Professional Learning Catalog 2024

Transformative Leadership

Comprehensive Instructional Needs Assessment

Scholastic’s Comprehensive Instructional Needs Assessment includes a series of online surveys, focused meetings, and classroom walk-throughs. Our goal is to help leadership teams identify critical instructional challenges that need immediate attention. Based on our assessment, Scholastic will partner with your school or district to create a multi-year support plan to help you provide the literacy instruction and support that students need to become dynamic readers and writers. Elements of the Comprehensive Instructional Needs Assessment include: • Teacher and Instructional Leader Survey: This online questionnaire guides teachers and administrators to evaluate their current resources and identify areas that need improvement. • Classroom Walk-Throughs: Scholastic learning specialists will observe literacy instruction in kindergarten through eighth-grade ELA classrooms. • Teacher Focus Groups and Instructional Leadership Meetings: Scholastic learning specialists will meet with teachers and instructional leaders to ask a series of questions to gather additional data about literacy instruction. • Teacher and Instructional Leader Survey Report: A summary compilation of data from the Teacher and Instructional Leader Surveys • Comprehensive Instructional Needs Assessment Report: A summary compilation of surveys, walk-throughs, and meetings with staff that has been analyzed by Scholastic • Development of a data-rich Comprehensive Instructional Needs Assessment Report that identifies instructional strengths and opportunities for growth • Identification of specific, prioritized recommendations to address critical challenges • Guided discussion on report outcomes and next steps to promote student achievement • Baseline instructional practice data points to measure future growth

Recommended for: School and district leadership teams Time: Customized to your needs We’ll tailor our strategic planning session to meet the needs of your school or district.

Contact your Scholastic account executive to learn how you can conduct a Comprehensive Instructional Needs Assessment in your school or district.

81 Visit or call (800) 387-1437 for more information |

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