i 217
MAY, 1946
T O the a s s e m b l e d conference of Protestant leaders in Columbus, Ohio, President Harry Truman is re ported to have cried out, “O for an Isaiah or a Saint Paul!” Presumably he meant that such a person was needed to lead our country through the troubled waters of today’s world. But does not our President know that it was not Isaiah or Paul, but the God of Isaiah and Paul, who supplied the wisdom, courage, and will necessary for these superhuman tasks? Does he not realize that there are promises available to him today, inviting him to call upon the name of God for all that is necessary in the performance of his task as the chief executive of our nation? Is he not aware that our greatest presidents have been those who, realizing their own inadequacy, have humbly called upon the Lord for help, and have proven His prom ises to be true? ♦ T HE Latin Am e r ic a n Evangelist calls a t t e n t i o n to the 600-page book, p u b l i s h e d by the Roman Catholic press, entitled, “The Glories of Mary,” which is wholly concerned with the virtues and saving power of the Virgin Mary. A typical quota tion: “Let us go, therefore, with con fidence to the throne of grace, says the Apostle, exhorting us, that we may obtain mercy and f i n d grace in seasonable aid. The throne of grace is the Blessed Virgin Mary, says the blessed Albert the Great. If then we wish for graces, let us go to the throne of grace which is Mary, and let us go with certain hope of being.heard: for we have Mary’s intercession and she obtains from her Son whatever she asks.” This is not m e d i e v a l literature. How can any Protestant claim Rome as a "sister church” ? How can any C h r i s t i a n be In different to this Mariolatry—which is worship of the creature, not God? Attend SUMMER SCHOOL — of— THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES — 6 Weeks —• June 17 to July 26, 1946 especially for: • Pastors • Youth Leaders • Missionaries • All Christians COST — No Tuition Charge REGISTRATION FEE: For cred it—$10.00 for term; for auditing — .$2.00 weekly (maximum— $«.00) ROOMS per month: Single— $19.00; double—$12.50 per per son. 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 13, California
DR. PETTINGILL’S WESTERN ITINERARY May 8-10...........................................First Baptist Church, Ceres, California May 12-26........ Christian Business Men's Committee, Stockton, California May 28-31................................... Boulevard Chapel, Sacramento, California June 2-6........................................................................ Lockeford, California June 9-13.........................................Central Bible Church, Portland, Oregon June 16-20................... Southwest Idaho Bible Conference, Payette, Idaho j June 23-July 4.......................... Montana Bible Crusade, Billings, Montana I
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