King's Business - 1931-05

©he Sible Tamil# 3Ha#a5ine May - 1931

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\3he K in g ’s B u s in e s s W illiam P. W hite , D.D., E ditor Motto: “Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood.” Rev. 1:5 PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY AND REPRESENTING THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES Volume XXII May, 1931 Number 5 Table o f Contents Crumbs from the King’s Table—The Editor...............................195 There Shall Be Signs—Louis S. Bauman.......................................197 A Tribute to Mother—P. W. Philpott............................................ 199 More About the Kwato Mission—Delavan L. Pierson.... .......... 200 Precious Passages to Memorize—Mrs. M. G. Eavey................... 202 Vergil and the Consolations of Isaiah—Ernest Gordon............ ;..203 Does the United States Appear in Prophecy? —Canon F. E. Howitt.................................................................. 205 Structure in Scripture—Norman B. Harrison.............................. 207 The Lord, a Harbor for His People—F. J. Horsefield..............209' Studies in the Epistle to the Hebrews—John C. Page..................211 The Return of the Tide—Zenobia Bird........................................ 213 Heart to Heart with Our Young Readers —Florence Nye Whitwell.............................................................. 216 Alumni Notes—Cutler B. Whitwell.................................................218 Junior King’s Business—Helen Howarth Lemmel......................... 219, Homiletical Helps......................................................... 221 International Lesson Commentary....... _............ 222 Our Literature Table............................................................. 230 Notes on Christian Endeavor—Milo F. Jamison.............................232 Daily Devotional Readings................................................................ 236


ADVERTISING: For information with reference to advertising, address THE KING'S BUSINESS, 536 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. Entered as Second Class Matter November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage pro­ vided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918. TERMS: $1.50 per year. Single copies 25c Foreign Countries (including Canada) $1.75 per year. Clubs fo 4, 25c reduction on each subscription; clubs of 10 or

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POLICY AS DEFINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES (a) To stand for the infallible Word of God and its great fundamental truths, (b) To strengthen the faith of all believers, (c) To stir young men and women to fit themselves for and engage in definite Chritian work, (d) To make the Bible Institute of Los Angeles known, (e) To magnify God our Father and the person, work and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; and to teach the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in our present practical life, (f) To emphasize in strong, constructive messages the great- foundations of Christian faith.

536-558 S. Hope St., BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Lo* Angeles, Calif.

New Jersey Pastor Says:

"I want you to know how much I am enjoying each issue of T h e K ing ’ s B usi ­ ness . I ts many depart­ ments are filled with inspi­ ra tion and suggestive thoughts for a young and busy pastor

The King’s Business The Bible Family Magazine

The WON BY ONE method cannot be surpassed for producing results. Multitudes of people— PASTORS, TEACHERS, CHRISTIAN WORKERS—would be delighted to have the help of The King’s Business IF THEY KNEW ABOUT IT! It is your privilege to introduce them to it. They will be as easily convinced of its value as was the New Jersey Pastor quoted above.



C rum b s F rom th e K in g ’s T ab le By the E ditor P re se n t-D ay F ulfillm ent of P ro p h e c y In te rn a tio n a l S u n d ay S chool L esson H elps By Dr. B. B. Sutcliffe S tudies in th e E oistle to th e H ebrew s By D r. Louis S. Bauman

ra te of $1.25 each, w e w ill send a ch oice of o n e of th e follow ing:

SILVER TRUM PET By J. Wesley Ingles

By D r. John C. Page

D aily D ev o tional R eadings T h e S p lendid C o n trib u te d A rticles SHOW THE YOUNG PEOPLE

LOOK ING UN TO JESUS By T. M arshall Morsey


C h ristia n E n d eav o r T opics By Milo F. Jam ison

By F. B. Meyer

T h e Inten sely In tere stin g S erial S to ry


T h e R e tu rn of th e T ide

By F. B. Meyer

By Zenobia Bird H e a rt to H e a rt w ith O u r Y oung R eaders


By Adolph Saphir

By Florence Nye Whitwell


W e h av e reserv ed a c o p y of th e A p ril n um b er fo r y o u r frien d s so th a t th ey m ay g e t th e first in stallm e n t of th e new serial, ' ‘T H E RETURN

JUN IOR K ING ’S BUSINESS Edited by Helen- H ow arth Lemmel Bible Stories, B ible Q uestions, E tc.

O F T H E T ID E .”


May 1931


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I Crumbs CFrom the K ing’s ^able g,,.—. , B y t he E d ito r »o-»o i I


Trust Him i had graduated from college and theological sem­ inary, but I had never seen any one die. It was my first week in a parish. A messenger came with the word: “Father Junkins is dying, and he wants to see you, pastor.” What could I do? The man reported dying was eighty-seven years of age—the outstanding Christian of the village. I started at once for his home, but I went with fear and trembling, for I had no message. I kept pray­ ing, “O God, give me a mes­ sage for this dying saint.” Upon entering his room,

year succeeds another ; but the poor lad is wholly occupied with the gyrations of his toy. Likely, in his dim .con­ sciousness, some of his efforts are found to be more successful than others. He has some good days and some- bad ones. But the range of his thought and feeling is limited by his toy, and even from his viewpoint, his efforts must be pathetiçally incomplete and disappointing. If there is no deeper thought in life than what appears to the sensationalist and the worldling, and no greater purpose in life than just to live, that idiot boy, enthusias­


tically spinning his top, is à startling picture of the hu­ man race. Our tops differ endlessly in size and character. Some have more gilt on them than others.L Some ; are s'trëakëd w ith raiitbow colors of plenty, while o thers are rough hewn in need. 'Some go to sleep on marble pave­ ments, while others stagger on to cruel ground. Some spin noiselessly, while the hum of o the rs is heard around the world. But it amounts to much the same thing. Life is exhausted by us all in a strangely inader quate task. It is at best ex­ asperating emptiness. Those

