T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
thing to say to your heart? He will say no more until you, like the Phari see here, reply, “Master, say on.” May His words be words of encouragement today, but if they must be words of rebuke, listen. For afterward,. there will be joy and fruitful service. May 22 “The seed is the word of God” (Luke 8 : 11 ). The teacher of biology can tell us the composition of any seed. He may even make an exact replica of the real one; yet the seed he makes will not grow. Why not? Because it lacks life. Likewise, the ink and paper of a book may be identical to that used for the Bible, yet that other book cannot exert the power which flows from the Bible because it does not contain the life which is in God’s Word. P l a n t the Word in your heart today, and trust it to bring forth fruit. May 23 “They were all a m a z e d at the mighty power of God” (Luke 9:43; cf. vs. 37-42). The power Of God manifested is al ways a cause of amazement. We go out into the world to face those who have great spiritual need; let us go in the power of the Cross that the devil may be rebuked, and souls rescued from sin’s clutches. This means on our part a humble confession of our own inadequacy, a quiet listening to His words of direction, and a trusting re ception of His power. May 24 “Mary . . . sat at Jesus’ feet, and heard his word. . . . One things is need ful: and Mary hath chosen that good part” (Luke 10:39, 42). “But it was Thee I needed, Lord, To satisfy my heart: To fill my days with rest and peace, And every grace impart.” —Grace E. Troy. Seek the Giver just now rather than the gifts. Ask for Himself revealed rather than the blessing He has to give. May 25 “ I have nothing to set before him” (Luke 11:6). How great is our poverty! Will some hungry heart look to one of us today to find that we have “nothing to set before him” ? This need not be. Let us allow the Spirit to break the bread of the Word to our hearts. After we have fed those who come to us, as in the days of our Lord’s earthly ministry, there will be “baskets full of frag ments” left to bless our own lives. May 26 “Be ye t h e r e f o r e ready” (Luke 12:40). The successful man is the prepared man. For business affairs of his day, he has made preparation. Shall we who are to witness for our Lord go out unprepared?
to offer those who will accept Him as Saviour, but also a continuous salva tion from the sins committed daily by His people: impure thoughts, the un clean life, ungracious deeds, dishon esty, gossip, selfishness, and a host of other unbecoming arid harmful acts and habits. May our eyes behold, and our hearts seek His m o m e n t - b y - ihoment salvation from these things. May 17 “Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased” (Luke 3:22). The Lord Jesus Christ is the only One to whom God ever uttered these words of commendation. And because of Him, Christ, we are sons, being born again through faith in His atoning blood. Let us walk as sons, resting in the fact that we are “accepted in the beloved”—a c c e p t e d by the Father through the King of kings and Lord of lords. May 18 “The devil . . . departed from him for a season” (Luke 4:13). Every Christian knows the peace that comes after spiritual victory. That peace is the result of a successfully resisted temptation. H o w e v e r , the devil n e v e r d e p a r t s save “ for a season.” Today, we need to be sure that each moment is under the guard ing of the Holy Spirit that the recur ring temptations be overcome by His indwelling power, and our application of the truths of God’s Word. May 19 “He w i t h d r e w himself . . . and prayed” (Luke 5:16). Prayer to Jesus was more urgent than rest, or sleep, or preaching, or the working of miracles. He w o u l d have us follow His example and, withdrawing, meet Him in that place where He can e n d u e us with the power, and where He can bestow upon us the spiritual supply with which to meet the soul needs of today’s multi tude. Go apart a little while, and His presence shall shine through you all the day. May 20 “He knew their thoughts” (Luke 6 : 8 ). The Lord Jesus knows our thoughts also. Is it not a joy to know that we can look to Him to cleanse them and to give us peaceful minds? We may think under the control of the Holy Spirit. What a blessed privilege! When our thoughts please Him, God is glorified, for out of them spring words and actions. Think to the glory of God. May 21 “Jesus . . . said unto him, Simon, I have somewhat to say unto thee . . . he saith, Master, say on” (Luke 7:40). Has the Lord ever uttered words like these to you? When there is need of comfort, correction, or instruction, He la ready to j)oes He have some*
with our Lord. He is our Beloved and we are beloved in Him, beloved of the Father. May 12 “The first day . . . whet} they killed the passover . . . he sendeth forth two of his disciples, and saith unto them, Go ye into the city, and there shall meet you a man bearing a pitcher of water: follow him” (Mark 14:12, 13). Are you ready today to be the one carrying a pitcher of water, causing someone to follow you? When that one follows you, will you lead him to the place of the Passover feast? Some one who is thirsty, hungry, or lonely may follow you today. Let the Spirit fill you with His power so that you will lead your companion to the One who satisfies: “Christ our passover is sacrificed for us.” May 13 “Pilate, willing to content the peo ple, released Barabbas . , . and deli vered Jesus . . . to be crucified” (Mark 15:15). Pilate was willing to “ content the people.” Therefore he condemned the guiltless One and freed the g u i l t y man. He, not knowing God, desired to please men. The enemy of our souls still places before even us who know God the temptation to “ content the people” who clamor for our going their way. Their way is often a good way, but it is never the best way. Let us “ content” the Lord Jesus: choose His way. May 14 “He is risen . . . go your way, tell . . . that he goeth before you” (Mark 16:6, 7). Go your way and tell to all whom you meet that God’s own Son died and rose again. Resurrection glory crowns all of His acts and words each new day. He lives to intercede for all be lieving hearts, and gives His peace to those who trust Him all the way. “■Go tell He is risen, Go tell He can save; «Ce tell He can meet ev’ry need; Go tell He arose from the grave.” —Herbert G. Tovey. May 15 “Her neighbours and her c o u s i n s heard how the Lord had shewed great mercy upon her; and they rejoiced with her” (Luke 1:58). What joy would come to each Chris tian if he knew that his neighbors and relatives had heard of the great mercy God had showered upon him! How shall they hear unless they be told? How shall we tell unless we be obe dient to our Lord’s directions? Jesus Christ, speaking through us, can cause rejoicing in the hearts of our friends and neighbors. ■May 16 “Mine eyes have seen thy salvation” (Luke 2:30). Christ has not.gg]y eternal salvation
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