King's Business - 1951-01

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alone. Twelve helpers or disciples were soon chosen by the Son of God for His work. To them He gave the power to perform many miracles in His name as they went about preach­ ing the gospel. After the disciples returned to their Lord to tell Him all that they had done and said, Jesus said, “ Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest awhile.” So constant had been the crowding about the Saviour and His disciples that they had not had time even to eat. How eagerly they looked forward to getting away from the crowd and having a rest! Some of the people ran around the shoreline of the lake and were waiting on the other side when the Lord Jesus and His disciples landed their boat there. The Saviour might have been angry and might have driven them away. He was here to do His Father’s business, and never do we read of His placing Himself or His own selfish wishes above the opportunity to do His Father’s work. Because the Lord saw that the people were lost as sheep not having a shepherd, He had great love (compassion) for them. All day long the Saviour taught the multi­ tudes. At evening the disciples asked their Lord to send the people away into the nearby villages to buy food for themselves. His answer surprised them: “Give ye them to eat.” The disciples replied that all of the food that they could find among the peo­ ple was the lunch of a lad: five loaves (biscuits) and two fishes! In small groups the Lord Jesus had the five thousand men, plus many women and children, sit down upon the green grass. After He had thanked God for the food, Jesus kept breaking the bread and fishes until there was enough to feed all, plus twelve bas­ kets of food that was not eaten! God’s Son had performed one of His great­ est miracles! Jesus sent the disciples away to rest while He dismissed the multitude. After they were gone, God’s Son went apart to talk with His Father in prayer. As evening came, the disciples were having a difficult time rowing their boat against the wind. Jesus walked to them upon the water. They were frightened and thought that He was a spirit. When the Saviour saw their fear, He said, “ Be of good cheer: it is I ; be not afraid.” As He entered their boat, the wind ceased, and again, the disci­ ples marveled at His great power. Im­ mediately the multitudes commenced to bring their sick to Him, and as many asi even touched His garment were made well.

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