Our Faithful God Shall He, beneath whose everlasting wing We have sought shelter, e’er forget usf Yes, When the neglectful sea forgets its tides, Or skies grow wqary of their glorious stars, Or the sun trips in mid-air and rushes off Into the distance of oblivious space —- Then we may be forgotten; nay, not then, Not even then; let all the universe Break loose or crumble into ancient dust, There still remains the constant love of God. No flux of tide in that eternal love; Always the same—a calm, unchanging sea, Which never knew a shipwreck or a storm. •.—/ / oratius Bonar.

he said, “Oh, pastor, I am dying! For years I have been feasting on the prom­ ises of God, but this morn­ ing, when I woke up, I could not remember one of them! What shall I do?” Then God gave me an an­ swer which, after visiting the bedsides of scores of dying saints during forty years, I cannot improve. I said to him, “Father Junkins, do you think GOD will forget any of His promises?” I shall always remember the sweet smile that came over the face of the ,old saint

who know not God in Jesus Christ are deeply discontented. The question that has been so eargerly discussed-—Is life worth living ?—is a question urged by unspiritual men ; and the temper in which they ask and answer the question reveals painful dissatisfaction with themselves and with things as they are. The discontent of their intellect drives them to accuse the world of irrationality. The discontent of their heart utters itself in cynicism. The discontent of their passions expresses itself in satiety. The discon­ tent of their conscience is revealed in pessimism and des­ pair. And if this life were all, we ought to be discon­ tented. If it were all, human discontent would be the only rational thing in the universe. With infinite travail, we keep our top spinning for sixty or seventy years. When its hum dies into the silence of the grave, what profit have we for all the labor that we have “wrought under the su,n” ? But this life means something for the man who has the Lord Jesus Christ. The “unintelligible world” is much -more intelligible to him. He does not feel the dis­ tressing thought of the uselessness of life; he does not.' suffer from the diseased indifference naturally bred o f the theory that all things are vain; and he is not par­ alyzed by the spectacle of the world’s suffering. Jesus Christ answers his questions, meets his needs, makes pos-

as he looked up at me. “Praise God,” he said, “that is wonderful! He’ll remember them, won’t He ?” I began to repeat promises, but in a few minutes he said, “I ’m tired. I ’ll just fall asleep and trust Him to remember His precious promises to me.” In a few hours he had gone home to be with the Promiser. The promises of God are wonderful. How we revel in them! But our Lord Himself is more wonderful than His promises. We are often stirred and thrilled while we sing, “I ’m standing on the promises of God.” But what a quiet peafce comes over us when we are content to rest our tired bodies and minds on H im ! “Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him.” To Live Is Christ The need of the world is not more men, but more man. It is Christ in him that makes a man. If we are to regard the universe as rational, and human life as serious and satisfactory, personal acquaintanceship and fellowship with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is essential. The fibers of our being need to be locked and interlocked with the fibers of His being. Then, through His work­ ing and power in us, wonderful things will be produced. Yonder is a young man, weak in intellect, who spends His days spinning a top. The seasons come and go; one


May 1931


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and General Director of the Abyssinia Frontier Mission; Rev. Arthur G. Moore, F. R. G. S., of the China Inland Mission; Dr. T. A. Lambie, of Abyssinia; Rev. Frank Dickie, who has had forty years of fruitful ministry in China; Rev. Thomas Titcombe, of the Sudan Interior Mission; Rev. Fred Lasse, of the Africa Inland Mission; Rev. Don D. Turner and Mr. George Jackson, of the Orinoco River Mission in Venezuela, South America; and Rev. Ford L. Canfield, of the China Inland Mission. Great audiences listened to these heroes of faith. Two sessions were held each day with two and three speakers at each session. We have never before seen audiences so stirred by stories of heroic effort and by appeals for con­ secration of life to the Lord Jesus Christ. On the last Sunday night of the conference, fully two hundred and fifty young people, from the Institute and the Church of the Open Door, stood before the great audience and proclaimed their full surrender to the Lord and their willingness to go where He might want to send them. A report of Dean McCreery contains the following: “The past year has shown a steady and marked up­ ward trend in spiritual life among our students. I do not know of any week having passed in which there has not been a surrendering of life to the service of God on the part of our student body. The culmination came with the week of the missionary rally. At the close of the -rally, a wonderful response was given by the students and the young people of the Church of the Open Door in answering the call of God for service. While it is impossible to give an accurate tabulation of figures, I feel quite confident that fully twenty-five per cent of our student body are definitely looking forward to service on the foreign field. Not only has this large group been brought to definitely face the call of God to foreign service, but there has been a yielding of heart and life on the part of scores of others who have surrendered their lives to the Lord to go wherever He shall show them. On this basis, I am confident that ninety per cent of our entire student body are eager to be in the perfect will of God in the matter of their life service.” S tewards of G od Does this mean anything to you? Here is a Bible Institute with more than four hundred day students— young people of the highest type, most of them from pray­ ing homes, going through a most strenuous course of Bible study, with a burning desire to amount to some­ thing for God; an Institute with a glorious past—-so glorious that Satan has tried to wreck it, and so dear to God that He has brought it out of confusion and has ban­ ished from it all strife, discord, and suspicion. We have never seen so many remarkable answers to prayer as we have witnessed in the last two years. But we are burdened with debt—debt of the past that must be paid if the Institute continues with her great testimony. Will you not come to our help in a large way ? A dear brother from Canada telegraphs us that he will give $100,000, provided ten others will each give the same amount. Here is a place for a great investment for God. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles will not die but will live and declare the works of the Lord.

