2022 Impact Report


will be first generation

of Code2College students are economically disadvantaged* 46%

college graduates 28%

*Data represented by free or reduced lunch self-reporting

Code2College is committed to removing barriers to our programs. When Code2College was cut off from our students by the COVID-19 pandemic, we quickly pivoted to fully virtual operations. Virtual courses have allowed us to continue to serve our students, but disparities in digital access presented a new problem. About 5% of our students in each wave of courses do not have access to a computer that they can use to attend their classes. In 2022, we have been able to fully meet this need with 311 donated laptops and webcams - essentials for ensuring that all students have access to our programs. Thank you to our partners such as Apollo Endosurgery, Indeed, Data.World, AT&T, Polaris, TrustRadius, Sapphire Ventures, and Sailpoint Technologies for making these donations and making STEM accessible for our students! 4 Code2College Bridges the Digital Access Gap

"Investing our resources, both time and money, into Code2College is a win-win. Our people get to make a direct impact on young people who are aspiring to careers in technology, and we get to support an organization that has proven effective at 'moving the needle' to increase diversity in STEM. We believe in Code2College because it WORKS."

Mark McClain, CEO and Founder, SailPoint


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