King's Business - 1970-11

XPOSE ERROR? Every system of teaching can be judged by what it sets forth as to these fundamental truths of the Faith. “ What think ye of Christ?” is still the true test of every creed. The Christ of the Bible is not set forth in any false ism. Each of the cults has its hideous caricature of our lovely Lord. Let us who have been redeemed at the cost of His precious blood, be “ good soldiers of Jesus Christ.” As the battle against the forces of evil waxes ever more hot, we have need for God-given valor. There is constant temptation to compromise. “ Let us go forth therefore unto Him without the camp, bearing His re­ proach.” It is always right to stand firmly for what God has revealed concerning His blessed Son’s per­ son and work. The “ father of lies” deals in half-truths, and specializes in most subtle fallacies concerning the Lord Jesus, our sole and suffi­ cient Saviour. Error is like leaven, of which we read, “ A LITTLE leaven leaveneth the whole lump.” Truth mixed with error is equivalent to all error, ex­ cept that it is more innocent-look­ ing, and therefore more danger­ ous. God hates such a mixture! Any error, or any truth-and-error mixture, calls for definite exposure and repudiation. To condone such is to be unfaithful to God and His Word, and treacherous to imperiled souls for whom Christ died. Exposing error is most unpopu­ lar work, but from every true stand­ point, it is worthwhile. To our Sav­ iour, it means that He receives from us, His blood-bought ones, the loyalty that is His due. To our­ selves, if we consider “ the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt,” it insures fu­ ture reward, a thousand-fold. To souls “ caught in the snare of the fowler” — how many of them God only knows— it may mean light and life, abundant and everlasting, kq DECEMBER, 1970

Choose a child toMlove... and be loved by

1. Kim Myung Hwan

2. Dae Sung Park

Each of these children needs a great deal of love and a little money. Follow your heart, and it will lead you to the one who needs you most. Just $12 a month will give the child of your choice clean clothing, good food, medical care, education, and a chance to grow up in a wholesome Christian atmosphere. Send the money to COMPASSION, INC. Send your love to the child you choose. Check your preference on the coupon below. If the child you select has already been spoken for, COMPASSION, INC. will choose another child of similar age and sex.

4. Kim Sun Ae

ÇjM)[ mon CHOOSE YOUR OWN CHILD. Place a checkmark by the child or children you wish to sponsor. □ Kim Myung Hwan I I Dae Sung Park J Utut Bermani Kodarsih □ Kim Sun Ae

Rev. Henry Harvey, President, Dept. K-120 7774 Irving Park Road, Chicago, Illinois 60634 (Canadian residents write Box 880, Blenheim, Ontario.) I want to sponsor a needy child. I understand I may discontinue at any time. My choice i s _____________________________ _ If this child has been chosen, please select similar child, approximately_____years old, from □ India □ Indonesia □ Korea □ Haiti Enclosed is □ $12 for first month □ $144 for first year. □ Send me child's name, story, address and picture. □ I cannot sponsor a child but want to give $____________ ,___ □ Please send me more information. Name __________________________________________________ City_______________________State________________ Zip________ Make checks payable to Compassion, Inc. Contributions are tax deductible. 7

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