pible his ideals, consoles him in sorrow, and gives him victory in life and death. The love that never finds an object, the genius that never finds a sphere, and the greatness that never finds a mission suggest a pathos beyond that of martyrdom. But the life that fails to find God through the Lord Jesus Christ is the most terrible experience of all. — o — A False Tongue It is wicked, and foolish to tell a deliberate and thor­ ough-going lie, but in the end it is quite often harmless. It can be exposed at once, and it is never believed. It hits the man against whom it was told and remains on the head of the man who told it. Nothing is so coarse and vulgar as a brazen lie, and no respectable person would condescend to such an act. Half truths are ten times more dangerous than untruths, but they are toler­ ated by a certain kind of conscience. Given a little skill, a little malice, and no scruples, and anything can be done with facts. If you would allow me to select from among the words and actions of the best of men just what I choose, and let me use-what I have selected in any way I please, I could make the man’s character look like that of Judas Iscariot. I could poison the minds of his friends against him, and I could convict him before a jury of hon­ est men. Just a sentence without the whole letter, just a saying without the circumstances, just an action without the reason, just a text without the context, just some ju­ dicious selection and some judicious omission—and out of the man’s innocence I could create the plausible evidence of his wickedness. There is nothing on earth quite so mean or so clever as the evil tongue working deceitfully, decent­ ly, politely. What course a single slander may wreck! And who is safe from the arrows of a tongue set on fire by hell? Neither position nor service nor even character can afford to bid it defiance. Its influence runs through church and state. Life and death are in its power. Jo­ seph is flung into prison on the false charge of an abandoned woman. Paul is followed through all his life by the envenomed accusations of Jewish bigots. We are all in one another’s hands. A congregation’s character hangs on the testimony of their minister, and he in turn must trust to their charity. One merchant may ruin an­ other by a skillful word of depreciation. One man may damage his friend for years by a single sentence. One woman’s tongue may break up the peace of a family. A habitual talebearer and willful slanderer should receive no more mercy at the hands of society than an assassin. Indeed he is worse than a common murderer who only wrongs the body, for this person is apt to break the heart. Blessed and honorable is that person whose tongue is obedient to the. law of Christ, and whose words are as a spring of wholesome water, who never uses scorn except to scourge sin, or satire except to prune folly, who never puts the simple to confusion nor flatters the great, who says no ill of any man except under the last com­ pulsion of truth and justice, who delights to speak well of every man, and who bids the castdown to be of good cheer. __ Tokens of God’s Approval The Bible Institute and the Church of the Open Door have been rejoicing in the great spiritual blessing which has come through the missionary rally, April 5 to 14, 1931. The missionary speakers were: Rev. Roland V. Bing­ ham, Founder and Director of the Sudan Interior Mission


May 1931


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Heaped Treasure James 5 :l-8

Lovers of Pleasure 2 Timothy 3:1-5

ENS of thousands are in the “bread lines” of the United States, yet the Treasury Depart­ ment reports that plutocrats increase. In spite of the stock market crash in 1929, 504 persons in the United States reported incomes that year in excess of $1,000,000. Thirty-six persons re­ ported incomes in excess of *$5,000,000. Weigh those fig­ ures—five thousand thousands of dollars! In one year, an income almost equal to one thousand dollars for every year of time since the creation of Adam! Streams of liquid gold pour—into the pockets of a favored few. The financial depression that seems to have come upon the multitudes may not be worrying the favored few. But if they only knew the sure word of prophecy, perhaps depression might come to them because of gain, and not because of the lack of it. A hungry multitude is likely to become a hungry mob. Russia should be a solemn warning. But, here is,another warning, still more solemn: “Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you . . . Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days. . . . Ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter . . . Be patient there­ fore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord . . . Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh” (Jas. 5:1, 5, 7). Vast accumulations of wealth among the few, and “bread lines” for the many! Such is the history of the close of every great empire of earth. Once again, man’s empire decays. Thank God, the empire of Jesus Christ draweth nigh. Rusting Riches James 5 :l-8 HP HERE are more than three billions of dollars in the savings depositories west of the Rocky Mountains. In the state of New York alone, 4,732 millions of dollars lie covered with dust, so we are told by The Business Week ; Twenty-eight billions—not millions, but billions— lie rusting in the nation as a whole. This world never has seen a larger heap of accumulated wealth than now lies unemployed in the vaults of “Uncle Sam.” America’s problem, after all, is not the unemployment of men but the unemployment of money. Employed money means employed men. But, what does it all portend? The Word of God gives wisdom: “Come now, ye rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you. Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. [Only unemployed garments are moth-eaten.] Your gold and your silver are rusted; and their rust shall he for a testimony against you, and shall eat your flesh as fire. Ye have laid up your treasure in the last days . . . The coming of the Lord is at hand” (Jas. 5:1-3, 8, R. V.).

