King's Business - 1951-01

L I G H T and "T il G U I D A N C E For these days of the Age-End Are Y O U reading PRO PH ECY M O N T H LY ? Editors: Keith L. Brooks, V. C. Oltrogge Official organ of American Prophetic League, Inc., to which ,the most competent prophetic specialists contribute study material and vital information. You need thir, monthly handbook of timely helos. $1 bill for 10-month trial. U.S. $1.20 year, foreign, $1.35. Box BB, Eagle Rock Sta., Los Angeles 41

Dr. Walter L. Wilson

Helps for Christian Endeavor and Other Young People's Groups

“ Helping the Helpless to Help Themselves'

Feb. 4, 1951 CHRIST CALLS — IN FAITH WE SERVE ! John 15:1-17

i t f t O A A E o f O N E S I P H O R U S m m A Christian .faith ministry of permanent rehabilitation among the homeless and I. destitute children of C H IN A and * aj LEBANON. Established 34 years. Challenging opportunities— Amazing results. Free literature on request. ¡ « » i i i m W ' a

leaves, and its characteristics. Fruit follows only if there is continual fel­ lowship and communion between the branch and the vine, between the Christian and the Lord Jesus to whom he belongs. There Are Enemies Who Would Cut Off If the believer has a real desire to bear fruit for God he will watch care­ fully to see that no attack of Satan will be successful. He must guard against malicious tongues, harsh criti­ cism, “ cold blankets,” slights, and every other form of injury. When'we take to heart that which others say and do, then there comes a severance in the fellowship. The heart becomes cold, the zeal becomes indifferent, and the work of the Lord suffers. We can only bear fruit for God if we walk as Enoch did, with God; fruitfulness is inevitable. We Are Chosen to Bear Fruit John 15:16 The purpose of our salvation is not altogether that we shall avoid the judgment of our sins, rather it is that we might become channels of bless­ ing to bring the great treasures of Heaven to the needy hearts about us. There should be a deep desire in the hearts of all of us to bear much fruit for our wonderful Lord. We should want to be golden channels for the water of life. We should not be con­ tent to be small channels but large ones. We should wish to bring great blessing to many and not be satis­ fied with just a little. We serve by the power of the Spirit of God and fruit follows. the Branch 1 Cor. 9:27

Our Lord was speaking to His own disciples in the passage before us to­ day. The unsaved are not branches of the true vine, only Christians are branches. The branches are like the vine from which they spring. They bear the marks of that rich associa­ tion which makes them what they are. The branches of the grapevine bear grapes without any effort or difficulty. It is the natural result of the life that is within. So with those who are real­ ly saved, the natural result of this eternal life is that there will be heavenly fruit. There Must Be a Life Contact 1 John 5:12 A branch may be tied to a vine but that will produce neither fruit nor likeness of character. The branch must be actually a very part of the vine receiving its nutriment from the vine. Its fibers must interlace those of the vine. Its texture and leaves must prove that it is drawing its lifeblood — the sap -j* from the vine. Unless this life contact is present, there will only be failure and dis­ appointment. There is no substitute whatever for this intimate relation­ ship. The sinner must really belong to Christ if he is to bear good fruit. There Must Be Continuous Contact 1 John 1:7 In the normal way of life, the branch continues in the vine as long as the vine lasts. Accidents mav hap­ pen wherein the branch is broken off the vine. In this case the fruit ceases although the resemblance does not. Anyone seeing the severed branch would know at once that it was a part of the vine because of its texture, its J A N U A R Y , 1 9 5 1

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