King's Business - 1931-05

Do You Have Difficulty Praying in Public? If so, this Announcement Can Bring You Help at a Saving D1D y o u e v er b u y a b o o k b e fo re it w as p u b lish ed ? D id y o u ev er feel th a t y o u influenced th e p u b lish in g of a b ook? W ell, if y o u feel th e n eed of a good b o o k of p ra y e rs th a t co v er e v ery o c ca ­ sion, y o u help in b rin g in g a b o u t th a t b o o k a n d a t th e sam e tim e save m oney. W e have th e m a n u sc rip t of ju st su ch a book. It will sell fo r $1.35 w h en p u b ­ lished, b u t to get som e in d icatio n of how la rg e a n edition w e sh ould b rin g o u t— ju s t how m an y p e o p le will find it helpful — w e w ill ta k e o rd e rs n ow fo r it a t $1 .0 0 a copy. C o n ten ts of th is volum e w ill b e Prayers for Sunday School Super­ intendents and Christian Workers T h is b o o k will m ee t th e n eed s of S u n ­ day S chool S u p e rin te n d e n ts a n d C h ris­ tia n W o rk e rs w h o a re called u p o n to p ra y in public. It will consist o f b e a u ti­ fully w o rd e d p ra y e rs fo r u se o n all C h u rc h a n d S un d ay -sch o o l F estive Days, L egal H olidays, a n d o th e r days of o b ­ serv an ce. A ND here is another very helpful book— small and inexpensive enough to d istrib ­ ute to each one in the younger classes of your Sunday-school and homes where little to ts are learning to talk and pray. It is Prayers for Little Children C onsists of 78 sh o rt prayers in simple words, beautiful thoughts, and m ostly in rhym e th a t makes it easy to learn and re­ member. The front cover has a picture of Jesus taking the little children in his arm s. A FREE COPY To every one th a t sends in an advanced o r­ der for “P ray ers for Sunday School Superin­ tendents and C hristian W orkers" a copy of “P rayers for L ittle Children” will be sent free. This attractiv e little book m ay be p u r­ chased separately, however, a t the following p rices: 250 copies, p er 100, $3.25 500 copies, p er 100, $3.00 All postpaid. WE CAN SUPPLY EVERY NEED OF YOUR SCHOOL OR CHURCH We have a very com plete Church and Sun­ day School Supply D epartm ent, and will be glad to serve you, regardless of w hether it be for books, furniture, or o th er supplies. We will be glad to p u t you on our m ailing list for our seasonal catalogues if you like. NO MONEY NEEDED Ju s t fill in th e co u p o n . W h en th e b o o k is com p leted— a b o u t Ju n e first— y o u r copy w ill b e sen t to you, a n d y o u th e n p a y th e p o stm an o n e dollar. Central Publishing House 2975 W. 25th Street, Cleveland, Ohio CENTRAL PUBLISHING HOUSE 2975 W . 25th Street, Cleveland, Ohio. □ Send me when published “P rayers for Sunday School S u p e r i n t e n d e n t s and C hristian W orkers.” 1 will p ay postm an $1.00 when delivered. Also free copy of “P ray ers for L ittle Children.” □ Send me..'.— .copies “P rayers for L ittle Children” for enclosed. Send me your Seasonal Catalogue. Name .........________________ .................................. Address Town and S tate...... ........ ................... C heck sq u ares to in d ic a te y o u r w ishes Single copy, 10c Dozen copies, 50c 100 copies, $3.50

\3he K in g ’s B u s in e s s W illiam P. W hite , D.D., E ditor Motto: “Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood.” Rev. 1:5 PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY AND REPRESENTING THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES Volume XXII May, 1931 Number 5 Table o f Contents Crumbs from the King’s Table—The Editor...............................195 There Shall Be Signs—Louis S. Bauman.......................................197 A Tribute to Mother—P. W. Philpott............................................ 199 More About the Kwato Mission—Delavan L. Pierson.... .......... 200 Precious Passages to Memorize—Mrs. M. G. Eavey................... 202 Vergil and the Consolations of Isaiah—Ernest Gordon............ ;..203 Does the United States Appear in Prophecy? —Canon F. E. Howitt.................................................................. 205 Structure in Scripture—Norman B. Harrison.............................. 207 The Lord, a Harbor for His People—F. J. Horsefield..............209' Studies in the Epistle to the Hebrews—John C. Page..................211 The Return of the Tide—Zenobia Bird........................................ 213 Heart to Heart with Our Young Readers —Florence Nye Whitwell.............................................................. 216 Alumni Notes—Cutler B. Whitwell.................................................218 Junior King’s Business—Helen Howarth Lemmel......................... 219, Homiletical Helps......................................................... 221 International Lesson Commentary....... _............ 222 Our Literature Table............................................................. 230 Notes on Christian Endeavor—Milo F. Jamison.............................232 Daily Devotional Readings................................................................ 236


ADVERTISING: For information with reference to advertising, address THE KING'S BUSINESS, 536 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. Entered as Second Class Matter November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage pro­ vided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918. TERMS: $1.50 per year. Single copies 25c Foreign Countries (including Canada) $1.75 per year. Clubs fo 4, 25c reduction on each subscription; clubs of 10 or

more, 50c reduction on each subscription, sent to one or to separate addresses as preferred. REMITTANCE: Should be made by Bank Draft, Ex­ press or P. O. Money Order, payable to “Bible Institute of Los Angeles." Receipts will not be sent for reg­ ular subscriptions, but date of expiration will show plainly, each month, on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. MANUSCRIPTS: THE KING'S BUSINESS cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent to it for consideration. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Please send both old and new addresses at least one month previous to date of desired change.

POLICY AS DEFINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES (a) To stand for the infallible Word of God and its great fundamental truths, (b) To strengthen the faith of all believers, (c) To stir young men and women to fit themselves for and engage in definite Chritian work, (d) To make the Bible Institute of Los Angeles known, (e) To magnify God our Father and the person, work and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; and to teach the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in our present practical life, (f) To emphasize in strong, constructive messages the great- foundations of Christian faith.

536-558 S. Hope St., BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Lo* Angeles, Calif.

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