King's Business - 1951-01

.entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple (Psa. 119:130)



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T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S

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¡R eculer ì/^eciction Children Use It We all enjoy reading your fine maga­ zine and don’t like to be without it. The children use it for their youth work and find good helps in it. T illman H. L ehman Geneva, ,Ind. Migrant Work In the September issue I read the article on America’s Jericho Road. My heart went out to these people, and we have been praying for them. I have clothing my children have out­ grown, but still good. Is there any way they could be given to them through one of the missionaries? M rs . L. L argent .Tujunga, Calif. Enjoys Question Box I would like to say that Dr. Talbot’s Question Box in The King’s Business is.well worth the price of the magazine. And also that Dr. Louis S. Bauman’s articles are priceless. Every one brings us nearer to our Heavenly Father and to His Son Jesus Christ our Saviour. Thank you. L innie M. H olbrook Chula Vista, Calif. Easy to Understand I enjoy every word of your won­ derful magazine. Every word is care­ fully chosen and meaningful. Thank God for the inspiration and education you give to your readers. It is such easy reading, and easy to understand. | May God bless your work, to His glory. Thanking you and praying for each worker of yours, in Christ’s name. M rs . E. A. T homy Acushnet, Montana Agrees With Dr. Bauman A number of my fellow ministers do not believe in the premillennial return of the Lord, and these are fiery proponents of the popular doc­ trine espousing the “ Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of man.” Is it not true that when men deny the simple teaching of the Scriptures that it is then that error gets its foothold? I must agree with Dr. Bauman when he says “ that to deny the premillennial return of the Lord in the face of all the Scripture has to say about it is mighty dangerous business.” Enjoying the periodical im­ mensely. S tephen G. M argush Altoona, Pa. J A N U A R Y , 1 9 5 1


Official Publication of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated

Louis T. Talbot, D.D.

Betty Bruechert Managing Editor

William W. Orr, D.D.

Editor in Chief

Associate Editor

Copyright, 1951, The King’s Business No part of this magazine may be reproduced unthout permission. All Rights Reserved. Vol. 42 January, 1951 No. I NEW YEAR NUMBER Editorially Speaking......................................................................... .. 4 The Press and the Christian World................................................... 5 Dr. Talbot’s Question Box..................................................................... 6 Love, Courtship and Marriage, William W. Orr ................................ 7 A New Leaf, Poem, Kathleen Wheeler..... ......................................... 8 Which is Right—Sunday or Saturday? Oswald J. Smith .................. 9 Christian Warrior, Poem, Martha Snell Nicholson .......................... 9 Talking Footprints in the Sands o f Old Testament History, Ralph B ell. ........ .................................................................................. 10 The Bible in the News, William W. Orr .............................................. 11 Biola Family Circle ............................................................................... 12 What the Bible Says About Your Speech, Calvin T. Ryan ................ 13 Tarry Here and Watch, Douglas C. Hartley ........................................ 14 Christ’s Coming Glory and Ours, Merrill F. Unger ............................ 15 His Unhindered Flow, Poem, Blanton W. J o n e s ............................. 16 Junior King’s Business, Martha S. Hooker: Peggy’s Secret Resolution, Rachael Borne ................................................................. 17 Bible Quiz, Vernon Howard ......................... 18 Book Reviews............................................................. 19 Biolans in India................................................. 22 Young People’s Topics, Walter L. W ilson .......................................... 23 Sunday School Lesson, Homer A. Kent, Allison Arrowood .............. 27 Object Lessons, Elmer L. Wilder ......................................................... 33 Picture Credits: Cover and p. 8, Eva Luoma, Weirton, W. Va.; p. 10, Kenneth Esselstrom, La Crescenta, Calif.; p.13, Ransom Marvin, Sprague, Wash.; p. 15, Gedge Harmon, Moores Hill, Ind.; p. 17, Adeline Gordon, Los Angeles, Calif. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION— “The King’s Business” is published monthly; $2.00, one year; $1.00, six months; 20 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES— Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to “The King’s Business.” Date of expiration will show plainly on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING—For information, address the Advertising Manager, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS— “The King’s Business” cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, Cali­ fornia, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, embodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P. L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. ADDRESS: The King’s Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California. Page Three

sonal return of the Son of God for those who are His. Of this day and hour knows no man, no, not the angels in heaven; therefore no one can fore­ tell the exact time. However, through God’s Word we do know the signs which point to the nearness of this event, and all these signs are present on today’s horizon. Many godly men are agreed that 1951 looks more like the year of Christ’s return than any year since He went away. If this be so, then what manner of men and women ought we to be? Let us put to the very best use every ounce of our strength, every moment of our time, every beat of our hearts. Even so, come Lord Jesus! Louis S. Bauman — Present With Christ I N the December issue of The King’s Business magazine appeared the last of a series of articles from the pen of Dr. Louis S. Bauman, for many years a warm and cherished friend of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and a contributor to the col­ umns of this magazine. It is with a sense of deep personal loss that we inscribe upon our pages a final trib­ ute to the courage, faithfulness, stead­ fastness and ability of this servant of God. Louis S. Bauman was born on No­ vember 13, 1875, in Floyd County, Iowa, and went to be with Christ, November 8, 1950, in Washington, D. C. He entered the Christian min­ istry at the age of 17 years, being ordained in the Brethren Church. It was at the turn of the century that Dr. Bauman became the pastor of the First Brethren Church of Philadelphia, coming in the fall of 1912 to a small group in Long Beach, California. Out of a meeting which he held, a church was organized which he pastored for 34 fruitful years. At the time of his resignation in 1947, this small group had expanded to over 1800 members. Dr. Louis Bauman was one of God’s able servants, with many tal­ ents. He was truly a pastor to his own people but was also in great demand throughout the country as an evangelist. Each summer saw him busy with many conferences, and to each of these conferences he carried his unswerving loyalty to world-wide missionary interest. Another ministry which will continue to bring dividends for years to come is the influence of his writings. Author of a score of T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

