King's Business - 1970-11

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LECTURES ON PREACHING, by Phillips Brooks. 281 pages; paper; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.95. With an intro­ duction by Ralph G. Turnbull, this is one in the series of Notable Books on Preach­ ing. It is designed for the classroom, pulpit and personal study. 200 SCRIPTURAL SERMON OUTLINES, by Jabez Burns. 424 pages; cloth; Kregal Pub­ lications, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $4.95. BY CHRIST COMPELLED, by Robert G. Lee. 151 pages; cloth; Zon d e rva n Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $3.50. A series of thought-provoking messages including titles such as "By Love Compelled,” "Adorn­ ing the Doctrine,” “Second Coming of Christ," "Consider Christmas” and others. PAULINE AND OTHER STUDIES IN EARLY CHRISTIAN HISTORY, by William M. Ramsay. 415 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $6.95. Another in the limited editions library, this book deals with the life of Paul, his preaching ministry, his daily life, and the effect of his ministry during early Christian history. PROFILES OF PROPHECY, by S. Franklin Logsdon. 128 pages; paper; Zondervan Pub­ lishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $.95. A discussion of prophecy fulfilled and yet to be fulfilled by one who is known for his Bible teaching and writing ability. LAST WORDS OF SAINTS AND SINNERS, by Dr. Herbert Lockyer. 240 pages; cloth; Kregal Publications, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $4.95. LUKE THE GOSPEL OF THE SON OF MAN, by G. Coleman Luck. 127 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago, III.; $.95. Another study in the series of Everyman's Paperback Library. THE TREASURY OF QUIET TALKS, selections from S. D. Gordon. 251 pages; paper; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.50. One of the Publisher’s Treasury series which covers areas such as purpose of Jesus' com­ ing, it talks about Calvary, service for the Lord and other pertinent issues. SERMONS ON BIBLICAL ISSUES, by Clovis G. Chappell. 194 pages; paper; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.95. Another in the series of the Minister’s Paperback Library. GALATIANS— FREEDOM FOR MODERN MAN, by C. Norman Bartlett. 128 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago, III.; $.50. A devotion­ al commentary on this important book of

HIGH ON THE CAMPUS by Gordon R. Mc­ Lean and Haskell Bowen; 132 pages; paper; Tindale House Publishers, Wheaton; $1.45; with a forward by Art Linkletter. This volume seeks to answer the question, "Student drug abuse, is there an answer?” LIFE OF CHRIST IN CROSSWORD PUZZLES by Lucille Pettingrew Johnson; 52 crossword puzzles based on Bible knowledge; Baker Bookhouse, Grand Rapids; $1.50. Another in the Quiz and Puzzle Book Series. DIARY OF HOPE — REFLECTIONS OF AN ALCOHOLIC’S WIFE by Lucy Gray; 120 pages; cloth; Baker Bookhouse, Grand Rapids; $2.95; preface by Eugenia Price. The volume will be comforting to any wife who is in this unfortunate situation. IN CROSSFIRE OF HATE by Martha Wall; 288 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago; $4.95. A moving account from the political upheaval and explosive violence of Columbia. THE DIVINE COMFORTER — THE PERSON AND WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, by J. Dwight Pentecost. 256 pages, paper; Moody Press, Chicago, Illinois; $2.25. A paperback version of the earlier edition. THE EPISTLES OF JOHN, by Donald W. Burdick. 127 pages, paper; Moody Press, Chicago, Illinois; 95 cents. Another in the every man’s Bible commentary series which is ideal for individual book study. DEUTERONOMY, A FAVORITE BOOK OF JESUS, by Bernard N. Schneider. Forward by John C. Whitcomb, Jr. 163 pages, paper; Baker Bookhouse, Grand Rapids, Michigan; $2.95. INSPIRING TALK FOR ALL OCCASIONS, by Marion G. Gosselink. 144 pages, paper; Baker Bookhouse, Grand Rapids, Michigan; $1.95. Forty devotionals for young people in the Sunday school, church work, week-day Bible class, released time school, vacation Bible school, and so forth. Another in the speak­ ers’ and tostmasters’ library, published by this publisher. SOURCE BOOK OF POETRY FOR MINIS­ TERS, SPEAKERS, AND WRITERS, by Cornelius Zuilstra. 319 pages, paper; Baker Bookhouse, Grand Rapids, Michigan; $1.50. 1,400 IDEAS FOR SPEAKERS AND TOAST­ MASTERS, by Herbers V. Prochnow. 162 pages, paper; Baker Bookhouse, Grand Rap­ ids, Michigan; $1.95. The book includes epigrams, witticisms, quips, humorous sto­ ries, unusual facts, and other information for various occasions.

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the New Testament. DECEMBER, 1970


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