Professional Learning Catalog 2024

Professional Learning Courses

Foundations of Family Engagement

This session will introduce you to research from the past 20 years as well as the U.S. Department of Education’s Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Effective Family- School Partnerships, which explores the family engagement efforts that contribute to student learning. We’ll break down the conditions that must be present in your school to provide a solid foundation for providing effective family outreach. Learning outcomes: • Advocate for the impact of family engagement on student learning • Identify the five process conditions that must be addressed in every family engagement activity • Build your staff’s ability to implement effective family engagement efforts

Recommended for: PreK–12 administrators, teachers, and parent coordinators Time: Full day Item #: 809013 Participants: Up to 30

Reaching All Families

Promoting educational equity necessitates family engagement. When families are authentically engaged, listened to as active partners, and viewed as co-teachers, students achieve at higher levels. Training initiatives that build families’ capacity to support student achievement are strong levers for addressing racial and economic disparities. Though engaging families has always been critical, COVID-19 reminds us of the central role that families play in teaching and learning and the need for educators to co-construct learning with families. Learning outcomes: • Reflect on what has or hasn’t been done to engage families and imagine what it would take for home-school partnerships to flourish • Address the status quo, challenge traditional biases, and address innate power dynamics • Understand how to value and honor family voice, and identify ways to integrate engaging families as an instructional strategy • Move beyond implementing “one-size-fits-all” family engagement to executing intentional practices that individualize and recognize each family’s unique strengths

Recommended for: PreK–12 district leaders, principals, teachers, and support staff Time: Full day Item #: 731392 Participants: Up to 30

Life, Literacy, and the Pursuit of Happiness by Dr. Don Vu Recommended Reading

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