"P NGLAND’S famous dean, Rev. William Ralph Inge, makes the claim that the excessive sums that England and America spend in the pursuit of pleasure are in large measure to blame for the present economic difficulties in both nations. Some time ago, he said: The amount last year spent on amusements in Amer­ ica was estimated at $21,945,000,000—more than the whole aggregate income of the people of this country (England). Two years of American play would suf­ fice to pay the whole of our national debt—not only what we owe America, but the whole of it. While in America alone, $21,945,000,000 was spent for pleasure, $469,000,000, that same year, was given for Christ and His church by both Catholics and Protestants. This situation, however, is not unforeseen by the inspired writer: “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be . . . lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God.” —o— Running To and Fro Daniel 12:4 D EVOUT men for centuries have believed that Dan­ iel’s great prophecy would compel, some day, a swift­ er means of locomotion. They have believed that our Lord’s return would be preceded by an era of unparal­ leled travel. Sir Isaac Newton, who lived two centuries ago, w;is one of the greatest scientists of all time, and a great stu­ dent of the prophecies. Daniel’s prophecy caused him to declare his belief that the time would come when men would be able to travel fifty miles an hour. The noto­ rious French infidel, Voltaire, contemporary with Newton, sneered: Now, look at the mighty mind of Newton who dis­ covered gravitation. When he became an old man and got into the dotage, he began to study the book called the Bible; and it seems, in order to credit its fabulous nonsense, we must believe that the knowledge of man­ kind will be so increased that we shall be able to travel at the rate of fifty miles an hour! The poor dotard! No man could travel thirty miles an hour and get his breath! But what would Newton think, were he- alive now, to see the myriads rushing to. and fro—-on the earth, over« the earth, under the earth? Stand at any great railway or steamship terminus and watch them, coming in and going out, thousands upon thousands, day and night,I month after month, year after year, endlessly. Note the Herculean efforts of man to constantly increase his speed—to run—to go—somewhere, anywhere, nowhere! Then read this item of news coming from no less an authority than the American Automobile Association: Washington, March 7.—The outlay for recreational travel during 1930, which can be conservatively placed


May 1931

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. at $7,500,000,000, was an outstanding item in the inter­ national trade balance during a year of retrenchment extending to all parts of the world. Think of i t ! Seven and one-half billions of dollars fh a year of hard times, spent not in business travel, but in running to and fro for the sake of running to and fro! Verily, unless Daniel’s word means nothing—it is “the time of the end!” !—o— Crumbling Thrones and Tumbling Crowns Ezekiel 21 :25-27 T HE entire world is sick!”' Such is the studied opin­ ion of Guglielmo Ferrero, Italy’s foremost living historian. He says: The entire globe seems to have been seized by a sort of revolutionary delirium tremens . . . infected' by revo­ lutionary epilepsy. During the last ten years, we have seen empires, fall to pieces, dynasties disappear, govern­ ment after government overthrown. All this is well known, of course, to even the casual newspaper reader. By way of emphasizing the point, we need not recall convulsion after convulsion that has overtaken the unhappy peoples of Europe and Asia; but we would remind our readers of the fact that between the Rio Grande and Cape Horn no less than twenty-five new rulers have been named in nine countries in fourteen months. Ferrero then asks: Are the governments and peoples of Europe and America beginning to be impressed with these earth­ quake shocks that follow each other in all continents and in every direction? . . . To resist the force of so many significant events, the optimism of our epoch would have to be blindness. With these last words of the famous historian we heartily agree. The optimism of our epoch is surely blindness—an optimism that hopes for better days with­ out the coming of Christ. However, these convulsions, these “epilepsies,” and “revolutionary-delirium tremens,” tlys overturning of universal order disheartens none but those who dwell not in the counsels of Omnipotence. Those within His counsel understand and are glad. “Iniquity shall have an end [in the time of the iniquity of the end, R. V.]. Thus saith the Lord God; Remove the diadem, and take off the crown. . . . I will overturn, overturn, overturn it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is ; and I will give it him.” Come, Lord Jesus, come! “Overturn, overturn, over­ tu r n ”—^and reign! —o— The Voice “To All Creation” On February 12, 1931, at Vatican City, the Pope of Rome mounted a golden throne, faced a microphone, and (wonder of wonders!) spoke “to all creation.” Then he continued: “Glory to God who gives in our days such power to men of making their words arrive even to the confines of the earth.” What child of God, knowing the great purposes of God, was not thrilled, first, by the fact that God had per­ mitted unregenerate man (cf. Jer. 27 :6) to invent the in­ strument which makes it possible for a man to sit on a throne in ari earthly city and speak “to all creation” ; and secondly, by the fact that the voice using this instrument should be that of the head of a great anti-Christian sys­

