1. To be a Club 40, Special Star and Founders Achiever every Sales Quarte.r 2. To achieve at least 2 or more Rainbow Challenges. 3. To train and motivate Members to follow the Powerful 90 Day Earnings Plan. 4. To attend all INUKA Quarterly and Annual Recognition Events with as many possible Members from your Downline. 5. To take daily actions to get closer to your goals and create a similar routine for your Downline.
1. TRAIN YOURSELF, BEFORE TRAINING YOUR DOWNLINE We recommend you devote continuous time to learning everything you can about the lNUKA Products as well as the Compensation and Recognition Plan. Once your Downline perceive that you are knowledgeable about lNUKA they will be inclined to take your recommendations and apply your teachings. Above all they will have confidence in your leadership authority and influence. 2. BE IN CONTROL OF YOUR BUSINESS Your team Members are looking up to you for training. If you train your Downline yourself you are in control to design your INUKA Business for the outcome you desire. Create an effective step by step training program for your Members to become the Leaders you want them to be. The success of your business will depend on the number of Leaders that you build. TRAIN YOUR MEMBERS CHECK-LIST: 1. How to successfully recruit 2. 5 Kits to choose from and the benefits of the Junior and Senior Kit 3. How to place an order 4. How to make a payment 5. The benefits of the 90 Day Earnings Plan 6. The 6 Ways to Earn and Benefit 7. Setting Monthly, Quarterly and Annual goals 8. How to earn a Volume Rebate 9. How to earn a Quarterly Maintenance Bonus 10. Working towards the INUKA Car Reward Program and Travel Incentive
3. TRAIN AND RELEASE Train your Members to become Independent Leaders. Your duty is to work hard today and enjoy freedom tomorrow. 4. READ COMPANY COMMUNICATIONS Be sure to update yourself and communicate company information to your Downline. 5. FOLLOW THE POWERFUL 90 DAY EARNINGS PLAN This is a simple and extremely powerful kick start to your business. You have to ensure your Downlines earn a great income as soon as possible. Members earning a great income will not quit and they will be motivated to reap all the rewards and benefits that lNUKA has to offer.
HOST POWERFUL PRESENTATIONS You can use this platform to recruit New Members as well as to train existing Downline. STAY IN TOUCH WITH YOUR TEAM Touch base with your team regularly, be it via WhatsApp or face to face. Find out where they are struggling and guide them. CELEBRATE & MOTIVATE YOUR TEAM Celebrate your teams achievements, big and small. Motivate and encourage them to meet their personal goals.
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