Professional Learning Catalog 2024

Literacy Development

Instructional Coaching

Instructional Coaching

Transforming good teaching into great teaching requires commitment, perseverance, and support, and we believe that the Scholastic coaching model is the surest way to guarantee ongoing, sustainable professional growth. Our coaches build rapport through confidentiality, reliability, knowledge, flexibility, and empathy. We tailor our coaching to the individual needs of teachers and their classrooms, and our approach is nonevaluative, driven by explicit goals and common language, and uses reflective and guiding questions to support both new and experienced teachers in their important work. Learning outcomes: • Meet the increased demands of today’s literacy standards • Master instructional best practices for whole-class, small-group, and independent learning; foundational early literacy; and writing • Maximize students’ strengths and address their needs for improvement

Recommended for: PreK–12 teachers Time: 1–9 days 10–49 days 50+ days Item #s: 650208 (1–9 days) 650224 (10–49 days) 677325 (50+ days) Participants: Up to four teachers per day or available options for grade-level team coaching

Virtual Coaching

• Virtual coaching provides a flexible and blended model of support that allows educators to reflect on student learning and instructional practices in a collaborative environment. Participants can set goals, record “snapshot” videos, and receive feedback from highly qualified instructional coaches. Online coaching can take place between in-person coaching sessions to increase the number of overall coaching interactions, or as an online-only model. Learning outcomes: • View lessons in action and collaboratively assess evidence of student learning • Establish instructional goals and next steps • Make the most your digital product implementations with support for data analysis and instructional planning

Recommended for: Teachers, literacy coaches, and leaders Time: 12 one-hour sessions Item #: 731893 Participants: Cohorts of four educators receive three individual virtual coaching sessions each—12 total one- hour sessions.

51 Visit or call (800) 387-1437 for more information |

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