tem—a usurper of the authority of Christ and a pretender to the throne of the Son of God! All this must first be. But, the reign of the harlot and the beast over “all crea­ tion” will be brief. Soon He shall reign “whose right it is” (Ezek. 21 ’27). Then shall He who created speak to all that He created. From morn to morn, shall He of the golden throne in Jerusalem speak, and the nations shall respond to His will. — o — A Word of Warning The China Inland Mission has asked 'T h e K ing ’ s B usiness to call attention to the fact that a man, going under the name of Ward and representing himself as con­ nected with the China Inland Mission, has been soliciting money on the Pacific coast on the plea that he is returning to China, and that he needs certain help in*his work. In the protection of its interests and those of all Christian friends, the Mission states that it knows nothing of the identity of the person in question. Those who are fami­ liar with the China Inland Mission will understand that, no one of its authorized representatives ever makes any solicitation for funds, since such a procedure is entirely contrary to the Mission’s principles. It is often stated that a revival of Bible religion— without sensationalism or fanaticism—is impossible today, especially in Los Angeles. The recent series of special meetings, held under the direction of the Church of the Open Door, which worships in the auditorium of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, proved such a statement to be entirely false. Early in the year, the pastor of the church, Dr, P. W. Philpott, expressed the belief that the oustanding need of the hour was a spiritual awakening from God Himself. The members of the congregation shared this opinion and began to pray earnestly that God would make it an actuali­ ty. Their prayers were abundantly answered in the coming of Evangelist Melvin E. Trotter, of Grand Rap­ ids, and Rev. Homer Hammontree, song leader. Meet­ ings were held daily for three weeks, with an attendance of between 2,500 and 3,000, and on Sundays a total of between 10,000 and 12,000 were present at the three services. Schools and churches cooperated heartily, send­ ing large delegations. On one Friday night which was designated as Young People’s Night, eighty young men and women responded to the invitation to accept Christ as Saviour. Many of these were members of various Euodia Clubs, which are conducted each week in the public schools of Los Angeles and vicinity by the Bible women of the Institute. Approximately 300 ■persons professed definitely to accept Christ during the meet­ ings. At the monthly reception of members following the campaign, eighty-four candidates were received in­ to the fellowship of the Church of the Open Door. A large number of these were new converts who had ac­ cepted Christ during the special services. The Bible Institute rejoices in the evident blessing of the Lord upon this church and its aggressive and Spirit- filled pastor, and it seeks in every way to cooperate. The spiritual awakening, so earnestly desired and so gracious­ ly granted by God, extended in blessing to all departments of the Bible Institute, as it did to other organizations and churches—and more than that, it continues and abides. — o— A Gracious Revival

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A Tribute to Mother B y P . W. P h ilpott (Los Angeles, Calif.)

ous of all my thoughts of her gather around the morn­ ing when I faced the world for the first time as a babe in Christ. A great change had come into my life the night before, when I had had a soul vision of Jesus dying for me on Calvary. The ne?ct morning I wanted above ev­ erything else to tell my mother what had taken place. But every time I attempted to speak, something hindered. The words would not come. When I sat down to the breakfast table, I was faced with a problem of which I had never dreamed. I suddenly felt I could not eat un­ til I had offered thanks to God. When I saw my broth­ er about to begin his meal, I spoke quickly, although with fear and trembling. “ Hold on, boy,” I said, “we are go­ ing to pray this morning!” Since then, I have had a thousand tests in my Chris­ tian life. But I am sure that I burned up more energy in that first attempt to witness for Christ than in any other emergency. I thought surely my mother was dis­ pleased, and I began to upbraid myself for being a fool. I wanted to run—to hide—to do anything that would get me away from that table. But when I pushed back my chair to leave the room, my mother came to my side. She placed her hand tenderly on my shoulder and said, “Do not leave just now, my son. I want you to do some­ thing for me.” My little Scotch mother made no profession of sal­ vation at that time, but she was a wise parent indeed. She left the room and in a moment returned with a book in her hand. It had a brass binding and a brass clasp. It was the Word of God. I learned to know more about that Book later, but at that time I knew nothing what­ ever .of its contents or of its importance. Mother opened the Bible and placed it beside my plate, saying, “I want you to read to us every morning from this Book and have family prayer.” I had never prayed. What should I do? -Well, I could read, at least. I started right in at the chapter that was open before me. It was the tenth of Romans. I read it through, and I must confess that I wished there were more verses in it, because I knew that following the read­ ing I must pray, and I did not know how. The chapter ended, we knelt beside our chairs .for prayer. I do not know what was said, but I know that God’s presence was so real that it seemed that the win­ dows of heaven had been opened. I think that at no other time in my life have I been more conscious of the nearness of God than I was in that first family prayer hour in our humble Canadian home. The night before, on my way home, I thought about the world with which I had been in fellowship, and about the boys with whom I had been associating, and I won­ dered how I could ever face them as a Christian. But now, as I arose from my knees, I felt neither fear nor dread. The consciousness of the presence of God and the fact that my mother was with me gave me courage to face any trial that confronted me. (Continued on page 215)

Mother Strength and dignity are her clothing; And she laugheth at the time to come. She openeth her mouth with wisdom; And the law of kindness is on her tongue. She looketh well to the ways of her household, And eateth not the bread of idleness. Her children rise up, and call her blessed; Her husband also, and he praiseth her, saying: Many daughters have done worthily, But thou excellest them all. —Proverbs 31:25-29.

