King's Business - 1951-01

mine unbelief.” Immediately the Sav­ iour healed the sick boy! God’s people cannot truly work for Him unless they pray first. The Son of God prayed often. How much more do we need to pray for wisdom and strength in carrying on His work! After we hear our Lord speak to us from His Word and after we talk with Him in prayer, we are ready to serve Him in any way that He shall choose. We can only successfully talk to men about God after we have talked to God about men! saved people are without merit of any kind, lost, condemned, hopeless, dead in trespasses and sins, bound for eternal perdition (John 3:18; Eph. 2:1; John 3:36). Not an en­ couraging picture, is it? Yet dread­ fully true. Then one wonderful day you came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour. He loved you, and washed away your sins in His own precious blood. From His heav­ enly treasure house He freely gave you new hope, new ambitions, new relationships, new purposes, new pow­ er, new companions, new everything (Rom. 12:1,2; Matt. 28:18; 2 Cor. 5:17). In your heart o f hearts He bestowed peace. On your lips He placed a new song. Life for you was altogether changed when you met Christ. Now does it seem unreasonable to you that after this marvelous miracle has taken place you should rightly belong to the One who saved you at the cost of His own life ? Well, be­ lieve me, what I am telling you is the number one principle of the New Testament. In fact, the whole Chris­ tian life is built on this foundation. We belong to Christ—all of us—body, soul, spirit. And what is more won­ derful—He belongs to us. So, from now on we do things together, Christ and I, Christ and you. Our lives are to be guided by His peerless wisdom, lived by His matchless power. All the questions, problems, decisions o f life are to be settled together. This applies to love, courtship and marriage, too. Available in booklet form from the author. CONTINUED NEXT MONTH. LOVE - MARRIAGE (Continued from Page 8)

scene. They stand as the representa­ tives of two classes of believers in re­ lation to the Lord’s' coming: those who will die before the Lord comes (Moses), and those who will be caught up without dying when that event takes place (Elijah). (See 1 Thess. 4:13-18.) These two were talk­ ing with Jesus, and Luke tells us that they were talking about “ his decease” (9:31). This fact reminds us that there never will be a time when the things relating to the death of Christ will be out of date. They will even be the subject of Heaven’s song (Rev. 5:9). Need at the Foot of the Mount vv. 14-17, 25-29 Coming down from the mountain Jesus found the nine disciples in the presence of need. Jesus himself was soon found ministering to that need. The disciples wondered why it was that they were powerless to minister to the one with the dumb and deaf spirit (v. 28). Jesus indicated to them that in order to minister to human need one must be in close touch with God. This is a vital factor which needs to be recognized by every servant of God. Memory Verse: (God said) “This is my beloved Son; hear him” (Mark 9:7). The Lord Jesus Christ one day chose three of His disciples, Peter, James, and John, to go with Him to a high mountain where God showed them that He was truly His Son. Jesus’ garments became shining and white, and the two great Old Testa­ ment characters, Moses and Elijah, came to talk with the Lord Jesus. As a cloud overshadowed them, a voice out of the cloud said, “ This is my beloved Son : hear him.” Suddenly Moses and Elijah disappeared and the four were alone again on the moun­ tain. As they came down into the valley, Jesus told them not to tell any­ one about this experience until after He had arisen from the dead. When the four reached the valley, an ex­ cited, questioning group of people were waiting for them. A father had brought his sick son to the disciples to heal, but they were unable to per­ form the miracle. The father said to the Saviour, “ I f thou canst do any­ thing, have compassion on us, and help us.” Jesus replied, “ I f thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.” The father, weeping, answered, “ Lord I believe; help thou Helps for the Children Jesus at Prayer and Work Mark 9:2-41

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