2022 Impact Report


Through support, dedicated investment and intentionality around student-centered design, measured growth and a drive toward equitable futures for high-potential, low-access students, the Code2College vision has been realized. We are humbled and inspired by the wave of Code2College program graduates who have progressed from high school participants to

summer interns summer interns; high school interns to college matriculants; college-going students to outstanding undergraduate candidates; and high-potential candidates to full-time employees in technical roles with reputable companies in the STEM ecosystem. From a few seeds to tall oak trees, these students represent the future of i) work and ii) technical talent. The future of work is leveraging resources from the very ecosystem that hopes to hire bright, diverse, homegrown technical talent and transform them from student to colleague. The future of technical talent is a growing network of students who have the opportunity to learn from anywhere, irrespective of zip code, socioeconomic status and respective networks, while forging a self-guided path toward access and excellence in STEM. Code2College continues to build with a long-term vision in mind as we move from serving hundreds to thousands to all historically underestimated students who have the will and access to high-speed internet.

Matt Stephenson In partnership, Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder


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