EXT to the “name that is above every name,” no sweeter word was ever spoken than that of mother. In childhood, it is the first word that we lisp; in death, it is frequently the last that we utter. The name has been a thousand times more precious since Jesus Christ the Lord was born of a woman and called her “mother.” He gave to womanhood a dignity and a sanctity unknown be­ fore. This was often evident during His days on earth, and especially at Calvary. “There stood by the cross of Jesus his mother”—and at the last, His thought was of her. Tenderly He committed her to the care of “the dis­ ciple standing by, whom he loved.” In so doing, He taught the great lessons of gentleness and consideration which men and women who would follow Him must not ignore. In most homes, Mother’s Day is every day. A mother’s devotion to her husband and children is cease­ less ; her gentle ministrations know no end. “What is home without a mother?” It has become a custom to set aside one day each year on which to show special honor to motherhood. On these occasions there comes, especially to the older men and women among us, a flood of happy memories—thoughts of childhood days in the old home. Personally, I would not care to be a child again, except in the matter of innocence. I am looking forward, not backward, for “it is better on before.” Mother is in heaven now, and many loved ones are with her. I am anticipating a great reunion in the heavenly abiding place— A home where none are sick, or poor, or lone; A place where we shall meet our own. Retrospect is pleasant. As I think back through the years, I recall many things that my mother did for me by way of comfort, help, and cheer. But the most preci-


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More About the Kwato Mission B y D elavan L. P ierson (New York, N. F.)

The March issue of T h e K ing ’ s B usiness contained some interesting, observations made by Delavan L. Pier­ son, Editor of the M issionary R eview of th e W orld , during a recent visit to the Kwato Mission in Eastern Papua. Our readers will welcome additional information about the great work founded by the late Rev. Charles W. Abel. — Editor. The Papuan Christians are not paid for evangelistic work. Every Christian is taught that it is his or her privilege to witness to others and to seek to lead them to Christ. Every Sunday, lists are posted giving the names of those who are to go out to the villages on evangelistic assignments. The others pray for these evangelists, and great is their joy when they return with reports of souls won to Christ. While we were at Kwato, one young evangelist, ■Makura, the engineer on the Mamari II, brought in twenty-four men and women from Lamhaga as candidates for church membership. They had proved their sincerity in their own village, and after careful examination by the missionaries, were received into the church. One by one these men and women, with twenty- two others, stood up before the congregation and verbally confessed their faith in Christ and their decision to fol­ low His way. Confession of Christ and an effort to win others become the natural expression of their Christian life. When one of the young men, the storekeeper at Kwato, went to Australia with Miss Parkin, he was an evangelistic power in the Y. M. C. A. in Sydney, where he stayed. His example and his testimony led several Australians to the Saviour. C hurch G overnment Congregations of Christians have been formed at sev­ enteen stations. They have been organized into churches with elders to care for them. These elders are nominated by the Christians and are confirmed and consecrated to office by the mission. Their duties are to see that prayer meetings and church worship are conducted regularly, to keep the church rolls and a record of church attendance, to look after the spiritual welfare of the flock, to receive and transmit gifts for benevolence, to keep the church buildings in repair, to do evangelistic work, and to send out Christians week by week on evangelistic assignments to heathen villages in the neighborhood. Elders may be deposed from office for lack of faith­ fulness, for a lapse in Christian conduct, or for failure to rule their households and keep them in the Christian path. Church members may be suspended and denied fellowship at the Lord’s Supper for lapses in Christian faith or con­ duct; but they are not dropped and just forgotten. They are daily prayed for and followed up until they are brought back into the fold. Three of these backsliders came back into the church on our last Sunday in Kwato. One couple had been prayed for by the Christians for two years.

The deep interest that these Christians feel in the spiritual welfare of others is shown by a letter, written while we were at Kwato by one of the Papuan school teachers, Labini. She writes to a friend: “I know you remain in love and prayer to God always for us all here. I think you would like to know too about the Christian work of those who go out to witness for Christ. This year three women gave themselves to Christ; so I want you to pray for them too, that they may be kept true for Christ and grow day by day to love Him more and more. A few I knew some years ago gave them­ selves to Christ, but now they live as heathen people live, who never knew Christ as their Saviour. One woman went back because she believes in tabosima (witchcraft)/' E xamples of L iberality The generosity of Papuans is little short of phenom­ enal. At various villages that we visited, the people came to the boat loaded with gifts for us—taru, yams, coco­ nuts, bananas, chickens, and grass skirts;—to show their good will. These gifts were given out of their poverty, not out of their abundance. The Papuans are very ap­ preciative of any kindness shown. Recently the elders of the churches of the district met and voted that their congregations would be ready to contribute one thousand pounds ($5,000) a year for new equipment needed at Kwato, Duabo, and other stations. They have already given one thousand pounds a year for two years to pay for the plantations that are so greatly needed in the mis­ sion work. Now they have ■ expressed a desire to erect a House of Prayer in Kwato in memory of their beloved Taubada (their “Great Chief” ), Father Abel. When we note the meager income on which wage earners subsist (not more than ten pounds a year for themselves and their families) and the frugal way in which they live, we are put to shame. If American and British Christians would give in the same proportion, the coffers of the Lord’s treasury would be overflowing—and the windows of heav­ en would be open to pour down an abundance of spiritual blessings. It has been voted to erect the House of Prayer at Kwato, for the only assembly hall at present is in the Mission House, which was intended for the missionary residence. This assembly room is also used as a dormi­ tory, dining room, school room, music room, domestic science room, and school for manual arts. It is estimated Don’t Miss the June Issue In the June number of T h e K ing ’ s B usiness , Mr. Hugh R. Monro, a recognized authority in business and religious circles, will discuss the im­ portant question : “Has the Church Failed Social­ ly ?” This is an article you cannot afford to miss. It is one of several forceful and interesting con­ tributions to be offered next month. Renew your Subscription Today


