King's Business - 1970-11

tian work: The Priceless Value of the Blood. This is set forth in a most impressive and thought-stimulat­ ing way in our second text, “ Ye were redeemed, not with corruptible things, with silver or gold, from your vain manner of life handed down from your fathers; but with precious blood, as of a lamb without blem­ ish and without spot, even the blood of Christ” (I Peter 1:18, 19 A.S.V.). Stop and ponder those words, and never forget them and never cease telling others the great truth they set forth. That is that we are redeemed with precious blood, even the blood of Christ. We live in a day that sets great value on silver and gold. God calls them “ baubles,” “ corruptible things,” things that perish. But He also says that there is something whose priceless value never less­ ens, “ even the blood of Christ.” Many say that money will buy everything but it will not buy things of real worth. It may buy a fine house; it may even buy a pretty wife who may prove to be brainless, character­ less and loveless; it may buy nomination to an office. But money cannot buy redemption. It may influence human courts but it will not influence God or the Lord Jesus Christ one particle. But the blood of Christ will buy redemption. If you offer it to the Great and Final Judge, by putting your trust in it, it will buy complete justification. “ Justified by his blood . . . shall we be saved from the wrath of God through him” (Rom. 5:9, A.S.V.). Nothing else in the uni­ verse will do it. Teachers and preachers in churches, in semi­ naries, and in colleges who declare that we are not redeemed by literal blood, the actual blood shed by Christ on Calvary, but by His example or by some truth He taught, are liars. They are the Devil’s most efficient emissaries in securing the eternal ruin of the souls of men. They are luring them on to the rocks of eternal shipwreck by getting them to put their trust in something else than the only thing that secures redemption for sinners, the blood of Christ. This doctrine did not originate with the inspired apostle Peter. Jehovah Himself had said, as recorded in Exodus 12:13: “ When I see the blood, I will pass over you,” referring to the shed blood of the passover lamb sprinkled upon the two side posts and the upper door post of the house. Young friends, as you go out to preach to great crowds or small, to little groups and sometimes to an audience such as Jesus had and loved to have— an audience of one— preach the blood, preach the blood, preach the precious blood of Christ. Imitate the mightiest evangelist and pastor of history, Paul, and “ determine not to know anything among” what­ ever races or classes God sends you to “ save Jesus Christ and Him crucified” (I Cor. 2:2). THE KING’S BUSINESS

is the (only) true God” (I John 5:20) and worshippers of any other God are idolaters. We live in a day in which many are seeking some other final seat of authority than the Bible, such as the Reason (unenlightened; that is, by the Word of God, and by the Spirit of God), or Christian Con­ sciousness of the Church. Alas! among the many who are doing this are many supposedly orthodox preach­ ers and not a few who are training young men and women to be pastors and evangelists and mission­ aries and Christian workers of all sorts at home and abroad. Jesus Christ made the Scripture, the written Word of God the final Court of Appeal and if we truly believe in Him we will also. If we are real Chris­ tians, even if every college professor and theological professor on earth — German, English, Scottish or American, should say one thing and Jesus Christ should say another, we will believe Jesus Christ against the whole crowd. ‘ ‘The Scripture cannot be broken,” says the Lord Jesus, and it cannot. What­ soever the Scripture says is absolutely, literally true. It is final. As you young workers go out into the work, you will meet with some who have had quite an education of a certain sort, who, when you point them to a very clear passage in the Scripture, will answer, “ Oh, yes, but. . . .” Then they will give you what the great Dr. So-and-So says or what they themselves think. Then you will say, “ Yes, but God says.” They will smile, look wise, and think how narrow, benighted and antiquated you are. But when they meet in the judgment the One whose Word they have so lightly set aside, they will not look so wise, but utterly silly, and they will not smile. You on your part will have in the life that now is the glad assurance and deep peace of mind and heart that comes from knowing that you are standing upon the indestructible and immovable rock of God’s Word, and you will have in the life to come, the "Well done, good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will set thee over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.” This question of the Final Authority of the Word of God is the most fundamental of all questions. If you are really right here in your thinking and in your action which comes out of right thinking, you will be right sooner or later on every question of Christian faith and Christian conduct; but if you are wrong here, you be wrong sooner or later on every question of Christian faith and Christian conduct. The Priceless Value of the Blood Now we turn to the second great fundamental of your faith and your preaching and all your Chris- 32

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