of serving God, or the substitution of good things for the best. The growing good must of necessity be that work which has the Lord Jesus Christ as its center, and the performance of the sole will of God as its aim. 1951 will undoubtedly also show additional adaptation of the land of Israel to its new inhabitants. More displaced Jews will find a home—- more money will be invested in that ancient land. The government will be­ come stronger and the economic sys­ tem will be more sound. Perhaps new mineral wealth will be uncovered and new formulae developed to salvage chemical treasures. The land will continue to blossom as the rose. 1951 may also bring the dissolution of the United Nations into two groups, one comprising the Western Nations and one including the Soviet Empire and its satellites. Both of these great coalitions will strengthen themselves, and from each will emerge a very strong character who is to dominate endtime events. Bible students will identify these as the Antichrist and the Prince Gog. Christian people will continue to know times of difficulty and hardship, which however will never be too dif­ ficult nor too hard, God always pro­ viding a way of escape. God’s children will continue to feel the power of Christ exhibited in their dedicated lives and the comfort of the Ever­ lasting Arms in times of need. Mis­ sionaries will continue to go forth through open doors that God Himself keeps open. Souls will continue to be saved and the Word will be preached. Of these things we are certain. There is one event which could hap­ pen in 1951 and, oh, what joy our hearts would know were this event to take place! It, of course, is the per­

1 9 5 1— By The Grace Of God A S many editors did, when the time came to write these words, we looked back over the editorial pages of January 1950, to see what had been written. There we read that the unfolding of the New Year could bring with it joy or sorrow, peace or war, but that one thing was certain: we were drawing much nearer to that greatest of all events when God Him­ self should step into the human pic­ ture and bring to pass that chain of events leading to the glorious consum­ mation of the Son of God’s enthrone­ ment over the kingdoms of this world. Now 1951 is here, and looms before us. What will it bring ? Several things seem sure to come. First of all there will be either actual war or the un­ nerving, fearful uncertainty of it. We have searched the Bible through care­ fully, asking ourselves: does the Scripture point to the type of world war of which our political prophets have spoken—an all-out, bitter, world- encircling and city-flattening type of war with fatalities numbering in the tens of millions rather than in the hundreds of thousands? We find no­ where in Scripture the indication that God will allow men to absolutely destroy themselves. Do not misunder­ stand. 1951 will probably be filled with little wars, skirmishes, disagree­ ments between nations, the building up of more destructive engines of warfare and, saddest of all perhaps, many deaths—but not a world war. 1951 may also bring the continued paradox of growing evil along with growing good, not that it must needs be of the blatant, brutal, obscene type. Evil can be the indifference of re­ spectable people, the deliberate choice of several charitable objects in place Page Four

Minneapolis, Minnesota; Dr. Harry Rimmer, President, Research Science Bureau, Santa Monica, California; Dr. 0. Vansteenberghe, Co-Director, Belgian Gospel Mission, Inc., Phila­ delphia, Pa.; Dr. John F. Walvoord, Assistant to the President, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas. The Press and The Christian W o r ld Radio Bible Talks Mutual Broadcasting Company has invited Dr. Francis C. Stifler of the American Bible Society to give a serious of nine talks on the Bible over the coast-to-coast network. In January the subjects will b e : January 2, “ The Bible Through the Centuries;” January 9, “ Reading the Bible;” Jan­ uary 16, “ Living the Bible;” January 23, “ Sharing the Bible;” and January 30, “ The Bible in Communist China.” More Television The Word of Life program broad­ cast by Jack Wyrtzen in New York City has recently opened another key television station on the ABC Net­ work and will be heard over WJZ-TV every Saturday night from 11:15 to 11:45. Saturday night at this time is an excellent time to reach the crowds in the world’s largest city. Many Christian leaders feel very strongly that the churches are not taking ad­ vantage of the amazing opportunities offered by the television medium. Interdenominational Foreign Missions Lansing, Michigan, was the scene of the annual meeting of the Inter­ denominational Foreign Mission As­ sociation of North America, repre­ senting more than 144 missionaries working in all the major mission fields of the world. This Association now has world coverage and the represen­ tatives touched every phase o f mis­ sionary activities. Dr. Ralph T. Davis was elected president for the current year. 1 Sunday School Convention Last November saw the fifth In­ ternational Sunday School Convention held in Philadelphia’s Town Hall, sponsored by the National Sunday School Association and the Evangelical Teacher Training Association. The meetings were marked by a deep sense of spiritual unity although more than thirty denominations were represent­ ed. The 1951 Convention will probably be held in Detroit.

