King's Business - 1946-05



DEAD AT THE TOP, or, THE PRESENT STATUS OF EVOLUTION, by Maurice G. Dametz, Th. D. This new volume, by the editor of Grace and Truth deals very clearly with the present decline of the evolutionary hypothesis. There are. three divisions: evolutionary trends, evolution is unproven, and evolution is disproven. W h i l e the author employs simple and under­ standable language, his argument is convincing. There is also a chapter on the testimony of scientists opposed to evolution. Denver Bible College Press, Denver, Colo. 117 pages. Cloth. Price $1.25. THE CLOCK STRUCK ONE, by Pauline Eleanor Brooks. This is the first vol­ ume ta_ come from the pen of the twelve-year old daughter of Dr. Keith L. Brooks, prolific writer and well- known publisher. Miss Pauline ex­ hibits real promise of a facile pen in the years to come. Her story is con­ cerned with the death of “Grandpa” and a practical joke perpetrated by the heroine’s brother Hank; the narra­ tive ends with a session in the wood shed. American Prophetic League, Los Angeles, Calif. 26 pages. Paper. Price 35 cents. THE IMPROVED FUNERAL MANUAL, by William H. Leach. This pocket-size volume contains a wealth of material for the funeral service, as well as aids for the minister himself. Along with the liturgical section, there are sug­ gested texts for funeral addresses, and a portion d e a l i n g with military funerals. This should be of value to ministers of all d e n o m i n a t i o n s . Fleming H. Revell, New York, N. Y. 224 pages. Black cloth. Price $1.50. THESE LIVE ON, by Clyde H. Dennis. Here is a compilation of the many thrilling stories of God’s care which have come out of the war, many of which have appeared before in tracts, booklets and m a g a z i n e articles. Divided into sections dealing with the early days of the war, and the Medi­ terranean, the .European, the South Pacific theaters, it furnishes a wealth of sermonic illustration. Good Books, Inc., Chicago, 111. 204 pages. Cloth. Price $2.00.

OUR EYES WERE OPENED, by Chap­ lain Arnold M. Maahs. During the war, the author was stationed in New Guinea, and this is the reoord of his contacts with the native Christians of that area. Chaplain Maahs gives this testimony: “I came back from New Guinea a convert to the cause of missions. Our e y e s have been opened to the possibilities of the king­ dom of God if we will but trust Him and accept H is promises.” He dis­ covered that the Gospel influence had continued in spite of the ravages of war. The Wartburg Press, Columbus, Ohio. 110 pages. Papier.. Price 50 cents. FROM MINE TO PULPIT, by Henry Park Tucker. This is a very interesting story of the way in which God called a young mine worker into His service. As his father had done, Mr. Tucker be­ gan to work in the mines. One day there was a tremendous explosion and he was crushed under an avalanche of rock, slate and coal. Then and there he promised God that if he lived, he would serve Him. The book narrates his efforts to secure an education. Moody Press, Chicago, 111. 39 pages. Paper. - THE ESSENTIALS OF THE EVANGEL, compiled by Frederick T. Ellis. This book reports a series of addresses de­ livered at a conference on evangelism in England under the auspices of “Faith for the Times” Campaign. This six-day meeting concerned itself with the essentials of t h e evangel; the necessity for evangelization; and the divisions of evangelism.' Many out­ standing evangelical leaders of Eng­ land took part in this conference and the material here given is timely and vital. Pickering and Inglis, Ltd., Lon­ don, England. 96 pages. Paper. AFTER ITS KIND, by Byron C. Nelson, Th. M. This is the seventh edition of this well-known classic dealing with the theory of evolution. Containing a wealth of illustration, this book has be.en used as a reference book on this much-discussed hypothesis by many Christian leaders. The author writes with a ring of authority and speaks clearly and to the point/in refutation of the c l a i ms of the evolutionist

school. Printed on excellent paper and bound well, no new material, has been added to this printing. Augsburg Pixb. House, Minneapolis, Minn. 214 pages. Cloth. Price $1.50. THE BIBLE AND SCIENCE, or. THE COLLAPSE OF INFIDELITY, by E. E. Franke. This is the second edition of this booklet, dealing with the various conflicts between science and the Word of God. There is much thought- provoking m a t e r i a l here for the young student which should lead him into deeper study of the problems in­ volved. A section is devoted to quota­ tions from various believing scientists favoring Christianity. People’s Chris­ tian B u l l e t i n , New York, N. Y. 48 pages. Paper. Price 25 cents. SEVEN SIMPLE SERMONS ON THE SECOND COMING, by William Her- schel Ford, D.D. Introduction by Wil­ liam Ward Ayer, D.D. The author of this book, who is the pastor of the Kirkwood Baptist Church of Atlanta, Georgia, has written very clearly arid forcibly on the return of the Lord. Its clear, chronological sequence makes this work valuable. Starting with the story of the rapture, there are seven chapters dealing with these great events up to and including the new heavens and the new earth. The au­ thor follows the generally accepted or­ der. 104 pages. Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.25, FRUIT FROM THE TREE OF LIFE, by Frances Br o o k . Selecting the first thirty-two Psalms, the writer offers a five-minute daily devotional study on each one. The material is designed for the busy housewife and mother. Its content will refresh and warm her heart, and minister to her spiritual need. 34 pages. Published by Frances F. Brook, 2196 Argyle Ave., Hollyburn, B.C., Canada. Art paper. Price 25 cents per copy; 5 for $1.00.

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