better understand the experience of STEM learning within given classrooms. Because the first full year of Pathway STEM model implementation was 2021-2022, 8 th -12 th grade students in the current sample were not exposed to the Pathway STEM model during their younger years, making authentic comparisons across grades difficult. Finally, to further understand the STEM learning landscape of 7 th -12 th graders, we recommend conducting an assessment of the supply of STEM courses for 7 th -12 th graders in relation to the demand and examining differences between 7 th - 12 th grade students who choose to take STEM as an elective and those who do not. The Putnam County initiative to strengthen STEM learning and increase opportunities for high-quality STEM engagement is having a profound impact on student STEM and 21 st -century outcomes. Through engaging students in STEM learning during the school day and supporting educators with professional development, Putnam County and Northeast Florida Regional STEM2 Hub are systematically increasing equitable access to STEM for all students , “ challenging the status quo,” and serving as an example of how school systems can play a key role in creating a strong STEM pipeline and future STEM workforce.
We are grateful to TIES for supporting this report. Thank you to Northeast Florida Regional STEM2 Hub administrators and facilitators, and the families and young people who participated by completing surveys. We also thank the team at PEAR Inc. for their work in data collection, management, analysis, and reporting.
Learn More • Northeast Florida Regional STEM2 Hub website • PEAR ’s website to learn more about our STEM tools and services
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