governs in the Affairs o f Men! And if a Sparrow cannot fall to the Ground without His Notice, is it probable that an Empire can rise without His Aid? We have been as­ sured, Sir, in the Sacred Writings, that ‘except the Lord build the House, they labor in vain that build it.” I firmly believe this;—and I also be­ lieve that without His concurring Aid we shall succeed in this political Building no better than the Builders of Babel. We shall be divided by our little partial local Interests, our Proj­ ects will be confounded and we our­ selves shall become a Reproach and a Byeword down to future Ages. And what is worse, Mankind may here­ after, from this unfortunate instance, despair of establishing Government by human Wisdom, and leave it to Chance, War or Conquest. “ I therefore beg leave to move, “ That henceforth Prayers, implor­ ing the Assistance of Heaven, and its Blessings on our Deliberation, be held in this Assembly every Morning before we proceed to Business; and that one or more of the Clergy of this City be requested to officiate in that Service.” You may recognize the above as the Benjamin Franklin motion for pray­ ers in the Constitutional Convention held at Philadelphia 164 years ago, in the year 1787. We wonder if truer words or more timely have ever been spoken. 1951 Torrey Memorial Bible Conference C HRISTIAN people in Southern California are reminded of the feast of spiritual good things that will be theirs at the 16th Annual Torrey Memorial Bible Conference to be held beginning Sunday, January 14, and continuing through Sunday, January 21. Meetings will be held in the audi­ torium of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and the Church of the Open Door, also in the Lincoln Avenue Presbyterian Church, Pasadena; First Baptist Church, Montebello; First Brethren Church, Long Beach. The following speakers will bring mes­ sages on the general theme: “ Behold I Come Quickly”—Dr. Paul R. Bau­ man, Executive Vice President, Grace Theological Seminary, Winona Lake, Indiana; Dr. E. B. Jones, Executive Director, Religious Analysis Service, Minneapolis, Minnesota; Rev. J. Ar­ thur Mouw, missionary to Borneo, Glendale, California; Dr. Paul S. Rees, Pastor, First Covenant Church,

well-known books, Dr. Bauman seemed to specialize in calling the attention of the Christian public to the great prophetic signs of the times. To Mrs. Retta Virginia Bauman, his beloved widow, and to Dr. Paul R. Bauman, Executive Vice President of Grace Theological Seminary, the en­ tire staff of the Bible Institute ex­ tends deep sympathy. But we rejoice with them over the spiritual life of this godly man of whom it could truly be said: he has fought a good fight, he has finished his course, and he has kept the faith. A Suggestion To Governments ® HE small Progress we have made after 4 or 5 weeks close Attend­ ance and continual Reasoning with each other, our different Sentiments on almost every Question, several of the last producing as many Noes as Ayes is methinks a melancholy Proof of the Imperfection of the Human Under­ standing. We indeed seem to feel our own Want of political Wisdom, since we have been running all about in search of it. We have gone back to ancient History for Models of Gov­ ernment, and examin’d the different Forms of those Republicks which, having been originally form’d with the Seeds of their own Dissolution, now no longer exist. And we have view’d modern States all round Eu­ rope, but find none of the Constitu­ tions suitable to our Circumstances. “ In this Situation of this Assembly, groping, as it were in the dark, to find Political Truth, and scarce able to distinguish it when presented to us, how has it happened, Sir, that we have not hitherto once thought of humbly applying to the Father of Lights to illuminate our Understand­ ings? In the Beginning of the Contest with Britain, when we were sensible o f Danger, we had daily Prayers in this Room for the Divine Protection. Our Prayers, Sir, were heard,—and they were graciously answered. All of us, who were engaged in the struggle, must have observ’d frequent instances of a superintending Providence in our favour. To this kind Providence we owe this happy Opportunity of Con­ sulting in Peace on the Means of establishing our future national Felicity. “ And have we now forgotten that powerful Friend—or do we imagine we no longer need its Assistance! I have liv’d, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live the more convincing Proofs I see of this Truth,—that God

