ ture. Few spiritual writers are capable of pro­ ducing profundity of theological truth and effica­ cious devotion, combined in a palatable form, but this writer is eminently able to do so. The Scrip­ tural penetration of this unusual mind and spirit will challenge the most informed student of the Word, and nourish the humble believer. As the Suffering Messiah, the Lord Jesus moves through the agonizing scenes of His Passion with divine majesty and compelling love. His perfect work as Prophet, Priest, and future King, as powerfully portrayed in this work, leads the reader to the throne room of salvation where Christ sits jn en­ hanced worth and merit as the Saviour of sinners. Beautifully translated from the Dutch, this volume is destined to gain wide favor in English-speaking countries, even as it has since its publication in the Netherlands in 1929 by the honored native author. 467 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Cloth. Price $3.00. Resurrection: Myth or Miracle By R. D. JOHNSTON After outlining the false theories^ of resurrection (swoon, myth, hallucination, and spirit), the author delineates convincingly and in detail the internal and external evidences of the Scriptural resurrec­ tion record. He closes with an analytical recital of resurrection fruits for the believer. The book well earns an outstanding position in the field of Christian evidences and in the realm of devotional reading. 128 pages. John Ritchie, Ltd. Cloth. Price 80 cents. Our Lord By WILLIAM CHILDS ROBINSON With thorough scholarship and trenchant pen, the author points to Christy who is affirmed by many witnesses to be the^ illimitable God ^enhumanized. The book abounds in material in history of doc­ trine in the field of Trinitarianism, especially Christology. The 'contribution will be of value to all readers interested in logical arguments concisely developed in defense of the living Christ and His saving message. 239 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Cloth. Price $2.00. The Jew and the Passion for Palestine By KEITH L. BROOKS From the pen of the Editor^ of “ Prophecy Monthly” comes a prophetic analysis of the Jewish problem and of world Anti-Semitic trends. These developments are pointed out as being portents of the time of Jacob’s trouble. The author’s sources of information are world-wide, and the multi­ tudinous quotations are well documented. The book is indispensable to those who would keep thoroughly abreast of the Jewish problem, which is the key to the “ times and seasons,” in light of the “ more sure word of prophecy.” 100 pages. Zondervan Pub­ lishing House. Cloth. Price $1.00. Breaking into the Movies By LEONARD EILERS Having been a cowboy in Wyoming, the writer of this autobiography decided to try his “ fortune” in the movie industry in Hollywood. After many discouragements, trials, and the experience of actual poverty, he finally found a place for himself there. Providentially, he came in contact with vital Chris­ tians, and realized that his life in the movie world was inconsistent w'ith a pure Christian testimony. A mighty conflict of soul resulted in his leaving the movies for a life of service for the Lord Jesus Christ. Since that time he has been “ riding the range” for God, seeking those who have gone astray. His ministry has been definitely blessed of the Lord. 83 pages. Round Up for God Pub­ lication, 124 North Florence Street, Burbank, Calif. Paper. Price 50 cents. Not chapters, but “ Pictures,” are the structural means chosen by this eminent Norwegian writer fov the setting forth of nine gospel characters. Pre­ pared “ to reach seeking souls, pagan and Chris­ tian,” the book has the same vividness, clarity, and convincingness that mark the author’s earlier definitive work, What Is Christianity? 150 pages. Augsburg Publishing House. Cloth. Price $1.00. Darda By EyELYN McFARLANE McCLUSKY For a neighbor to whom the Bible did not “ seem real,” Mrs. McClusky wrote this charming narra­ tive which leads steadily and surely to the cross of Christ. The neighbor responded, “ How could I have doubted!” And others, reading the story, also have been led to Him, for the book abounds in the use of the Word of God. It is an imagina­ tive story set in the times of our Lord’s earthly life. 86 pages. Miracle Book Club, 1423 Bissell Avenue, Richmond, Calif. Art Paper. Price 75 cents. God-Controlled Lives By SVERRE NORBORG

