King's Business - 1951-01

First In a Series of Articles on the Problems of Young People

laws of love and life only misery fol­ lows. Now God is interested in all His creatures. He desires that His world should run smoothly. To this end He has enacted laws, kind laws, good laws (Psa. 19:7). Obedience to these laws brings health and happiness. Disre­ gard of these laws adds up to dis­ satisfaction, sorrow, disappointment, sickness and even death. But while God is concerned about all mankind, He has a very special interest in “ some.” These are His children by faith. You can easily un­ derstand that. But, you 'say, are not all the children of God? No, in no wise. Rather the truth is that all by nature are children of sin and Satan (Rom. 3:9-20). Ever since that fate­ ful day when our first parents chose to disobey a loving God, and crimi­ nally followed their own desires, men have been children of wrath. This takes us all in (Rom. 3:23). But the sinful, sorrowful condition of the world is just the background for God’s “ love story.” The story goes on to say that God, seeing the need of lost mankind, did something about it. In the fullness of time He sent His own dear Son to take the sinner’s penalty (John 3:17; 1 Pet. 2:24). That was more than nineteen long centuries ago. Born of a virgin mother, Jesus Christ lived a beauti­ ful, spotless, exemplary life (Luke 1:26-38; Acts 10:38). His deeds were unique and incomparable. His words exhibited the wisdom of Heaven. His love and compassion were as the water of life to thirsty souls. Abso­ lutely no sin was found in Him. He was a Man among men, most wonder­ ful!

&-this is quite possible. It’s been tried and proved times without num­ ber. God has proved Himself faithful to others, and He will not fail you, if . . . there is an “ if” to it. But not a nullifying if, nor an insurmount­ able if. Rather it’s a helpful if. And the purpose of these articles is to ex­ plain all about it. God Has Written a Text on “ Love” In our world there is a great liter­ ary marvel. It’s a Book wholly differ­ ent from all other books. It’s infinite­ ly wise, fully inerrant, able to coun­ sel, packed with rich treasure, living and powerful (2 Tim. 3:15, 16; Psa. 19:10; Heb. 4:12). The Book is the Bible, God’s Book. Honest men of all ages have solemnly declared that the Scriptures are indelibly, undeniably stamped with the imprimatur of di­ vine authorship. This Book is a universal authority on love (1 John 4 :8 ). That’s not dif­ ficult to figure out. For in the begin­ ning it was God who fashioned man’s amazingly intricate body, and breathed into man’s nostrils the breath of hu­ man life (Gen. 2 :7 ). Surely man’s Creator is the One best fitted to sug­ gest how he may live happily and suc­ cessfully. The God who is in Himself love, surely ought to know love’s mys­ teries. Happy is that person who fol­ lows God’s love principles. On the other hand, the real reason why there is so much heartache and hatred in the world, is simply that some have willfully ignored God’s wis­ dom to senselessly pursue their own lustful folly. When one forgets God’s

Let’ s Chat About Love ’n Things Y OU love someone, don’t you? Everyone does. So this makes you eligible to read this article, because it’s written for all lovers, young and old—but especially young ones. Our theme is an important one too, make no mistake. After the all-impor­ tant subject of one’s eternal relation­ ship to God, the matter of love and human relationship follows next. Es­ pecially is this true in the choice of a life partner. In fact, so important are these choices that a wrong atti­ tude, or a wrong move could blight one’s entire life or cruelly rob it of its sweetness and usefulness. Now at the very beginning, let’s admit the inadequacy of human fore­ sight and the poverty of human wis­ dom. We just can’t see ahead. Nor can we seem to estimate the various contributing factors and consistently get the right answer. So, is there ho way to know? Must it be blind fate? Must love really be blind? No, no indeed, and again no. May I propose here a startling fact? Strange as it may seem, and unbelievable as it may appear, God is interested in you (Matt. 6:30). The same God who is at once the Creator of our vast universe, and the Maintainer of all things is not too busy to be concerned that your life might be happy (Matt. 11:28), purposeful, successful. Say, that’s good news, isn’t it? How then may you apply God’s wisdom to your problems? Ah, that’s the question. And that’s what we’re going to talk about. But let me insist J A N U A R Y , 1 9 5 1

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