IBD Coffee Break 05/05 - Gorgeous and Mad Giant


depending on the time of year, some of the brewery’s most popular beers are: • Guzzla – A 4.8% unltered Helles style lager. This beer uses Magnum hops to provide a soft low IBU bitter- ness and subtle herbal aroma. Reuben has managed to achieve a wonder- fully balanced but malt forward Helles (2-acetylpyridine maltiness rather than isobutryaldehyde graininess) through the use of 90% Lager Malt and 8% Munich Malt and 2% Torreed What. • Glowy – A 4% Best Bitter style beer with a strong malt body, rm bitterness and light biscuit and toffee undertones. The hops used in this beer are Admiral for bittering and East Kent Goldings and Fuggles for late kettle additions. Reuben has taken the no-nonsense approach of producing a classic style Bitter. It includes all the aspects one would expect from this type of beer and hasn’t tried to create a modern fusion point by using citrus forward New World hops, characterless clean US yeast strains or overly com- plicated grist proles. This is a perfectly crafted pint of Bitter in all its glory. • Greaseball – A 5.4% Pale Ale. With all the juice bombs and murk madness going around London at the moment it was a massive surprise to my palate in trying this beer. It was something unique, something different. With a wonderful aroma of resinous pine backed by very subtle citrus notes this beer is a classic American Style Pale Ale. The rm but balanced bitterness leaves you wanting another sip to satisfy the last. It feels odd that this beer was essentially unique on the market for something previously so ubiquitous – more of this please.

of AMS per hL of water reduces the al- kalinity by 64ppm and increases chloride levels by 22.5ppm and sulphate levels by 31ppm) while any Calcium Sulphate (CaSO 4 ) or Calcium Chloride (CaCl) is added straight to the mash tun. The pre-milled malt from Bairds Malt is mashed into an iso-thermal mash tun at 65°C for approximately one hour before transfer to the kettle/whirlpool which is heated by electric elements. The wort is then drawn off, chilled through a plate heat exchanger and transferred to one of four fermenters and pitched with active dry yeast. If the beer is for keg it is then racked to one of two bright beer tanks and forced carbonated using a carbonation stone. Bottled beers are conditioned with a specic bottling yeast along with a dose of priming sugar; these are all hand labelled, lled and packaged. Casks undergo auxiliary nings in the fermenter with the use of isinglass and priming sugars added at the point of lling. With a rotating range of nine beers

Harp in Covent Garden.

All this would not be possible without quality beers. Reuben Moore is the Head Brewer at Gorgeous Brewery and was actually brewing for the previous owners. He came with the acquisition of the pub! Originally from New Zealand, Reu- ben moved to London in 2014. After spending time with Reuben around the brewery it was clear that he is an insightful and talented brewer – thinking about the avour construction of a beer and where the ingredients and brewing process play key roles in determining that outcome. The brewery and beers With a glass of moreish Best Bitter (Glowy) in hand, I had a look around the brewery with Reuben. Supplied by ABUK, the 8hL brewhouse is a similar set-up and size to many breweries (if not most) in London. Brewing water in the hot liquor tank (HLT) is treated with AMS (a formulated blend of liquid acids ready for use – 35ml

All photos© Chloe Edwards

“All our beer names begin with a G, besides that, it’s about sipping the beers, nding a name that suits the style and avour, making sure each beer is given its own unique personality that perfectly suits it”


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