by Elizabeth Upton The Shaman and the Mafia
Synopsis Marietta Collins, a former nun, becomes enmeshed in the tragedy of a brutal murder. Marietta, now the head of a youth drug rehab center, is dedicated to ridding the community of the growing criminal element. The victim of the suspected mafia hit was her friend Joseph Gleason W, a drug informant. During the course of the investigation, she meets the victim's brother, FBI assistant director Raymond Gleason. There's an instant attraction between the two. He becomes her first lover, and their romance blossoms into a deep love for each other......this is an action-packed mystery and love story that also examines the conflicted emotions of the characters as they try to make sense of their lives through the web of crime, darkness, and light. Fiction - Thriller/Romantic Suspensel Publisher: Self-Published Amazon (2021) Tradeback - 324 pages
ISBN: 9798469027942
"Beautifully blending the trappings of a love story and a thriller, The Shaman and the Mafia uses the best of both genres to tell a story unlike any other, which will stay with readers long after the final page has been turned. ~5-Star Editorial Review by Reader's Favorite
" Author Elizabeth Upton has created a cast of colorful characters, each of whom has had life breathed into them by her stunning prose, and it's a treat to turn each page and find the direction in which the events of the narrative will push them next.” ~ K.C. Finn, reviewer for Readers' Favorite
Elizabeth Upton is an American Author and an influential writer of best-selling fiction and nonfiction spiritual books. Elizabeth is happily married and enjoys writing books for her reader fans around the world. When the Author is not writing, she works out with a personal trainer to stay fit and healthy; she loves long walks on the beach with her husband and dog. Her favorite colors are blue, green, and gold. She enjoys reading good books by some of her favorite authors like Geraldine Brooks, Hanh, Jerry Archer, Joseph Murphy, and Michael Connelly. Elizabeth and her husband reside in Santa Barbara, California.
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