Catalogue Wüsthof knives

Schinkenmesser utility knife tranchelard cuchillo para jamón coltello prosciutto

4506-0/16 cm 4002293250625

carving knife

4506-0/20 cm 4002293250649

Kochmesser cook’s knife couteau de chef cuchillo chef coltello cuoco

4596-0/16 cm 4002293259628

4596-0/20 cm 4002293259642

4596-0/23 cm 4002293259659

Brotmesser bread knife couteau à pain cuchillo pan coltello pane

4166-0/20 cm 4002293216645

mit Wellenschliff with serrated edge

4166-0/23 cm 4002293246659

mit Wellenschliff with serrated edge

Wetzstahl sharpening steel fusil chaira acciaino

Feinzug fine

4468-0 (26 cm) 4002293246802


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