INUKA Business Guide 2024


This section contains: 5.1. Minimum requirements in an INUKA Month to reach Junior and Senior Status. 5.2. Minimum requirements in an INUKA Month to reach Leadership Statuses (Pearl and beyond) and to earn the Once-Off Fast Start Leadership Cash Rebates.

5.1. Minimum requirements to reach Junior and Senior Status MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS TO REACH JUNIOR AND SENIOR STATUS Status Minimum Group PV in an INUKA Month

Immediate status with Kit purchase

Junior Member Senior Member

20 45


Junior Kit purchase Senior Kit purchase

5.2. Minimum requirements to reach Pearl and Beyond Leadership Status and to earn Once-Off Fast Progress Cash Rebates. Once-Off Fast Progress cash rebates are given to Members who reach Pearl to Sapphire Leadership status within a certain time frame. Members who achieve Diamond status and beyond are paid the once-off cash rebates irrespective of the period since joining. Fast Progress leadership cash rebates require a certain minimum Group PV (of which at least 20 PV must be Personal PV) and certain minimum activity and/or performance from your personally introduced Members. To earn your Fast Progress Cash Rebate, all the minimum requirements must be met in the Sales Month you reach the status. See table below for minimum requirements and cash rebates. ONCE OFF FAST PROGRESS LEADERSHIP STATUS REQUIREMENTS AND CASH REBATES

Group PV in a month to reach status

Minimum of 20 Personal PV

Minimum activity and/or performance from personally introduced Members in the month in which the status is achieved 3 personally introduced active Members. (An active Member is a Member that buys at least 5 Personal PV in an INUKA Month)

Time frame since joining

Once Off Cash Rebate

Leadership Status

Pearl Ruby


By month 2 By month 4 By month 6 By month 8

R1,000 R2,000 R3,000 R10,000 R20,000 R40,000 R60,000 R100,000 R200,000

230 580

Emerald Sapphire

1 950 5 000

3 personally introduced Members that each earn a Volume Rebate

Diamond (DMD)

Any time frame Any time frame Any time frame Any time frame Any time frame

Double DMD Triple DMD

10 000 20 000 50 000 100 000

9 personally introduced Members that each earn a Volume Rebate

Executive DMD Presidential DMD

5.2.1. The month you join is considered Month 0. 5.2.2. Please refer to section 6.2.2 for an explanation of the start and ending dates of an INUKA Month. 5.2.3. Sales values of PV’s are not carried forward from one month to the next INUKA Month. However, all monthly sales and performances contribute towards Quarterly and Annual Recognition and Awards. 5.2.4. You will never be demoted once you have reached an INUKA Status. Once a Member always a Member. 5.2.5. Should Members advance to more than one Leadership Level in a month they will receive all the relative Once-Off Fast Progress Cash Rebates upon meeting all the minimum requirements. 5.2.6. Cash amounts earned for Once-Off Fast Progress Rebates are paid out with Volume Rebates on the 20th of every month. 5.2.7. Members will receive the respective status when the required Group PV was reached in an INUKA Month.

It is important to understand the INUKA Sales Month. The date on which we have both your legible order and full payment reflecting in the INUKA Bank Account for the order, will be the Sales Month in which this order and PV will count for you.


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