King's Business - 1946-05

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


THIS MONTH a golden curl, which was sent in to us by Timmie, one of the twins! The King's Business is grateful to Dr. and Mrs. Willard M. Aldrich, of Vancouver, Wash., for allowing us to use a picture of their lovely family for our Mother’s Day cover. They are daily engaged in doing what the cover illustrates: bringing up their children in the “nurture and admonition of the Lord.” What potentialities for Chris­ tian life and service are resident in these seven precious little ones! We believe that in these days, when the \extent of juvenile and parental delinquency is shocking the world, what is most needed is the kind of mothers Mrs. Aldrich represents: real Christian mothers, who know the Lord and His Word, and are able to teach their boys and girls the way of eternal life. In addition to the h e a v y respon­ sibilities of running a home so well filled with little folks, Mrs. •Aldrich writes the popular column in The Doorstep Evangel, of which her hus­ band is editor, entitled “Out of the Mixing Bowl.” These “Musings of a Minister’s Wife” are now published in book form. One of the articles is reprinted on Page 205 of this issue. Mrs. Aldrich graduated from the Bible Institute of Los Angeles in 1930, and was dean of women at the Multnomah School of the Bible, Portland, Oregon, when she became acquainted with Dr. Aldrich, who is now President of that fine, fundamental training school for Christian workers. The Twins — Front View


In chapter 11, we have a remark­ able declaration of God’s great love toward and yearning over unfaithful, backsliding, Israel, with a prediction of their restoration in verse 11, In chapter 14, God pleads with Israel to return to Him (v. 1), even putting words of repentance and prayer into their mouths (vs. 2, 3). He graciously promises to heal their backslidings, love them freely, and restore them (vs. 5-8). The Practical Application In the r e a l m of sin—man’s sin against man—none is more terrible t h a n this of infidelity to marriage vows, none arouses a greater sense of shame and indignation, none causes greater sorrow of heart—except, in­ deed, in cases Where the conscience has become defiled, seared, benumbed, as is all too common, alas, in these days! Israel was betrothed to Jehovah, whose faithfulness to her was seen in His every thought of and action to-, ward her. But how great was her un­ faithfulness to Him! The heart of no earthly husband was ever more grieved by an erring wife than was Jehovah’s heart by Israel’s disloyalty to Him. In this present dispensation, the Church is the Bride of Christ. “For I am jealous over you with godly jeal­ ousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ” (2 Cor. 11:2; cf. Eph. 5:25-32). Paul was jealous over those believers because he feared that they, like Israel of old, would prove unfaithful to Christ. Read the following verse (2 Cor. 11:3), and com­ pare this very suggestive translation of Conybeare: “But now I fear lest, as Eve was beguiled by the craftiness of the serpent, so your imaginations should be corrupted, and you should bo seduced from your single-minded faithfulness to Christ." Would that we Christians realized how great is the danger of seduction in these days! How may we be seduced? Through false teaching, as the context of this verse shows, and through worldliness (2 Cor. 11:4-15). In James 4:4, R.V., we read: “Ye adulteresses, [that is, ‘who break your marriage vow to God,’ margin] know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God?” To be guilty of friendship with the world is to be guilty of spiritual adultery! “The harlotry of worldliness is manifest in every direction. Thou­ sands who name the name of Christ are taking possessions w h i c h have been bestowed by God, and are spend­ ing them in the pursuit of unworthy ambitions and pleasures. Those by covenant related to Christ are inflam­ ing themselves with carnality under every green tree. Through these things the testimony of light and love

TTTE FEEL that this month we have ' ' “scooped” many of the popular magazines by securing the photograph of not only one “ cover girl,” but five, as well as three “cover boys.” They are, reading from left to right: Jane, (standing) 8 years old in June; Annette, 2 in June; the twins, Timmie and Virginia, 3 in April; Becky, nearly 4; Joe, 5%; Jon, 6%; and center, Mrs. Aldrich, “Mommie.” In addition we print herewith a front view of the curly-haired twins. Mrs. Aldrich’s description of the dif­ ficulties involved in having the pic­ tures of seven children taken is most amusing: “We were breathless and perspiring when the photographer fin­ ished. It was just like trying to photo­ graph seven kernels of corn ready to pop. We would all ‘get set’ when one of the babies would calmly get up and walk off . . . or ‘have to go, Mom­ mie!’ “ In the picture we look so quiet and peaceful, but in real life — ah, me! Sometimes the walls go in and out and the ceiling lifts and settles like the cover on a boiling teakettle. But in it all, how gracious the Lord has been, how wonderfully He has met our need. Truly ‘great is Thy faith­ fulness.’ ” We believe we are the only editors in existence who have in our files which the Church should bear to the nation is failing, and the name of God is being profaned among the heathen” (G. Campbell Morgan). Reader, are you guilty in His sight? If so, turn to your Lord in real repent­ ance, and just as He will yet forgive and restore faithless Israel, so He in His wondrous grace will forgive and restore you (1 John 1:9).

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