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He it was who commanded that the burnt offering, the sin offering, and all the offerings should be made by sinful people, manifesting their faith in the coming Redeemer. The Lord Himself caused these shadows to pass away, filling them full. In Colossians 2:14-17 the Sabbath is given as one of the shadows of good “ things to come; but the body is of Christ.” I realize the Bible teaches that there are three persons in the Tri­ une Godhead. Am I to understand that the Trinity is a composite per­ sonality? I hope you can make this plain to me. The Bible clearly teaches the doc­ trine of the Trinity, but nowhere does it explain the Trinity. There are some things above reason, and the doctrine of the Trinity is one of them. I think the expression God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit is somewhat misleading, though many Christians use it in all reverence for the Triune God; But this would imply that there are three Gods; whereas there are not three Gods, but three persons in one God. A better expression would be: God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Of course, all this is beyond our comprehension. If man’s mind could comprehend the doctrine o f the Trin­ ity, Christ would doubtless have ex­ plained it to His disciples. He had the opportunity of doing so when Philip asked, “ Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us” (John 14:8). But Jesus did not explain how He could be one with the Father, and yet say that He was going to the Father. He threw Philip back on faith. And we accept this eternal truth on faith, because God has stated it definitely and oft-repeatedly in His Word.. After all, ours is a super­ natural (above the natural) belief. And that is where faith enters into the Christian religion. We may be­ lieve what we cannot explain; and we may apprehend what we cannot comprehend. The Bible doctrine of the Trinity is very clear. I have a Jewish friend who ac­ cepted the doctrine of the Trinity after a' study of the Hebrew word for God in Genesis 1:1. There we read, “ In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” In the original Hebrew the word for God is Elohim, a uni-plural noun; the verb created is in the singular. Thus, even from the very first verse of the Bible, the Trinity is set forth as one God. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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2. They were ignorant of the Scrip­ tures. They were so eager for Christ to set up His kingdom on earth that they overlooked the numerous proph­ ecies that pointed on to the cross, hoping rather for the immediate ful­ fillment o f the even more numerous promises of the reigning Messiah— all found in their Old Testament Scriptures. The New Testament, of course, was not then written. (Com­ pare Luke 24:25-27, 44, 45; 1 Peter 1 : 10 , 11 .) 3. Again, their personal love for the Lord made them shudder at the thought of His being crucified. However, at the close of His public ministry the disciples did seem to understand, in a measure, because in Matthew 24:1-3 we find them ask­ ing questions in regard to His return to the earth. When the Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost, their eyes were fully opened; and they preached sal­ vation through faith in Christ’s death and resurrection. Who will stand before “ the great white throne ? The wicked dead—all who have re­ jected the Lord Jesus Christ—will stand before the great white throne, where the books will be opened and it will be proved to them that their names are not written in the Lamb’s book of life.” (See Rev. 20:1-15.) There they will be judged, and pun­ ishment will be meted out to them, also “ according to their works.” In other words, there will be degrees of punishment in hell, according to the light and opportunity they have had. Did Christ not make the Sabbath Day? I have heard you say that He made all things. If so, why do you disannul what He has made? In the first place, I did not disannul the Sabbath, or any other Old Testa­ ment shadows which the Lord Him­ self has fulfilled and done away. He did make the Sabbath, just as He made the other shadows. He it was who commanded that the paschal lamb should be offered, a type of Christ, “ the Lamb o f God, which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29).

Dr. Louis T. Talbot

We often hear it said that babies are innocent. Were Adam and Eve in­ nocent? Adam and Eve were the only human beings who were ever innocent. We may say that babies are innocent, but it is not true. Babies are undeveloped. Adam and Eve were innocent; that is they had a will, but before the tempta­ tion, they had no opportunity to exer­ cise it, either one way or the other. God allowed the temptation, that they might exercise their will Godward, and thus become righteous. Had they done this, they would have been permitted to eat of the tree of life, and thus live forever beyond the possibility of sin. They failed in the test by exercising their will in the direction of unrighte­ ousness. God is the God of grace, as well as righteousness. The sinful state of man gave Him the opportunity of showing His grace through His match­ less plan of redemption. When were the disciples converted? Before or after Christ died? If be­ fore, why did they not understand when He told them that He was to be crucified? They were converted before Ghrist died, some through the preaching of John the Baptist when he said, “ Be­ hold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world” . (John 1:29). Then, too, Christ told them to rejoice because their names were written in heaven (Luke 10:20). There are several reasons why they did not understand when He told them He was to be crucified: 1. The human mind is very dull and slow to grasp spiritual things, and the disciples were no exception. Page Six

First In a Series of Articles on the Problems of Young People

laws of love and life only misery fol­ lows. Now God is interested in all His creatures. He desires that His world should run smoothly. To this end He has enacted laws, kind laws, good laws (Psa. 19:7). Obedience to these laws brings health and happiness. Disre­ gard of these laws adds up to dis­ satisfaction, sorrow, disappointment, sickness and even death. But while God is concerned about all mankind, He has a very special interest in “ some.” These are His children by faith. You can easily un­ derstand that. But, you 'say, are not all the children of God? No, in no wise. Rather the truth is that all by nature are children of sin and Satan (Rom. 3:9-20). Ever since that fate­ ful day when our first parents chose to disobey a loving God, and crimi­ nally followed their own desires, men have been children of wrath. This takes us all in (Rom. 3:23). But the sinful, sorrowful condition of the world is just the background for God’s “ love story.” The story goes on to say that God, seeing the need of lost mankind, did something about it. In the fullness of time He sent His own dear Son to take the sinner’s penalty (John 3:17; 1 Pet. 2:24). That was more than nineteen long centuries ago. Born of a virgin mother, Jesus Christ lived a beauti­ ful, spotless, exemplary life (Luke 1:26-38; Acts 10:38). His deeds were unique and incomparable. His words exhibited the wisdom of Heaven. His love and compassion were as the water of life to thirsty souls. Abso­ lutely no sin was found in Him. He was a Man among men, most wonder­ ful!

