Northeast Florida Regional STEM2 Hub
Northeast Florida Regional STEM2 Hub 21 st Century Workforce Development Program 2020 – 2021 Outcomes
Goal: 4 Cohorts 6,000 Students
Complete study of student growth and proficiency in mathematics as aligned to the FSA and based on three years of archival data to validate program success (no cost to this project, but will ready us for statewide expansion in partnership with DOE, and other funding sources with interest in mathematics). This Summit had been fully planned for June, but has now been reschedule, tentatively, for Fall 2020, pending Health Conditions. Three days of professional learning for various stakeholder groups with a goal to foster cross-sector collaboration & commitment to talent development and deepened understanding of workforce needs. School and district leaders will hear from industry professionals about the critical skills needed in the workforce as aligned to cybersecurity careers. Content will be aligned to K12 Standards. Teacher learning tracks include elementary, middle school, high school, with sessions provided by NICERC, Woz Education, Microsoft, Florida Blue, Citi and more. Colleges of Education and Computer Science Faculty will also be invited. Immediate implementation in the 2020-21 school year. We launched Chief Science Officers in three school districts with 51 CSOs. We plan to expand to at least 250 CSOs in the coming school year, with statewide engagement. CSO develops student leaders who are the STEM career advocates at their school, and plan school and community STEM events, STEM clubs, advocacy, and student voice. Each CSO has an impact on the entire school community.
Regional Cybersecurity Summit
250 Teachers and Leaders District-Wide Impact Across 7 Districts 7,500 students 250 Students School-Wide Impact in 125 Schools
Chief Science Officers Program
Competitive After School Programs, Summer Programs and Workshops:
Program Cybersecurity
Impact Goal 25 New Clubs 375 Students
Expand opportunities for competitive cybersecurity programs in afterschool by building upon the work in the school day. In partnership with CyberPatriots, and other established curriculum providers, we will expand the number of cybersecurity competitive teams that are available in the region.
Thank you for your continued support of our project.
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