MAY, 1946
HELPFUL HINTS FOR SOUL WINNERS e*fe)(j Rev. I. P. BruecHert j)gy>s Your soul-winning suggestions, based upon your personal experience, are invited for this department. Only original, hithertd unpublished material, which may be edited, will be accepted. Send to author in care of The King’s Business. • TXAVE you ever been humiliated . by your failure in something
Lord Jesus, give us of Thy wisdom, open our understanding. Strengthen us, fill us with Thy Spirit, as we wait before Thee now. Thus shall we be ready for all that the day may bring to us. May 27 "He laid his hands on her” (Luke 13:13). Bound by stress of trouble, by re curring sin, by any one of the innu merable chains which life forges for the unwary, we ask, “Whence shall the loosing come?”It is the touch of His hand and the simple f g.ith that be lieves His promises that make possible f r e e d o m from fret, worry and sin. “According to your faith be it unto you.” May 28 “They watched him” (Luke 14:1). As you go about in your circle o f1 acquaintances, they will be watching Him. He has said, “Lo, I am with you alway.” Wherever you go, child of God, the Lord Jesus goes with you, and those who watch, watch because they would see Him. Therefore, gird yourself with His Word and power. Walk this day in His strength, and those who watch will become hungry to know your Lord. May 29 “This man receiveth sinners, and eateth with them” (Luke 15:2). What a marvelohs statement this is! We know it is true because one day we a c c e p t e d the truth of Christ’s words: “Him that cometh to me I wjll in no wise cast out.” Coming, we were received. Blessed fellowship is ours. Our Lord and Saviour sups with us and makes His abode with us! May 30 “How much owest thou?” (Luke 16:5.) What is your "income tax” for God? Take your pencil and begin your list, not of deductions, but of income. No one but you can make your list. From the first dawn of consciousness until the last slipping into sleep, each day is packed with mercies and blessings, compassion and loVe from our God. How much do I owe? All that I have and know, all that I do and am: These I would place on the altar and go blessing and praising the Lamb slain from eternity for me. May 31 “Lord, Increase our faith” (Luke 17:5; cf. vs. 6-10). Our faith, the ability to believe, is God’s gracious gift to us and it grows through exercise. Let us set our wills today to trust God in every detail. Be lieve He hears your prayers, trust His guidance, and rejoice as you see Him accomplish g r e a t t h i n g s for and through you. Your faith will increase in strength and. thus you will be an encouragement to all who watch you grow in Christian stature.
he knew that he had only one chance and he made the most of it, whereas we counted upon having several chances with our repeating shotguns and consequently were not as careful as we should have been. I am ashamed to confess that I have put off speaking definitely to a person about the Lord, thinking that I would have another chance, only to have that one die or move away before I had another opportunity. Jesus warn ed against this kind of procrastination when He declared: “ I must work thè works of him that sent me, while it is day; the night cometh, when no man can work” (John 9:4). • ARE YOU under the impression that tract distributors are only those sometimes untidy and o f t e n fanatical persons who hand out litera ture on the street? The most success ful tract users are those who do it unobtrusively, but r e g u l a r l y and faithfully. Do not be a “hit and run” tract giver; a pleasant smile and a kind word will be an added testimony. Never fail to give a tract to the one who waits upon you in a store, who fills your car at the filling station, who ealls at your door. Have one ready for the waitress who serves you in the restaurant; a dime placed upon it will be an added inducement to her to read it! God is not unmindful of all of these humble attempts to reach souls for Him. • TYURING their training days, the armed forces were required to study diligently the use and care of their weapons. A fighting man was punished for not having his weapon at hand and in good shape. Have you ever searched in your pocket for a tract, only to find that you had either disposed of the last one, or that the one you had left was untidy and crumpled? Of course, one c a n n o t carry full equipment to deal with all types of persons, but everyone can carry a New Testament and a dozen or more attractive, tried and true sal vation tracts. These should be kept in a case of some kind where they will not become soiled. Here is a hint to the ladies: Those immense purses of yours which seem to contain prac tically everything should include some ammunition for the Lord. But be sure to have your tracts in a place where you will not have to fumble through the bag’s e n t i r e' contents to reach tjiemi Have your weapon ready!
you undertook to do? I recall an embarrassing experience when I was hunting ducks. A friend and I, well supplied with food, guns and ammu nition, constructed a blind on a river island, and there lay in wait for game. Suddenly the dream of all huntsmen —a great flock of birds—appeared, fluttering over our decoys. Greatly ex cited, I fired shot after shot, but when the smoke cleared away, I discovered to my chagrin that I had not brought down a single duck. I asked my friend how I could have missed with such an opportunity. He replied, “Because you shot wildly. You should concen trate your aim on one bird at a time.” When our “game” is souls for Christ, we too must concentrate our effort upon one person until he is actually won. Jesus did—when He talked to the Samaritan woman at the well; when He dealt with rich and crooked Zacchaeus; when He called His disci ples, one by one. You may ask: “Then what about mass evangelism?” Do not forget that it is the Christians’ bringing the un saved individuals to the meetings that determines the success of an evange listic campaign. Some churches never have one convert because the mem bers do not make sufficient effort to get one lost person into the services. Consider these statistics: Should I win only one soul this year but help him to develop into a soul winner; and next year we two win two others;' and if each of these produces another; and this rate of reproduction continues for twenty-seven years, there will be a total of 134,217,728 Christians—ap proximately the population of the United States; and in thirty-one years, 2,147,483,648 — equalling the world’s population! • /"\NCE a friend and I went pheas- ant hunting. We were equipped with 12-gauge shotguns, with which we were each able to fire five or six rounds without reloading. A little farmer boy accompanied us to help locate the birds. His gun was a small 410 single shot. We flushed several coveys in the cornfield, and, though we fired many times, we had little success. However, we noticed that our young friend did not miss once when he shot at a bird. Thinking this over later, I came to the conclusion that he was better than we because
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