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Casselman man convicted on child porn charge

New finance officer for UCDSB The Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) confirmed Robert Backstrom as its new chief financial officer during its January 10 meet- ing. Backstrom will replace Nancy Barkley, who retires in February after more than 20 years of service for the UCDSB. Backstrom’s background includes certification as a chartered accountant and management accountant, experience in the private sector with Essar Steel/Algoma Steel Corp., and in the public sector with the Algoma District School Board Confederation College, along with serving as a business consultant. His new position with the UCDSB will include overseeing and managing the district’s annual $350 million budget. – Gregg Chamberlain La Salle André-Vinette, en hommage à un grand bénévole La nouvelle salle de conférence du Centre com- munautaire de St-Albert portera désormais le nom Salle André-Vinette en mémoire d’un bénévole qui s’est beaucoup investi au sein de sa communauté. Le conseil de la municipalité de La Nation a approuvé cette recommandation du Comité consultatif des loisirs et de la culture lors de sa dernière réunion municipale. Une cérémonie officielle devrait avoir lieu dans les prochains mois afin de décerner officiellement le nouveau nom à cette salle. – Caroline Prévost Les femmes à l’honneur Les femmes de Prescott-Russell pourront s’ins- pirer et inspirer le 8 mars prochain lors d’une soirée qui mettra en valeur le leadership fémi- nin. Au menu : une séance de réseautage, une séance de yoga pour rire ainsi qu’une conférence de Colette Provencher, présentatrice météo. La soirée, Restez calme et soyez vous-même se tiendra dans le cadre de la Journée interna- tionale de la femme. L’évènement aura lieu au Centre communautaire de Saint-Isidore, de 16 h à 21 h. Celui-ci est organisé par la Société de développement communautaire de Prescott- Russell et ses partenaires, dont la Cité des affaires. Pour réserver, visitez le AVIS EST DONNÉ QUE le Conseil de la Corporation du Village de Casselman tiendra une réunion publique le mardi 13 mars 2018, à 18h30 dans la salle communautaire du complexe JR Brisson du Village de Casselman, 758, rue Brebeuf, Casselman, afin de considérer une proposition de modification au Règlement de Zonage No. 96-635 du Village de Casselman conformément à l’article 34 de la Loi sur l’aménagement du territoire, L.R.O. 1990, dans sa forme modifiée. Demande de Modification au Zonage Le but et effet de la demande de modification au zonage vise à modifier l’article 4.20 f) du règlement de zonage du Village de Casselman afin de permettre le stationnement de remorqueuse dans la cour avant de toute zone résidentielle. Information Additionnelle Des informations additionnelles concernant la demande de modification au zonage proposé sont disponibles pour consultation durant les heures d'affaires du Village de Casselman. Veuillez contacter M. Sylvain Boudreault, Urbaniste consultant au 1-800- 667-6307 poste 7104 ou par courriel SBoudreault@ AVIS DE RÉUNION PUBLIQUE


David Prest of Casselman will spend the rest of the year at the St. Lawrence Val- ley Correctional and Treatment Centre: Secure Treatment Unit in Brockville for his conviction on a charge of possession of child pornography. Prest pled guilty to the charge during the February 14 provincial court session in L’Ori- gnal. The charge resulted from a combined investigation of la Sûreté du Québec and the Russell County OPP fromMay to June 2017. The investigation began May 2017 after Prest dropped off a thumbdrive at the self- serve photo developing kiosk at the Jean Coutu Pharmacy in Casselman. The drive went to a photo lab in Montréal for pro- cessing. The technician who opened the digital storage device for treatment found more than 30 images of naked girls under the age 13 along with an assortment of cartoon characters like Lisa Simpson and Dora the Explorer that had been digitally altered to look like naked 13-year-old versions of the originals. The photo lab contacted police and la Sûreté took charge of the investigation.The OPP were contacted after photo lab records showed the thumbdrive came from the Cas- selman pharmacy. Police arrested Prest in June and had him show them the location of the computer where he had downloaded the images. Since his arrest, according to a Crown counsel re- port, Prest has not had access to a computer. Prest has one prior conviction fromOcto- ber 2011 for possession of child pornogra- phy, for which he received a conditional sentence of two years less one day and was placed on probation for that term. During the February 14 sentencing hea- TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Casselman will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, the 13th day of March 2018, at 6:30pm in the Community Hall at the JR Brisson Complex, 758 Brebeuf Street, Casselman, to consider a proposed amendment of the Village of Casselman Zoning By- Law No. 1996-635 under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended. Zoning Amendment Proposal The purpose and effect of the zoning amendment application is to amend section 4.20 f) of the Casselman Zoning By-Law to permit the parking of towing within the front yard in all residential zones. Additional Information Information regarding the proposed zoning by-law amendment is available to the public for inspection during business hours at the Village of Casselman. Please contact Mr. Sylvain Boudreault, Planner Consultant at 1-800-667-6307 ext: 7104 or email: H218401PM NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING

Charles Prest de Casselman passera une année à l’unité de traitement enmilieu fermé du Centre correctionnel et de traitement de la vallée du Saint-Laurent à Brockville à la suite de sa condamnation pour possession de pornographie infantile à la cours de L’Orignal. Prest profitera d’une thérapie au centre durant son incarcération et il continuera à suivre une thérapie durant sa période de probation de trois ans après avoir quitté le centre. —photo Gregg Chamberlain

ring Crown counsel presented a copy of a psychological evaluation from the Royal Ottawa Hospital that stated Prest would be at “above average” risk to reoffend if he did not receive treatment. Both Crown and defence counsels agreed that incarceration at a treatment centre followed by probation with conditions for further treatment would be best for Prest. Prest received a sentence of one year at the Brockville treatment centre followed by three years probation. The terms of his probation include a court order forbidding him to be anywhere within 250 metres of the Jean Coutu Pharmacy in Casselman. He must pay a $200 victim’s surcharge. During his probation Prest must take any counselling his probation officer recom- mends. He is forbidden contact or communi- cation with or to be in the presence of any children, male or female, under the age of

18, unless he is accompanied by a court- approved adult. He is not allowed access to or possession of any device or technology capable of linking to the Internet. He is not allowed access to the Internet unless a court- approved adult is present. Prest is prohibited for the rest of his life frompossessing firearms, explosives, or any type of weapons or simulated weapons. He is also prohibited under Section 161 of the Criminal Code of Canada frombeing at any public park, swimming pool, daycare, com- munity centre or similar facility where child- ren are present, and he is not allowed to hold any jobs or volunteer positions where he has authority or responsibility for children.This prohibitionmay bemodified depending on future court review of his therapy progress. Hemust provide a blood sample for police DNA records and his name will be on the police list of registered sex offenders for a 20-year period.


Casselman veut de nouveaux avocats

Le Village de Casselman pourrait pro- chainement faire un appel d’offres pour se trouver de nouveaux avocats. Les conseillers Mar-

le maire, ou on prend quelqu’un que l’on connaît ? » Non, non, on va en soumission », a répondu M. Lamadeleine. La conseillère Anik

cel Cléroux et Daniel Lafleur ont déposé, lors de la réunion du conseil du 13 février, un avis de motion en ce sens. Le conseiller Michel

Charron a, quant à elle, voulu connaître les raisons de cet avis de motion. « Pourquoi voulez- vous changer de firme

The Village of Casselman could be going to tender to find new legal representation.

Daté du 23 février 2018

Dated February 23, 2018.

Desjardins a voulu s’assurer que le Village ira en appel d’offres afin de déterminer quelle sera la nouvelle firme choisie. « On va en soumission? », a-t-il demandé aumaire La- madeleine. On va en soumission, monsieur

d’avocats? a-t-elle demandé. « Parce que les réponses ne sont pas toujours adéquates et les taux sont assez élevés. On s’est rendu compte de ça », a indiqué M. Lamadeleine. – Caroline Prévost

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