The reading of biography is always stimulating. The reading of a well-written biography of a man of God like Jonathan Goforth is spiritually re­ freshing. Mrs. Rosalind Goforth has rendered the cause of Christ a real service in producing this excellent book concerning her husband. Dr. Goforth was a missionary with a vision. He found God’s program for his life and lived it out. His min­ istry was exceedingly fruitful. God used him to kindle revival fires in many parts of China. He was indeed a Spirit-filled man with a passion for souls. Thank God for his consecrated life and dynamic ministry, and thank God for this inter­ esting and inspiring portrayal of a life wholly dedicated to God! The key to Dr. Goforth’s life is found in the words spoken to the young woman who became his companion and coworker for life: “ Will you give me your promise that always you will allow me to put my Lord and His work first, even before you?” 364 pages. Zondervan Pub­ lishing House. Cloth. Price $2.00—P. W. R. The Heavenly Home By PAUL W. ROOD In this booklet, the President of the Bible Insti­ tute of Los Angeles deals with the realities of heaven: a definite place of beauty, order, and harmony; a place inhabited by the redeemed, who know each other and share in the joy of holy activity. The work combines a call to the sinner to^ prepare for heaven, with consolation for the saint: “ Let not your heart be troubled.” It is a Scriptural antidote to present-day materialism and skepticism. 19 pages. Zondervan Publishing House. Paper. Price 15 cents. Can the World Be Evangelized in a Decade? By PAUL W. ROOD In this address, delivered at the seventh annual rally of the Christian Business Men’s Committee, at the Civic Opera House, Chicago, January 17, 1938, the President ^of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles enunciates in bell-clear tones a challenge which_ will be heard across the nation. The af­ firmative answer also includes a workable program for the actualization of the Great Commission: understand the message, envision its scope, awaken to the privilege, claim the promise, and behold the urgency. Pastors will find that the Holy Spirit may use this booklet to change the whole emphasis of their ministry to the end that the pews will be filled and men and women will find the Lord. 15 pages. Biola Book Room, 560 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. Paper. Price 10 cents. “ Personalized” Christian Literature By NORMAN B. HARRISON Continually making a “ personalized” appeal to the reader, Dr. Harrison presents salvation truth and victorious life teaching with simple directness in the brief and artistic booklets published by the Harrison Service, Bloomington-Lake Station, Minne­ apolis, Minn. Most recent are two new booklets initiating the “ Dime” Series of devotional mes­ sages. Booklet 1 is entitled “ ‘Belonging’ (to a Person),” and Booklet 2 is “ ‘Pleasing’ (a Per­ son).” “ The Way of Life,” at 5 cents for two copies, is an excellent leaflet for distribution by personal workers, and “ The Gospel of John,” a booklet priced at 25 cents, is a manual for indi­ vidual or class study of John’s Gospel. One Hundred Lessons in the Bible By AULORA R. McINTYRE These lessons consist mainly of sets of thought- provoking questions on designated portions of Scrip­ ture in the Old Testament, the Gospels, and the Acts, which show God’s revealed plan for man and the world. The Bible teacher will find them to be of great help in testing the class as to the thoroughness of their study. 56 pages. Faithful Words Publishing Co., 150CM2 California Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Paper. Price 25 cents. The Resurrection o f the Human Body By NORMAN H. CAMP. Problems and proofs of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the dead of earth are consistently dealt with in this small but instructive volume. Much Scriptural evidence is educed to verify the eternal fact of a literal, bodily resurrection of the just and the unjust. One portion is devoted to the exposure of cult fallacies regarding this foundation stone of the Christian faith. As the bright prospect for the believer who may be under triaT in this present evil world, resurrection with Christ in glory^ is presented as an approaching and blessed reality. 127 pages. Bible Institute Colportage Ass’n. Cloth. Price 75 cents.

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