King's Business - 1931-05

May 1931

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


heart, and other organs. Sixty per cent of all babies born- of cigarette-smoking mothers will die before they are two years old.’ . . . . “A prominent physician in Washington, D. C., whose name can be supplied, re­ cently stated that of 5,000 maternity cases coming under his observation, ^not one mother was able to nurse her child if she used cigarettes. “Dr. D. H. Kress, neurologist, Wash­ ington Sanitarium and Hospital, says: ‘If young girls take up this habit generally, there will be a landslide in physical and moral degeneracy.’ “United States Surgeon-General Hugh S. Cummings states: ‘If American wo­ men generally contract the habit, as re­ ports now indicate they are doing, the entire American nation will suffer. The physical tone of the whole nation will be lowered. This is one of the most evil influences in American life today. The habit harms woman more than it does man.’” The booklet is available from the auth­ or, 156 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y., at the rate of ten cents a copy. John Wanamaker’s Mother When he was advancing in years, and when he had time from the cares of the great store that he had built and from his many public duties, John Wanamaker wrote of his mother: “My first love was my mother, and my first home was on her breast. _My first bed was upon her bosom. Leaning little arms upon her knees, I learned my first prayers. A bright lamp she lit in my soul, that never dies down nor goes out, though the winds and waves of fourscbre years have swept over me. “Sitting in my mother’s old armchair which she loved because her first-born 1son gave it to her forty years ago, I am writing this in the evening twilight. With the darkness falling, I seem to lose myself in the flood of memories, and to feel that the arms of the chair have loosed them­ selves to become my very own mother’s arms around me again, drawing me to her bosom, the happiest place on earth, just as she used to do in the days and nights long gone by. I feel the touch of her little hand on my brow, and I hear her voice as she smooths my hair and calls me her boy, her very own boy.” ) ;—The Presbyterian. -— o — Essentials of Enduring Service I must wait for four things: first, to know whether a work is God’s work; ■second, to know whether it is my work; third, to know whether it is .God’s time; and fourth, to know whether it is God’s way.— George Mueller. —o— Self-Satisfied Smugness The hardest person to sell anything to is the one who is content with things as they are. If Edison had been satisfied with existing conditions, he never would have invented the phonograph or the in­ candescent light'; coal oil lamps and tallow candles would have been good enough. We are not satisfied with ourselves men­ tally as we are, and so we go to school. Roosevelt was not satisfied with himself physically, and he had a trainer come ev­ ery day. Why be satisfied with ourselves spiritually until we have the best possible for us?— Christian Endeavor World.

A holy boldness, a chastened familiari­ ty, is the true spirit of right prayer. It was said of Luther that, when he prayed, it was with as much reverence as if he were praying to an infinite God, and with as much familiarity as if he were speak­ ing to his nearest friend.— G. S. Bowes. June 13— "For our. conversation is in heaven / from whence also w.e look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ” (Phil. 3:20). How is it that the hope of Christ s re­ turn has so little power upon the church of God today? It is want of communion with earth’s rejected and heaven’s hon­ ored Christ. If we had every day in our souls heart-fellowship with the Lord Je­ sus Christ, if we knew more of what it is to walk by the faith of the Son of God . . . then the hope of His coming would be more of a reality to us. “He is coming! He is coming 1 Let us ‘occupy for Him’; With our eyes fixed on the glory, Making earthly things look dim ; Seeking only His approval, Waiting only for His smile; Thus forgetting all the suffering Of the present little while.” —Thomas Neatby. — o— June 14— “I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart o f flesh"'( Ezek. 36:26). It is a sad thing for the blind man who has to read the raised type when the tips of his fingers harden, for then he can­ not read the thoughts of men, which stand out upon the page. But it is far worse to lose sensibility of soul, for then you cannot peruse the book of human nature, but must remain untaught in the sacred literature of the heart. You have heard of the “iron duke,” but an iron Christian would be a very terrible per­ son. A heart of flesh is the gift of di­ vine grace, and one of its sure results is the power to be very pitiful, tender, and full of compassion.— C. H. S. — o — The Cigarette An informing and valuable booklet, called The Cigarette, has been written by Colonel E. N. Sanctuary, of New York City., It is a much-needed protest against the organized propaganda of a large trust, backed by huge sums of money, which aims to thrust an injurious habit upon the young people of this country. The. author, believing that scarcely one person in a thousand knows much about the ter­ rible effects of the tobacco habit, has emphasized the physical and scientific side of the subject, rather than the moral side Which is more often treated. The follow­ ing paragraphs are quoted from the book­ let. • “It is estimated that 1,200 American boys begin the cigarette habit every day! “A careful study . . . made by Antioch College showed that a, definite relation­ ship is established between smoking and low scholarships; that is, 31.8% of non- smokers failed to maintain required grades, while 62.3% of heavy smokers similarly failed. “Here are Dr. Barber’s words: ' “ ‘A baby born of a cigarette-smoking mother is sick! It is poisoned and may die within two weeks of birth. The post­ mortem shows degeneration of the liver,