&-this is quite possible. It’s been tried and proved times without num­ ber. God has proved Himself faithful to others, and He will not fail you, if . . . there is an “ if” to it. But not a nullifying if, nor an insurmount­ able if. Rather it’s a helpful if. And the purpose of these articles is to ex­ plain all about it. God Has Written a Text on “ Love” In our world there is a great liter­ ary marvel. It’s a Book wholly differ­ ent from all other books. It’s infinite­ ly wise, fully inerrant, able to coun­ sel, packed with rich treasure, living and powerful (2 Tim. 3:15, 16; Psa. 19:10; Heb. 4:12). The Book is the Bible, God’s Book. Honest men of all ages have solemnly declared that the Scriptures are indelibly, undeniably stamped with the imprimatur of di­ vine authorship. This Book is a universal authority on love (1 John 4 :8 ). That’s not dif­ ficult to figure out. For in the begin­ ning it was God who fashioned man’s amazingly intricate body, and breathed into man’s nostrils the breath of hu­ man life (Gen. 2 :7 ). Surely man’s Creator is the One best fitted to sug­ gest how he may live happily and suc­ cessfully. The God who is in Himself love, surely ought to know love’s mys­ teries. Happy is that person who fol­ lows God’s love principles. On the other hand, the real reason why there is so much heartache and hatred in the world, is simply that some have willfully ignored God’s wis­ dom to senselessly pursue their own lustful folly. When one forgets God’s

Let’ s Chat About Love ’n Things Y OU love someone, don’t you? Everyone does. So this makes you eligible to read this article, because it’s written for all lovers, young and old—but especially young ones. Our theme is an important one too, make no mistake. After the all-impor­ tant subject of one’s eternal relation­ ship to God, the matter of love and human relationship follows next. Es­ pecially is this true in the choice of a life partner. In fact, so important are these choices that a wrong atti­ tude, or a wrong move could blight one’s entire life or cruelly rob it of its sweetness and usefulness. Now at the very beginning, let’s admit the inadequacy of human fore­ sight and the poverty of human wis­ dom. We just can’t see ahead. Nor can we seem to estimate the various contributing factors and consistently get the right answer. So, is there ho way to know? Must it be blind fate? Must love really be blind? No, no indeed, and again no. May I propose here a startling fact? Strange as it may seem, and unbelievable as it may appear, God is interested in you (Matt. 6:30). The same God who is at once the Creator of our vast universe, and the Maintainer of all things is not too busy to be concerned that your life might be happy (Matt. 11:28), purposeful, successful. Say, that’s good news, isn’t it? How then may you apply God’s wisdom to your problems? Ah, that’s the question. And that’s what we’re going to talk about. But let me insist J A N U A R Y , 1 9 5 1

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Then one day while the brilliant noon sun hid its face and the earth trembled, Jesus Christ gave Himself into the hands of cruel men to die on a cross of shame (John 10:17, 18). This was not only a natural death, you understand, but a supernatural one too, for Christ died to forever exhibit the saving love o f God for a lost, condemned world of men. The story doesn’t stop there either. They laid Him in a borrowed tomb. Three days after, He gloriously rose from the dead (Matt. 28 :5 ,6 ), thus dem­ onstrating the truth of what He had claimed, namely that He was able to save all that come unto God by Him. This then is God’s way to become His child. Believe this story about Jesus Christ. Believe it with all your heart. Receive Him, the crucified- buried-resurrected Christ into the very blood stream of your existence. Trust Him, depend upon Him, rely upon Him for your every need. He will never fail you. Your full accepta­ tion of God’s Son here and now opens the way for God to bring to pass in your heart and life the miracle of the new birth. This time it’s a spiritual birth, a birth into God’s own family. This is the process by which we be­ come a child of God, forever and for­ ever. With God now as our Father, we acquire One infinitely wise and su­ perbly able to help us in all the prob­ lems of life. Have you ever come to God—this way? And if not, will you . . . now?

earnestly with every beat of our heart. Everything in life then must be judged by whether or not it con­ tributes to God’s plan. Our friends, our ambitions, our pleasures, our love, our companionships must be judged on this basis. Nothing is to be tol­ erated which detracts. God’s plan is good—it’s the last word in wisdom, it’s the quintessence of success. It includes your love life, too. All right then, how can we know God’s plan? The only answer we can give to that is: to those who really want it, God will both reveal His plan, and work it out completely. But be assured of this, God's plan will be wholly in accord with the principles revealed in His Word, the Bible. So life and all that’s in it, including love, is to be measured by the principles of Scripture. Christian Love Is Different Before we go on to talk about spe­ cific things, let’s pause to get this straight. Christians just don’t belong to themselves any more. They belong to Christ—wholly, rightfully (1 Cor. 6:19,20). The rest of what we have to say just won’t make sense until this is understood. Let’s be absolutely honest. What was your actual con­ dition before you met Christ? The Scriptures soberly declare that un- ( Continued on Page 82)

