or even outside of your office? Do you have a code, an office code to stop what you were doing when an emergency takes place? Do you have a plan that's in writing, that all of your staff get to know, see, and be exposed to? Have a plan for what you would do. Perhaps one of the more important takeaway messages I can leave with you as a result of this lecture, is do you and your staff understand what should be done, what order it should be done in the presence of a problem of this nature in your office? Do you have an oxygen supply on hand? Does the patient ... Do you have emergency numbers on hand? Do you have the ambulance service number on hand? Do you have ... The ER person, do you know somebody down there? Is all that information there? Is there a code in your office that everybody in the office knows, "Stop what you're doing. Pay attention to this situation. This is the order of the day? the development of a written plan for your office, even if there's only two of you in that office is important, to you being prepared, you exhibiting your preparation for this, your appreciation for this, and your readiness to respond to it, if it should ever, ever present itself. You cannot over document this situation. You cannot. Obviously, in the heat of the moment you can't be expected to be taking notes about what's going on, but as soon as you have the time, making the record complete and whole to the best of your ability will serve you and the patient well over time. Thank you on behalf of your patients. Thank you on behalf of your colleagues. Thank you on behalf of the profession. Thank you for taking the time to learn a little bit more, to reinforce your understanding and awareness of the circumstances of cervical spine adjusting and it's possible relationship to vertebral artery dissection. Thank you for being with us today. I hope that some of these information will be useful and you're able to implement immediately for your own practice. If you miss any part of it or you want to review or you want to sit and utilize this with your staff, you can revisit it on ChiroSecure website and/or certainly download the ChiroSecure app from either Google or Apple, and we appreciate you being with us. Again, the information we presented today has been taken from my good friend. Dr. Gerry Clum's presentation, Cervical Spine Adjusting and the Vertebral Artery, and the DVD of the same name. The DVD is available from the Association of Chiropractic Colleges at www.chirocolleges.com. Thanks for being with us.
Dr. Gerry Clum:
Dr. Stu Hoffman:
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