CHRISTIANITY THROUGH JEWISH EYES 16 Valuable, Inform ative Pam phlets deal­ ing w ith the Gospel of Reconciliation. Compelling Arguments for the Ac­ ceptance of Christianity by the Jews, considered “ENGLISH CLASSICS” Over 600 P ages, $1.00 (Covers only printing costs) Includes: “Am erica’s G reat Menace” ; “Why I, a Jew, am a C hristian” ; ‘Em ­ inent Jew ish C onverts” (illu strated ), by B. A. M. SCHAPIRO, the Managing Di­ rector of the Society. Roelif H. Brooks, S.T.D., R ector of St. Thom as’ Church, N. Y., P res.; Wm. A. H arbison, Vice- P res.; Col. How ard C. Sm ith, Treas. Supported by V oluntary C ontributions ffj^Send check or money order payable to THE HEBREW-CHRISTIAN PUBLICATION SOCIETY, Inc. 644 W est 207th St., New Y ork; D ept. H . Telephone: LO rraine 7-2190 Mr. Shapiro (“A certain Jew ; an elo­ quent man, m ighty in the Scriptures” ) preaches Sunday afternoons a t 4 p. m., for Jew s and C hristians, a t the A scen­ sion Memorial Church, 251 W. 43rd St., N. Y. Tell your Jew ish friends in New York of these meetings. $ $ B o y s a n d G i r l s $ $ Act quickly and earn one dollar in cash. Sell only 10 Beautiful Wall Mottoes. Prices plainly marked. Full sell­ ing instructions furnished. COMPANY Dept. K. M. Anderson. Indiana SOLOS—DUETS—QUARTETS 11 New Songs — Only 25c (Send Stamps or M. 0.) Bilhorn Bros., 77 W. Lake St., Chicago Christ, and him crucified” (2 Cor. 2:2). Christ and the believer that loves Him live as if they had but one soul betwixt them. It is not the distance between earth and heaven that can separate them; true love will find out Christ wherever He is. When He was upon the earth, they that loved Him kept His company; and now that He is gone to heaven and is out of sight, those that love Him are frequently sending up their hearts unto Him. And, indeed, they never think themselves intelligent in anything that is worth the knowing, until they have made their souls much acquainted and familiar with their crucified Saviour. —Morning Exercises. June 12— “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of. grace, that we may ob­ tain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need” (Heb. 4:16). When God enacts laws, He is on a throne of legislation. When He adminis­ ters these laws, He is on a •throne of government. When He tries His crea­ tures by these laws, He is on a throne of judgment. But when He receives pe­ titions and dispenses favors, He is on a throne of grace.— William Jay. You may also get an eversharp Rite-Rite pen­ cil with clip. FREE. Thousands ofboys and girls an d even grown folks are making good m oney th is pleasan t, easy way. Clip and mail this notice today carefully stating y o u r nam e, age and address. GOSPEL TRUMPET H i FREE

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