Junior School Prospectus
The Creative Arts
Engaging in the Arts is a vital part of the College’s philosophy and we ensure Junior School boys can explore and develop their creative potential, whether it is in an art studio, a music room or the Edward Alleyn Theatre.
Art & Design Technology
the classroom we arrange trips to galleries to study the work of artists. The boys’ work is celebrated with regular displays and through House competitions, and there is a range of art, drawing and DT co-curricular options, one of the most innovative being French Aviation Club where they learn to make and fly foam radio-controlled planes while developing French-speaking skills at the same time!
In Art lessons we aim to stimulate the boys’ creativity and encourage them to use their imagination, working across different materials and techniques. By Year 6 some will already have developed the beginnings of a personal style. Weekly double lessons in Design Technology help them develop strong design and creative skills on a variety of projects. Pupils are taught by specialist subject teachers in our dedicated Junior School Art and DT Rooms and outside
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