King's Business - 1951-01

Feb. 25, 1951 WORSHIP AND WORK

Greek woman begged the Saviour to cast a devil out of her daughter. Be­ cause of her great faith, the Saviour told her to go home and find her daughter well! Again, they brought to Jesus one who was deaf and whose tongue did not speak clearly. The Saviour touched the man’s ears and tongue and said, “ Be opened,” and immediately the man could hear and speak plainly! Truly, with God all things are possible! Another day Jesus had compassion upon the mul­ titude who had been with. Him for three days and now were weak from hunger. When Jesus spoke to His dis­ ciples about the hungry people, they said that they had only seven loaves of bread (biscuits), and a few small fishes. Jesus, again, thanked God for the food, broke it, and gave it to the multitude — this time, about four thousand people. There were seven baskets of food left over after they had all eaten! Another day a blind man was brought to the Son of God. The Sav­ iour took the man outside the city, placed His hands upon his eyes, and gave him perfect sight! How hard­ ened must have been the hearts of those who still refused to believe that He was the Son of God, the Saviour of the world! As the Saviour and His disciples were walking along one day, Jesus asked, “Whom do men say that I am?” They answered that some thought that He was John the Bap­ tist, Elias, or one of the prophets come back to life. Then Jesus said, “ But whom say ye that I ant?” Peter replied: “ Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” As the dis­ ciples had watched the Lord Jesus and had listened to Him speak, within their hearts they had become certain that truly this was the Son of God! Whom do YOU say that Jesus is? Is He just a great man, a great teach­ er, a great reformer, or is He your personal Saviour, the Son of the liv­ ing God ? God’s Word says, “ For what shall it profit a man, if he . . . gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” Unless the Lord Jesus Christ is your Saviour, you are eternally lost. If you have received God’s Son as your Saviour, is He the Lord and King of your life? Has He touched your ears so that they hear only the things that are well-pleasing to Him? Have you asked Him to touch your tongue that it will speak only the things that will honor His name? Are your eyes touched by His hands that they will read and see only those things that will help you to be clean and pure and a real testimony o f His living within your heart? J A N U A R Y , 1 9 5 1


Mark 9:2-4, 14-17, 25-29 Pointers on the Lesson


In the first verse of today’s chap­ ter the Lord uttered a prophecy which has disturbed many. He predicted that some of those present would not taste of death until they had seen the king­ dom of God come with power. But actually Christ had not come when the last one present had died. Nor yet after over 1900 years has He come. The church is still looking for that glorious event. What then is the explanation of Jesus’ words? They were fulfilled a week later at the transfiguration. The Apostle Peter makes this clear when he tells us that they had not followed cunningly devised fables, when they made known the power and coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, but had been eyewitnesses o f His majesty when they were with Him in the holy mount (2 Pet. 1:16, 17). Thus the transfiguration was the coming king­ dom in miniature. It was a preview of the coming glory. Everything here­ in is typical of the events yet to come. The Time of the Transfiguration v. 2a It took place “ after six days.” Six is the number of man in Scripture. He was made on the sixth day. His appointed days of labor were six. The Hebrew slave was to serve six years before given liberty; and so on, cul­ minating in the man of sin whose number is 666. This is man’s day. But after man’s day has run its course, the day of Christ will dawn. This is what is pictured in the scene' before us. The Nature of the Transfiguration vv. 2b, 3 A metamorphosis took place in the person of Christ. As when the lowly caterpillar changes into the glorious butterfly, so at the transfiguration the Christ of humiliation was changed into the appearance of His glory. Soon Peter, James and John would see their Lord upon a cross. Before that time it was good that they should have a glimpse of Him in His ultimate victory. The Christ of uttermost hu­ miliation will one day be the Christ of surpassing splendor. It will be glory to be associated with Him then. Heavenly Visitors at the Transfiguration v. 4 Elijah and Moses were called down from Paradise to have part in the

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