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monotonous tom-toming that is discord to our ears, but the Christian Papuans have learned to sing even beautiful oratorios, true and sweetly melodious, in four parts. Each noon the Christian Papuan leaders meet for a half hour of prayer on their knees. Is it any wonder that their lives are beautiful, their interests world-wide, and their work effective? 3. The Papuan Christians are taught that their de­ pendence is on God, but that each has a responsibility to do his part in answering his own prayers. This develops a virile and a practical, not a sentimental, Christianity. It promotes a spirit of service and of self-denying giving. While the Holy Spirit of God works through the mis­ sionaries and Papuan Christians* there is no fear as to the future of this work. . The honored and beloved hu­ man leader has been called Home. The loss is inestim­ able, for his wisdom, his experience, his power, his spirit were felt in every department of the work. But God remains and is already showing His power in the lives arid works of those who carry on. This is a work in which there is a true partnership with God, and rich bless­ ing comes to those who enter into this partnership. A glimpse of some of the work, as we saw it in Kwato and in its twenty-six outstations, and of the trophies won from heathenism, shows the value of this work and the marked way in which God has manifested His power and has honored the devotion of Mr. and Mrs. Abel and their fellow workers. We came back from Papua with a deep­ ened interest in the work and a strengthened conviction that partnership with God and His servants in this mis­ sion is a privilege that brings rich blessing to those at home and to those on the field. In spite of the great loss to the work and to the Abel family in the sudden Home call of Rev. Charles W. Abel, the work is going forward with power. The taking away of the beloved leader has acted as a stimulus to the mis­ sionaries and to the Papuan church, leading them to greater dependence on God and to a new zeal to make Christ known not only in the Kwato district but in the. unevangelized and unoccupied regions beyond.

that the new building will cost, in addition to native labor contributed, about two thousand pounds ($10,000), and friends all over the world are invited to contribute to the memorial. T h e S ecret of S uccess The transformations wrought in this mission are an outstanding example of what a Christian mission may accomplish. The secret seems to be threefold. . 1. The one aim is to lead the Papuans to an intelli­ gent faith in Christ as the Son of God and their personal Saviour. The missionaries train the converts for con­ sistent Christian life and for unselfish, effective service for their fellows. There is no desire to introduce Euro­ pean customs, habits of dress, or standards of life, but there is an earnest effort to develop Christlike character and usefulness, and to form healthful, industrious, self- supporting Christian communities. Consequently, schools are established, not for education beyond the people’s needs, but to teach them to read and understand the Word of God, and to help them-to earn a decent livelihood. Medical work is carried on to promote personal, family, and village cleanliness and health. Industrial work is conducted, not to produce wealth, but to enable the Chris­ tians to work for their own support, and to enable them to give to others in need. Last year these benevolence gifts of the Papuan Christians were sent to India, Japan, China, and Moslem lands, and for work among Jews in New York! 2. Dependence for effectiveness is not based upon fine equipment, large financial resouces, or a large staff of paid workers, but on the work of the Spirit of God in the hearts and lives of men. The missionaries spend much time in prayer and look to God for the supply of every need. Prayer expresses the life of the mission. The Papuan Christians^ gather twice or more daily for prayer and praise. It was an inspiration to hear those at Kwato each morning and evening as they sang in beautiful harmony some of the great Christian hymns, and then knelt in prayer. Heathen Papuan music is a


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Precious Passages to Memorize B y M rs . M . G. E avey (Xenia, Ohio)

