In Your Corner Magazine | Spring 2022

Composting for

Californians 101

Composting has come to California: Senate Bill 1383 went into effect Jan. 1 and it requires that we recycle our food scraps and other leftovers. Implementation of the law is still rolling out and rules vary by municipality, but here are the basics:

Separate your compost You’re going to put your food scraps in the same green bin you use for yard waste. If you don’t have one yet, some cities are providing a counter-top container, or you can use a piece of sealable Tupperware or a brown paper bag, which you can keep in the freezer until you dispose of it.



Store it for pick up Your trash service will provide a green bin or other receptacle. Private companies and nonprofits are also providing pick-up service, or you may be able to drop your food scraps at local farmers markets and/or community gardens.


Compost at home If you have a yard, you can start composting on site and reap the benefits with your very own organic soil amendment that your flower beds and vegetable garden will love.



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