March Issue

Pay off debt.

Having debt is like running backward in a marathon—your goals are getting farther away every day. When you’ve got debt, you’re using a part of this month’s income to pay off a purchase from last month (or even last year or last decade). It’s hard to get organized and cover what’s happening now when your finances are living in the past. Listen: Americans with credit card debt carry an average balance of $5,474. The average student loan debt per borrower is $39,487. And the average new car payment is $667 a month. This. Is. Heavy. But there’s good news. You don’t have to keep going backward. You don’t have to keep paying for the past. And you don’t have to carry the weight of all that debt each month. Pay off your debt. Then you can start organizing your money to pay for your present—and building security (and even wealth!) for the future.

Organizing Money Starts Here.

. . . with a budget. This is the first step toward organizing your finances. Hey, you work hard for your money—not even one dollar should get lost in clutter or chaos. You need a plan. You need to budget! If you want this budgeting and money organization thing to get even simpler, use a budgeting app. And know this: You don’t need a degree in finance to be good with finances. You just have to be willing to do what it takes. And you’ve got what it takes to get your money, and your life, in order. Start using these tips, and make it happen!

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