Life Now Has a Purpose Here’s a startling, thrilling truth. God has a plan for your life (Matt. 28:18-20). Yes, the God o f eternity, the same One who brought this vast unmeasured universe into existence has a purpose for your life. His plan is a complete one, foolproof, detailed, definite and one of guaranteed suc­ cess (John 21:15-17). We’re certainly not able to plan our lives. We can’t even predict what’s going to happen twenty-four hours from now. - Our outlook is hopelessly limited, and our power of planning tragically inadequate. Very few peo­ ple can even plan a day successfully, not to mention planning a life. But our God is able. He fully knows the end from the beginning. He sees all, knows everything. Nor can anything take place in His world until He ap­ proves. But more than that. God’s plan for us is of the highest. He seeks our true success. Because we are Christians by faith in His Son, He desires that we be a credit to our name—and His. You see, we’re here for a purpose. Life has a reason to it. It’s a race to be run, with a victory to be won. So it’s folly of the grossest sort to miss God’s plan. For the Christian it spells bitter defeat, utter frustration. Con­ sequently we must desire God’s plan

- A Y L gig He came to my desk with quivering lip— The lesson was done. “ Dear Teacher, I want a new leaf,” he said, “ I have spoiled this one.” I took the old leaf, stained and blotted, And gave him a new one all unspotted, And into his sad eyes smiled, “ Do better, now, my child.” I went to the throne with a quivering soul— The old year was done. Dear Father, hast Thou a new leaf for me? I have spoiled this one.” He took the old leaf, stained and blotted, And gave me a new one all unspotted, And into my sad heart smiled, “ Do better, now, My child.” —-K athleen W heeler

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T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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... SUNDAY or SATURDAY? By Oswald J. Smith Toronto, Canada

W h ich

I N discussing this question, we can­ not use the Old Testament except for example and precept. Church doctrine is found only in the Scrip­ tures written after Pentecost. God commanded Israel to do many things that He never repeated to the church. Our sole authority therefore must be the New Testament, especially the Acts and the Epistles. We cannot ap­ ply the instructions given to the Jews to us. In the whole of the New Testament there is no command to keep the Sab­ bath. All the other commandments are repeated again and again, but the Sabbath commandment is not even mentioned. In enumerating the com­ mandments to the rich young ruler, Jesus never even referred to the Sab­ bath. Sabbath-breaking is never desig­ nated as a sin in the New Testament Scriptures. Jesus did not command His disciples to keep the Sabbath. In fact the Jews tried to kill Him because, according to their views, He himself had broken it (John 5:16-18). The Council at Jerusalem never even mentioned the Sabbath when telling Gentile converts what to do (Acts 15:19-29). The Epistles of Hebrews and James written to Israel make no reference whatever to the Sabbath. And Paul never hints at Sabbath­ keeping in any of his letters. Why then do the Seventh-Day Adventists insist upon keeping it? The word Sabbath occurs for the first time in Exodus 16:23. For 2000 years there was no reference to it. There is no record that the patriarchs ever heard o f it. In Nehemiah 9:13, 14 we have the statement, “ Thou . . . madest known unto them thy holy sabbath,” and in Ezekiel 20:12, “ I gave them my sabbaths.” Both of these announcements have to do with the days of Moses. In Genesis 2:1-3 it is stated that God rested on the seventh day, but that was not called the Sab­ bath. Let me state very emphatically that the Seventh-Day Adventists did not start keeping the Sabbath because of J A N U A R Y , 1 9 5 1

all ceremonial law was fulfilled in Christ and abolished, namely, eating (1 Tim. 4:4-5), circumcision (1 Cor. 7:18), and Sabbath-keeping (Col. 2:16-17). We are even warned against Sabbath-keeping in the New Testa­ ment. “ Let no man judge you in re­ spect of the sabbath days” (Col. 2:16, 17). Why then do the Seventh-Day Adventists pass judgment on those who do not keep it ? Paul urges a com­ plete break with Judaism along these lines. In Galatians 4:10, 11, he says: “Ye observe days . . . I am afraid for you.” In any case we are not saved by keeping the law, either moral or cere­ monial, but by trusting Christ. Works are but the evidence of salvation. The Bible says absolutely nothing about Sunday observance being the mark of the Beast, as Seventh-Day Adventists claim. The Pope did not change the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. The Council o f Laodicea merely confirmed that the Jewish Sab­ bath was not binding on Christians. Long before then the Church observed the first day. Saturday has always been the seventh day, and Exodus 20:10 states: “ But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God.” Saturday is therefore the Jewish Sab­ bath. Sunday is not the Sabbath. Sun­ day is the Lord’s Day. The Sabbath day has never been changed. “Why then,” ask the Adventists, “ did Paul go to the synagogue on the Sabbath day?” Simply because he went where the people were. It was in the syna­ gogue they congregated and it was on the Sabbath, and it was there he could give them the gospel. We are not commanded to keep Sun­ day. We do so willingly. First, because it commemorates the resurrection of our Lord. Second, because God com­ mands us to meet together, and since the early Christians met on the first day we follow their example. (Heb. 10:25; Acts 20:7). Why did they not meet on the Sabbath? Third, because John worshiped on that day, and so do we. The Sabbath was only for rest. (Continued on Page 22) Page Nine

