Brotmesser bread knife couteau à pain cuchillo pan coltello pane
4155 (20 cm) 4002293415505
mit Wellenschliff with serrated edge
4165 (23 cm) 4002293416502
mit Wellenschliff with serrated edge
Schinkenmesser utility knife tranchelard cuchillo para jamón coltello prosciutto
4002293452524 4525/16 cm
carving knife
4002293452548 4525/20 cm
4002293452555 4525/23 cm
Fleischgabel meat fork fourchette à viande tenedor para carne forchettone
4002293441733 4417 (16 cm)
Wetzstahl sharpening steel fusil chaira acciaino
4477 (26 cm) 4002293447704
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