King's Business - 1951-01

The wicked and prosperous cities of Tyre and Nineveh could not survive the withering judgments of a right­ eous God. Looking back upon the fate of their godless predecessors, the na­ tions today can remember that God’s warnings are not idle words, “ The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God” (Psa. 9:17). Only the vestigial remains of Baby­ lon, Greece and Home are left to us. Their greater selves were ground to powder and blown away “ like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors.” Their swirling dust marks the end of the godless path. No matter how powerful, no nation has yet been, too great to be crushed in God’s grinding mill of retribution. God has preserved Old Testament history to guide our feet along the strait and narrow road to glory. In its pages the formula for destruction and preservation have been written: godlessness has the seeds of its own death in itself, and godliness has the seeds of its own life in itself. Inspired history confirms the truthfulness of Paul’s statement to the Galatians, “Whatsoever a man [or a nation] soweth, that shall he also reap” (Gal. 6:7). Today, once more, we can thank

God that evil cannot finally win. He has created forces that will confine evil to its own demerits and godliness to its own freedom. Past records show, too, that present dreamers of world rulership cannot go beyond the bounds He has set, “ I will overturn, overturn, overturn . . . until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him” (Ezek. 21:27). In this day of dicta­ torial threats, we must not forget the words of our risen Lord, “ All p o w e r is given unto me in heaven and in earth.” The “ talking footprints in the sands o f Old Testament history” tell us that obedience to God is our greatest security. The actors on the stage have run out to the end of all the roads we may take. In their lives we can see the end from the beginning. Righteous­ ness always wins in the long end. Evil always loses in the long end. Besides those mentioned here, Cain, Esau, Balaam and a host o f others have left red lights o f danger for us to heed. They crashed their speeding chariots against the unyielding steel of God’s moral law and were broken by the impact. Also besides those mentioned here, Jonathan, Ruth, Joseph, Samuel and a host of others have left green lights of safety inviting our footsteps. Fol­

lowing in their path, we can win their successes and enjoy their happiness. And coming out to the end of the road they traveled, we like them will also find that “ city which hath found­ ations, whose builder and maker is God.” _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C O M IN G NEXT MONTH ! The name of Dr. Harry Rimmer, President of the Research Science Bureau, is familiar to all Christian young people. For a score of years he has been a leader in the fight against teaching the evolutionary hypothesis as a proven theory of life. In a mas­ terful way, Dr. Rimmer has shown the absurdity of many of these pseudo-scientific claims. But each year produces a new crop of high school and college young people and The King’s Business feels the time is ripe again for a reiteration of our stand against the teaching of evolu­ tion and a reaffirmation of faith in the great truths of Scripture. No one is better fitted to write on this all- important subject than Dr. Harry Rimmer, so it affords a great deal of pleasure to the Editors to present, beginning with the February issue, a series of articles from his pen, en­ titled “ Does Science Contradict the Bible?”

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