
Winchester District Memorial Hospital Foundation Christmas Wish Tree 2012

How the Program Works Step 1: Write the name of the person(s) you wish to commemorate on the curved line below each ornament. Step 2: Complete the Donation Card at the bottom of this page. Step 3: Include the Donation Card, your gift and one of the ornaments in an envelope (keep one ornament for your tree). Step 4: Return the envelope to the WDMH Foundation before December 26 to ensure that our sponsors double your gift! We will proudly display your ornament on our special Christmas Wish Tree, located in the lobby of the Winchester District Memorial Hospital, from November 12 to January 12. There are many people who may have touched your life in some way. We invite you to make a donation to the WDMH Foundation in their memory or honour – a parent, husband, wife, sister, brother, doctor, health care provider, neighbour, colleague or a veteran.

Matching from November 14-20

Matching from November 21-27 , Findlay Creek/Osgoode

*Locations accept donations

“In memory of our dear residents who have passed on.”

*Location accepts donations , Russell *Location accepts donations

Matching from December 5-11

*Location accepts donations

Matching from November 28-December 4

*Location accepts donations , South Mountain , Morrisburg *Location accepts donations

“In memory of our Brother and Partner, Pat Chambers.”

*Scotiabank locations accept donations , Chesterville/Avonmore

Matching from December 19-25

Matching from December 12-18

The above sponsors will be matching your Christmas Wish Tree gifts, dollar for dollar, up to the amounts indicated above. We encourage you to drop off your donations in person at any of the businesses indicated*, during their normal operating hours. Alternately, you may always drop off or mail in your donation to the WDMH Foundation. All donations, regardless of when or where they are received, will be matched as identified. Please support these community-minded businesses this holiday season, as they have so generously committed to increasing the impact of your Christmas Wish Tree gifts through their participation.

Addresses of Matching Gift Partners Accepting Donations**

Russell Meadows S ti b k R ll co a an , usse Scotiabank, Osgoode Scotiabank, Morrisburg WDMH Foundation

Scotiabank, Chesterville S ti b k Fi dl C k co a an , n ay ree

475, Church St., Russell 1116 C i St R ll oncess on ., usse 5677 Main St., Osgoode 37 Main St., Morrisburg 566 Louise St., Winchester

5 Main St., Chesterville

4760 B k St Fi dl C k an ., n ay ree

Scotiabank, South Mountain 10619 Main St., South Mountain

Scotiabank, Avonmore

3287 Main St., Avonmore ** Donation boxes will be available at the above locations from November 1- January 1

If you prefer, you can obtain cardboard ornaments and donation forms (with envelopes) at the above sponsors who are accepting donations.

Donation card

Yes, I want to make a gift of (amount): in memory/ in honour of (name): Your relationship to the commemorated: Your name:

Enclosed is my cheque payable to the WDMH Foundation.

I prefer to use Visa MC

Email: Phone: Address:

Card #

Expiry date: Name on card:

Address must be complete & legible in order to receive your official income tax receipt. City/Town: Postal code: Yes, send me quarterly-e-updates from WDMHF


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