Effective January 2024 until further notice
14.2. Grow a consistent and reliable income Encourage your downline to regularly invest in this 45PV PROMO Order. Everyone in your team will earn great retail profits, monthly Volume Rebates, be Club 40 Members, work towards next Leadership Statuses and Quarterly & Annual Recognition.
The INUKA 45PV PROMO Order is launched from time to time and is available to all INUKA Members to order at any stage over the specified period. Members may order as often as they wish and as many 45PV PROMO Orders as required.
14.3. How to order your 45PV PROMO Order • Make use of the SPECIAL PROMO section on your
MEMBER WHOLESALE PRICE - R 5,500 • Earn 45 Personal PV Recognition • Excellent Value for money • Immediate Retail Profit
INUKA Member Order Form. Indicate the following in this section: 45PV PROMO Order, quantity and total. Clearly state your physical delivery address, postal code and a cell number on which we can reach you. Very important: Only use your Member Code as reference when making a deposit.
14.1. 45PV PROMO Order Benefits
• Receive 45 Personal PV Recognition which automatically qualifies you to: - Earn Club 40 Gifts & Recognition when you order at least one (1) 45PV PROMO Order in every INUKA Month of an INUKA Sales Quarter. Refer to Section 19. - Earn Cash Volume Rebates on this order in the sales month in which this order was placed. - Earn Senior Member Status for Members on New and Junior Status. • Receive a variety of our most popular and fast selling products. To enable you to have stock on hand and to quickly turn stock into retail profits. Save time as there will be no need to decide what to order.
14.4. 45PV PROMO Order Contents Log into your personal SIMO Portal to access the download with detailed information on the current 45PV Order PROMO Contents and value.
Kindly note 45PV PROMO Order contents could vary from time to time and change without prior notification.
• Receive FREE delivery within the borders of RSA.
* The products shown are for illustration purpose only and is not a representation of the current 45PV Promo order.
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