King's Business - 1970-11

After looking at these Communi­ cations B u ilde rs , some pa ren t might be thinking, “ This is all well and good, but doesn’t the teen have some responsibility to main­ tain communications with the par­ ent?” He certainly does. Many a teen seems to get a kick out of bugging his parents or trying to worry them. Possibly this is his way of saying that he doesn’t want to be related to the other generation. But, nevertheless, Proverbs 22:6 says, “ Teach a child to choose the right path. . . . ” That’s the job of the parent. And a most crucial issue in training is the ability to communicate. So if we are to fulfill our God-given role as parents, we must do everything possible to keep the lines of communication open. We must take the initiative. Break the silence. Don’t leave a serious problem unsolved for long. Find some way to discuss it. Dr. Joseph M. Kenn ick, fo r eighteen years head of the Long Beach Juvenile Bureau, tells of a mother and father who came to him saying, “ John just grunts when we talk to him. W6 are completely out of contact.” Dr. Kennick ad­ vised them to do the one thing left for them — write him a letter. So they did. It was a good letter, ex­ pressing their love for him, their concern for his conduct, and their understanding o f his p rob lem s. Later Dr. Kennick talked to John. He was surprised at the depth of feeling and genuine concern his parents had. With that letter in his hand, John talked with his parents for the first time in a year. So never say, "I can't talk to my teen.” Take some positive step for­ ward that will begin to build that bridge across the gap neither of you want. Parenthood is a demanding job. You must organize, establish rules, assign responsibilities, m a in ta in communications, cope with new problems every day. If at times you feel perplexed, beset, puzzled, dis­ mayed, and even a little tired, you are probably doing a good job. Par­ enthood is an easy job only if you don’t care about the results! KB DECEMBER, 1970

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