anything the Bible has to say about it. Do not let them deceive you. Their ar­ guments were not based on the Word of God. Even Mrs. Ellen White, their founder, did not believe that the IN M E M O R IA M — LOU IS S. B A U M A N Christian Warrior Loose the sandals, drop the shield, Sheathe the sword, the battlefield— Its glorious victories won— is past, The warrior is Home at lastl Past, the blood, the sweat, the tears, Past, the long march of the years. Taps have sounded, sinks the sun; Weariness and strife are done. Lay the dented armor down; Now the victor's palms, the crown! Happy warrior, you shall be With the King eternally! Martha Snell Nicholson Written on the occasion of the death of Dr. Louis S. Bauman, whose encouragement some twenty-five years ago,1led the writer to devote her life to the writing of poetry. fourth commandment was binding. Her observance of the Sabbath, as well as that of her followers, was based purely and wholly upon a sup­ posed revelation which she claimed. She speaks o f it as a vision in which she saw the fourth commandment en­ circled by a halo of light, and it was only after that experience that she taught that it must be observed. Think of building a doctrine on the vision of a woman! Sabbath observance was a cere­ monial law. Moral law is for everyone. All know right and wrong, even the heathen. But no one could possibly know which day to keep until God re­ vealed it. The same is true of tithing, circumcision, and eating. These cere­ monial laws show that the Israelites were set apart (sanctified) from all other nations (Ex. 31:12, 13). Now


in the sands of O ld Testament History

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occasion to fall in his brother’s way” (Rom. 14: 13). No two people in Old Testament his­ tory ever cut a wider path in wicked­ ness and diabolical cunning than did Ahab and his wife Jezebel. So pro­ voking is the pattern they described that it can only magnify the grace of God for putting up with such behav­ ior. With vain ambitions and greedy hearts, they rode roughshod over the Lord’s inheritance having not the least feeling for the bruised and broken vic­ tims they left in their path. Blinded by loyalty to Baal and prodded on by Jezebel’s amoral urg- ings, Ahab rode out to the end of his road. Ruthlessly driving at a mad pace, and caring not a whit for the Lord or the warnings from His prophets, Ahab raced his chariot past God’s last red light and was broken to pieces. Jezebel’s gruesome end has been left as a solemn warning to all. To this day her name is a byword depicting the wretchedness of godless woman­ hood. Scripture has hung up their record as a warning for all to see, “ There was none like unto Ahab, which did sell himself to work wicked­ ness in the sight of the Lord, whom Jezebel his wife stirred up” (1 Ki. 21:25). One of the most notable actors on the stage is Pharaoh, the king of Egypt. His infamous demise shows that the higher we get the harder we may fall. He definitely set himself to fighting the revealed counsel of God. He resisted the miraculous de­ monstrations of power given by the Lord through Moses to show him God was calling. Desperately fighting God’s revealed will, Pharaoh lashed the backs of the (Continued on Page 20) T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

W E CAN thank God for the actors on the stage of Old Testament history. After giv­ ing us an invaluable performance,they have left “ footprints in the sands of time” that take the guess out of liv­ ing. And he who walks in these steps will come out at the same place as the one in whose tracks he puts his feet. There is no conjecture about it; each separate path always comes out at the same end. The stage of this theater is full of action and drama. Marching before us in plain view is a long procession of common people, of kings and queens, of prophets and false prophets, of tyrants, dictators and judges. If curi­ osity stirs our hearts to ponder where any particular road leads, the pageant of Old Testament history will give us the answer. Dressed in gala array, these real people pass before us by families, groups, kingdoms, nations, and leagues of nations. Scattered among the marchers are haters and lovers, sin­ ners and saints, godless and God-fear­ ing. But each of these has left foot­ prints that blueprint for us the end results of any road we may choose to take. We can be thankful for the record of the lives of David, Saul, Ahab, Jero­ boam, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Pharaoh and all the rest. If we take a lesson from their successes and failures, we will know how to win their happiness and miss their disappointments. We can learn from them without the bitter­ ness of personal experience. Through them, we can live by proxy. King Saul is a great teacher. From him we can learn more of what we should not do and be than we can of what we should do and be. Soon after Page Ten

he took over the throne jealousy took over his heart. Its evil bent shriveled the soul of an otherwise noble char­ acter. Clutching his heart with a vise­ like grip, it led him to cowardly ac­ tions, useless wars, family dissensions and the shameful treatment of his best friend. His jealous and insatiable rage urged Saul on to the bitter rewards of a disgraceful death. Its ugly scars plagued the nation after he was gone. The “ sweet psalmist of Israel” la­ mented the passing of this man who let jealousy enslave his life and who allowed it to cheat him from the good opportunity God put into his hands, “ The beauty of Israel is slain . . . how are the mighty fallen!” (2 Sam. 1:19). Jeroboam’s erratic tracks will lead us to the ragged end o f pigheadedness. His effort to preserve himself by leav­ ing God out of the picture boomer- anged back into his face with a ter­ rific wallop. Our Lord said, “ He that findeth [saveth] his life shall lose it.” Jeroboam shows us how to lose it. The golden calves he erected to save the nation finally lost the nation into captivity. His wicked example dragged the nation down to his own level of worshiping the beastly image o f a calf with all its attending evils. The blighting judgment of God followed, and left “ not any [of Jeroboam] to breathe.” Over and over again, the Old Testament reminds us of his evil actions in the words, “ Jeroboam the son of Nebat” that made Israel to sin. Words reminding us that we may pull others down with us to our level— that when we sin we do not sin alone. Paul calls the attention of the Homan Christians to this same thing, “ That no man put a stumblingblock or an

