2019 SAE Digital Book Catalog - P19344741


CONDITION-BASED MAINTENANCE IN AVIATION: THE HISTORY, THE BUSINESS AND THE TECHNOLOGY Ravi Rajamani Dec 11, 2018 Price: $95.00 Book Description: Condition-Based Maintenance in Aviation: The History, The Business and The Technology describes the history and practice of Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM) systems by showcasing ten technical papers from the archives of SAE International, stretching from the dawn of the jet age down to the present times.

ISBN: 978-0-7680-9298-1 PRODUCT CODE: PT-193

Technologies: Inspections, Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO), Prognostics, Vehicle Health Management (VHM)

COUNTERFEIT PARTS AND THEIR IMPACT ON THE SUPPLY CHAIN, SECOND EDITION Kirsten M. Koepsel Nov 15, 2018 Price: $99.00 Book Description: The second edition of Counterfeit Parts and Their Impact on the Supply Chain expands on the latest insights of what is really happening in the world of supply chains, quality monitoring and testing, counterfeiting mitigation and avoidance strategy. The title brings new light into the consequences of weak supply-chain monitoring and how costs, reliability and reputation are negatively impacted by counterfeit products and components.

ISBN: 978-0-7680-9388-9 PRODUCT CODE: T-136

Technologies: Counterfeit Parts, Electronic Equipment, Supply Chain Management

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