Mrs. Eavey conducts large Bible classes for women in her own and surrounding cities. Members of her classes are all expected to commit to memory the following Scrip - ture passages and to become familiar with their meaning. No teacher could do a better thing than to have his or her pupils memorize these passages. — Editor. Psalm 1—-The Righteous and the Wicked. Psalm 19—The Works of God and the Word of God. Psalm 23—The Lord Is My Shepherd. Psalm 27—Fearless Trust in the Lord. ; Psalm 32—Saved and Kept. Psalm 36:5-9—Under His Wings. Psalm 37:1-9—Counsels for Christians, Psalm 62:1-8—Waiting upon God. Psalm 63 :l-8—Thirsting for God. Psalm 73—A Great Problem Solved. Psalm 90 rl-2-17—A Worker’s Prayer. Psalm 107:1-15—The Need for Witnessing. Psalm 150—Praise the Lord. Proverbs 8:22-36—A Testimony of Christ. Isaiah 26:3, 4—-Perfect Peace. | Isaiah-53—The Atonement of Christ Foretold. , ; John l.:l-i4*-^Christ the Word of God. John iO:l-3(L—The Good Shepherd. John 14—A Cure for Heart Trouble. John 17—The Intercessory Prayer of Our Lord. Romans 1 :16, 17—The Gospel the Power of God. -Romans 3:21-28—The Gospel of the Grace of God. Romans 8 :35-39—The Security o( the Believer. 1 Corinthians 13—The Love of God. 2 Corinthians 1 :3, 4—The God of All Comfort. Ephesians 6:10-13—The Christian’s Warfare. j- Colos^psv.l ;9-14—A Prayer for Christians. Revelation 4 :11-—The Creator and His Creation. Revelation 5 :9-13—The New Song, S alvation from B eg inn ing to E nd 1. The need for salvation from sin and its penalty is universal (Eccl. 7:20; Rom. 3:23; Isa. 64:6; Jer. 17:9, 10; Isa. 53:6; John 3:3). 2. Man is helpless to save himself. God alone can save the sinner (Isa. 55:8; Prov. 16:25; 1 Cor. 1:21- Jas. 2:10; Rom. 3:20). 3. God has provided salvation through the substitu­ tionary work of Christ (John 3:16; 2 Cor. 5:18, 19- 1 Cor. 15:3, 4; Eph. 2:8, 9). 4. Eternal life, which is the very life of God im­ parted to believers, is the present possession of the chil­ dren of God (John 5:24; 1 John 5:12, 13). 5. True faith in the risen, glorified, ascended Christ will result in an outward confession of Him as Lord (Matt. 10:32, 33; Lk. 9:26; Rom. 10:9, 10). 6. True faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is always ac­ companied by good works (Jas. 2:14-18; Eph. 2:10; Phil 2:13; Titus 3:8). 7. The judgment of Goid awaits unbelievers; but be­ lievers in the risen, glorified Christ will never come into

judgment for their sins (John 3:18; Heb. 9:27; John 3: * 17; 5:24; Rom. 8:1). a ' \ m 8. God is no longer the Judge, but the Father of all true believers in the risen, glorified Christ (Gal. 3 :26 ; 1 John 3 :1; Rom. 8:14-17). 9. The Word of God is the spiritual food for the children of God (Lk. 4:4'; 1 Pet. 2:1, 2; John 6:63; Psa. 119:11, 105; Isa. 55:10, 11). 10. The joyful life of praise, thanksgiving, and pray­ er is the atmosphere the child of- God/ should breathe (1 Thess. 5:16-18;¿Heb. 13:15, 16; W e t . 5:7; Eph. 6:18; Phil. 4:5-9). ■11. The walk of faith, which consists of realizing the presence of God, witnessing for the risen, glorified Christ Jesus, and living for Him, is the healthful exercise for the child of God (2 Cor. 5:7; Isa. 41:10; Heb. 13:5, 6 ; 2 .Cor. 2;14; 5:14, 15). 12. The body of the child of God is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and is to be yielded to God for an in­ strument of righteousness (1 Cor. 6:19, 20; 2 Cor. 4:6, 7; Rom. 6:12, 13). 13. If sins are committed by the child of God, which break fellowship with the Father, provision is made through the advocacy of Christ Jesus, and the indwelling Holy Spirit. Fellowship will be restored upon confession of sins (1 John 2:1, 2; Heb. 7 :25 ; Rom. 5 :10; 1 Cor. 10:13; 1 John 1:9, 10). 14. The second coming of Christ is the comforting, purifying, and blessed hope of the children of God (1 Thess. 4:13-18; Titus 2:11-14; Rom. 8:18-25; 1 John 3:2, 3; Phil. 3:20, 21), 15. When the believers appear before the judgment seat of Christ, they will be rewarded for faithful service (2 Cor. 5:10; Matt. 16:27; 1 Cor. 3:11-14; 1 Pet: 5 :2-4 p Dan. 12:3; Gal. 6:7-10; 1 Cor. 15:58). Ministry of the Printed Page in China As the result-of hearty cooperation on the part of Chinese and foreign friends, the bimonthly magazine, Evangelism, of which Mr. Charles A. Roberts, of the Hunan Bible Institute, is the managing editor, now enjoys a wide circulation in every province of China and in other countries. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts are members of the staff of Biola in China, for whose support the Bible Institute of Los Angeles is reponsible. As, the name implies, the magazine, printed in Chinese, gives prom­ inence to such subjects as gospel preaching, the winning of men and women to Christ, and the edification of be­ lievers. There are special departments, such as daily meditations for use in family worship, helps on the Sun­ day-school lessons, the children’s page, and the importance of the Christian home. Going as it does into the hands of hundreds of Chinese, it is difficult to estimate the good that may be wrought by this, strong, scriptural periodical. Friends of the work in China are asked to pray that God?s own message may, through this medium, find its way to many hearts. ’

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