King's Business - 1951-01

rocks? These three are sham rocks, One is a “ church rock,” another is a “money rock,” and the last is an “ edu­ cation rock.” Rocks are often used for founda­ tions. Paul was thinking of eternal life when he gave this warning: “ Other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ” (1 Cor. 3:11). Let us look at this first rock. It has a church on it. The church can be a great help in living the Christian life, but God never intended that people should rest their hope of Heaven on the fact that they were members of a church. This rock collapses when I press it. The next rock has a dollar sign on it. Some people are resting their hope of Heaven on getting money enough to give great sums to the poor. This, too,.is a sham or false rock, and col­ lapses as I press on it. The third rock has a graduation cap on it. It reminds us of education and culture. Both are good in their place, but they never should be taken as foundation stones for eternal life. With a little pressure, this founda­ tion, too, is proved to be false. Here is the true rock, with a red cross on it, reminding us of the Lord Jesus. No amount of pressure will make it collapse. It is the true foun­ dation. It fits the church and keeps it from collapsing. When Christ is taken into business it is strengthened. The box representing education is made strong, when Christ fills it. Looking at these boxes and the piece of solid cement we can better understand the wisdom in Peter’s words, when asked who Christ was. He said. “ Thou aft the Christ” (Mark 8:29). Matthew further com­ ments on this and tells us that Christ said, “Upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matt. 16:18). Don’t trust sham rocks—trust Christ the Real Rock.

pine trees on the mountain. The cross should be made of paper 6V2 inches high by 3% inches wide. The upright should be 1 inch wide, and the cross­ bar the same in depth. Color the cross red. Two inches from the top of the mountain make a horizontal slit 1 inch long to receive the top of the cross. The “ V” should be enough smaller than the mountain to allow it to hide behind the mountain. Color the “ V” lightly with a black crayon. With the top of the “V” and the base of the mountain together, hinge with mending tape. Fold a small piece of paper and cut out a paper man, and fasten, with mending tape, in the lower part of the “ V.” Begin the les­ son with the “ V” folded behind the mountain. The cross, with the upper part hidden in the slot, will leave a “ T” showing.) Lesson: What would you think if you saw a large “ T” on a mountain? I will tell you that it does not refer to a school. “ Does it stand for the word Trans­ figuration?” Yes. It reminds us of the time when Christ took Peter, James and John up the mountain and was transfigured before them. These four were not the only ones present, for we are told in Mark 9:4, “ And there appeared unto them Elias with Moses: and they were talking with Jesus.” We will let this “ T” also stand for “ Talk.” The Gospel of Luke tells us that they talked about Christ’s death. Notice, the “ T” is changing into a cross, re­ minding us of the blood of Christ which was shed on the cross for our sins. (Pull down until the top shows.) Peter wanted to build tabernacles on the mountain, but this request was not granted, because Christ was mind­ ful of the valley below where there was a man in need. See, here is a “V” which reminds us of the valley. There is a man in it with raised hands. The cross comes down from the mountain, just as Christ came down into the valley. The cross covers the needy man. It is not enough to have the bless­ ings on the mountains—we must re­ member the needy in the valleys, and take Christ to them.


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Feb. 25. 1951 A V ision and a V ali , ey

Objects; A paper mountain, a paper “ V,” , and a red cross. (Make the mountain by using a piece of light green paper 8% x 11 inches. The long side should be the base. Sketch a few

BIBLE QU IZ (Continued from Page 18)

"Back To the Bible Revivals" Copyright 1935—O. W. Stucky Conducted by Evangelists Rev. and Mrs. O. W. Stucky Presenting the Gospel Story in Sermon, Song and Saw.

1. False 2. True 3. False 4. False 5. True

6. False 7. False 8. False 9. True 10. True

11. True 12. False 13. False 14. True 15. False

29 years of active Christian service Booking Now—Dates for next season 17345 Northrop Ave. Detroit 19, Mich.

Page Thirty-four

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