Pegasus School Prospectus 2022 2023

Specialist Support

We can provide specialist support via a range of therapies, including speech and Language, Occupational Therapy, Art and Health Promotion dependent on needs listed in the young persons EHCP. Occupational Therapists work with students to enable the development of their motor skills, sensory processing and visual perceptual skills. These are the key skills needed for young people to participate effectively in life tasks, social activities and their education, through functional activities.

‘ Leaders ensure that they frequently review the targets on pupils ’ education, health and care plans. Once achieved, new, appropriate targets are set. These may address any additional needs that staff have identified. There are positive links with parents. Staff provide them with frequent updates regarding their child ’ s progress. Specialist staff, including the occupational therapist, educational psychologist and reflexologist, provide effective support. Staff welcome the training that these specialists provide. ’

Ofsted Education 2022

Updated May 2023


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