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THREE URGENT NEEDS IN M ILITARY HO SP ITA LS : Our field workers are still laboring in the great military hospitals where our wounded heroes are being treated. These men have paid for our hard-won victory with their very life-blood. Surely they deserve all we can do to bring them comfort and spiritual help. IN H IGH SCH O O L S : Also, on the home front we face the growing menace o f Juvenile Delin quency. To meet this challenge, we are holding special high school as sembly meetings, reaching the entire student body. One o f our Field Workers has obtained permission to address every high school in the State of Delaware. As a result of one of these high school assembly programs, a cam paign of two weeks’ evangelistic meetings has been arranged in this community, endorsed by the local school authorities and ministers.
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W e have a great missionary challenge to extend our ministry to the soldiers and Student Army o f China. This has the official approval of General Shang Chen, Director of the Department of Military Affairs. Mr. Glenn W Wagner is now in Shanghai heading up this great work. Send contributions to THE POCKET TESTAMENT LEAGUE, Inc. National Headquarters, 156 Fifth Ave., New York 10 | Enclosed is $ .................................... as my contribution to your ■ ministry of evangelism and Scripture distribution I □ In Chinese Army camps and colleges I □ In U. S. Military camps and hospitals | □ In high school assembly meetings ■ □ Send me youi free illustrated Quarterly I Name.................... ................................ ............;......... ................................
A new soul-winning edition of the Gospel of John in Chinese, emphasizing verses which show the way of salva
tion, has been prepared. The first edition of a quarter o f a million copies is now ready for distribution! A second edition o f a half million copies is needed im mediately to continue this program. Would you like to have a share in this great ministry o f evangelistic Scripture distribution ?
c. w. wagner
STA T IST IC S O F OUR WAR WORK 5 teams, including 15 workers, visited 174 camps, conducting 1,572 meetings, with 259,464 men in attendance, *168,262 Scriptures personally distributed, and 20,014 decisions for Christ. *Also large quantities of Testaments and Gospels shipped to chaplains direct from our New York Headquarters.
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