Reds Seek Bible Passages «3* The Communist regime in Czecho­ slovakia has recently set up a work­ ing committee to search the Bible and religious texts for extracts suitable for Communist propaganda. Its pur­ pose is to reinforce the Red govern­ ment in its struggle against the Rom­ an Catholic Church. A major objective will be to persuade the highly reli­ gious Czech peasants that the regime’s land collectivization projects have a sort of Divine sanction. We are sure of one thing, and that is, whether used by the Reds or not, the Word of God can defend itself and will accom­ plish not the Communist’s purpose, but the purpose of God who wrote it. Mechanical Heart «3* Almost ready for trial on human beings is a new surgical wonder term­ ed the mechanical heart. Its first use will probably be to revive a person whose heart has stopped beating, or one who is clinically dead. It seems the machine can completely detour all the blood around the body’s own heart in order to give time to repair the dam­ age, or give a tired heart a. chance to rest. This is without doubt a great invention, but you may be sure of one thing, when God calls either the saved or unsaved, no amount of ma­ chinery will ever be able to prolong life even for a moment, for God still holds the keys of life, no human be­ ing knowing the day nor the hour of his death. This teaches us to live every day as if we might look into God’s face on the morrow. Costs of Slaughter <3* Rather ironic, but nevertheless true is the fact that it costs tremen­ dously more today to kill people than it did a number of years ago. For in­ stance, the cost of basic military equipment has increased enormously. Ten years ago the B-17 bombers which then were the last word, cost the government about $300,000.00. To­ day’s improved bomber B-36 costs more than $3,000,000 for each one. De­ stroyers which the sailors used to call “ tin cans” formerly cost about $7,000,- 000.00 each. Now the amount necessary to produce a destroyer is $40,000,- 000.00. Just five years ago at the peak of World War II we could equip an infantry division for less than $15,- 000,000.00. Now it costs $75,000,000.- 00. Underneath all this is the blunt fact that this stupendous bill for munitions o f war is made necessary simply because the heart of humanity is wrong. If human hearts could be changed there would be no need for weapons of warfare.

20 times as much on clothing acces­ sories and jewelry as it did on religion and welfare, about 2 and one-half times as much on drink as it did on medical care, and three times as much on tobacco as it did on private educa­ tion and research. Figures do not lie and God is quite cognizant of these expenditures. If in our prayers we ask God to bless our land of America, we ought to bear in mind the problem which God faces. How can He bless a land which does not bless Him. Back To Japan <3* Louis Zamperini ditched his plane off Oahu, Hawaii, during World War II and after drifting 2,000 miles was picked up by a Japanese vessel. Dur­ ing his two years as a prisoner, he was starved and tortured by his cap- tors. When he was rescued in 1945 he left Japan with hatred in his heart, but last year he was saved in one of Billy Graham’s meetings in Los An­ geles. The result is that Zamperini made a recent visit to Japan with a list of his guards and captors in an endeavor to win them for Christ. If this is not a miracle of the grace of God, then we do not know what con­ stitutes a miracle. Signature No. 33,466 <3* President Truman recently affixed his signature to a huge twofold Good Will Book which the American Bible Society is sending to the archives of the Japan Bible Society as a symbol of friendship between the peoples of the two nations. The signatures come from more than 14,000 cities and are from persons who have contributed to a fund which will enable the Japan Bible Society to print and distribute Scriptures in the Japanese language. These two volumes weigh 176 pounds and contain 533 pages. They are bound in blue morocco and engraved in gold.

Increased Chaplain Corps <3* With the present increase of armed forces to a possibility of 3,000,000 men the government has agreed that because of the increasing importance of the Chaplain’s service, additional chaplains will be sought to make one chaplain to every 850 men. According to Rev. Percy Hall, commanding the Chaplain’s Training Group, the im­ portance of this religious service has been recognized by the government due mainly to the experiences of the last war. Here is a tremendous oppor­ tunity for men of God finding a place of service that will really count in human lives. Men of our armed forces are more than willing to listen to a servant of God who has a message for their hearts. Kill All *3* In a recent Associated Press arti­ cle, Dr. Gerald Wendt of the Pennsyl­ vania State College spoke gloomily of the future. He says that mankind can either blow his world to bits, scorch it with invisible rays to kill all living things or use it to build a plentiful paradise. The world, he believes, is at the crossroads of a new renaissance or doomsday. Dr. Wendt suggests that the H-bomb could bring total de­ struction ten miles in each direction from its explosion center. What will actually happen, this savant does not say. The Scriptures, however, seem to indicate that God will not allow man to totally destroy himself. How America Spends The Commerce Department of our government keeps a close tab on how our citizens spend their money. Last year United States citizens spent a staggering total of $178,732,000,000. About a third of this total went for food, which is somewhat of a com­ mentary. The nation also spent about

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