MAY, 1946
KB 193
Ó iM i i i e a d e ^ i S p & a A
RECORHINGS YOUR FAVORITE Hymns mf Gospel Songs Cliorases
Dr. Shepherd's Artide “ I wish the article by Dr. Shepherd, *Is Life Worth Living for a Jew of the Pres ent Day?' March, 1946, could be put into tract form. 1 feel certain it would be greatly used of God in reaching our Jewish brethren." S. A. Blair. San Juan Capistrano, Calif. Dr. Hubbard's Department “ I would like to add a word about the book studies by Dr. Hubbard now being published in The King’s Business. They are profitable, and written in an understand able way. We look forward with delight to each study." Mrs. Oscar Von Lange. Soledad, Calif. ‘‘Your magazine is a great spiritual help to us. ‘The Bible Book of the Month’ is a wonderful study. I like to hand the pa per on to my friends and relatives." Mrs. L. E. Morford. Glendale, Calif. "I certainly don’t want to miss any issue of The King's Business. I especially enjoy Dr. Hubbard’s, ‘The Bible Book of the Month.’ ” Mrs. Charles Worden. Lockport, N. Y. Dr. Talbot's Department ‘T enjoy reading all of The King's Busi ness, but the first thing I do when I receive my copy is to turn to ‘Dr. Talbot’s Ques tion Box.’ ” Mrs. Joel Packard. Oakland, Calif. “ The King’s Business helps me in prepar ing my Sunday school lesson. I have been a subscriber for almost three years. The questions and answers by Dr. Talbot have been a great blessing to me." Mrs. A. Holes. Scappoose, Ore. Encouragements “ I have been a reader of your fine maga zine for several years, and enjoy its splen did articles and sermons. May our wonder ful Lord sustain you, and bless greatly all the work." Mrs. Alma Hopkins. Long Beach, Calif. “ I have been taking The King’s Business since thè year 1921. It has helped me greatly In my Sunday school work.” Mrs. Josephine Vunck. Avoca, N ..Y. “ We are going to the Belgian Congo in the very near future, and will recommend the magazine heartily whenever opportunity arises." Rev. and Mrs. T. Glenn Lawrence. Emery Park, Ariz. From England “ I recently enjoyed happy Christian fel lowship with some of your service men in our country. They spoke of your Institute, and mentioned your magazine, The King’s Business. "As.I> should, no doubt, find it very useful in Christian work, 1 desire to become a subscriber, and have today forwarded you a money order. v "You will be Interested to know I am in touch with British naval men who, when they were in your city, enjoyed the faithful messages given by Dr. Talbot." J, H. Braund. Plymouth, England.
PIPE ORGAN WITH VOCAL Lorin Whitney, Organist BP-1 a. I’m Glad I’m Acquainted With Jesus. b. Songs of Cheer— 1. He Loves Me. 2. Just Like the Sunrise. RP-2 a. Songs of the Sea— 1. Let the Lower Lights Be Burning. 2. Throw Out the Lifeline. b. Hymns of Devotion— 1. What , a Friend We Have in Jesus. 2. Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned. Joseph J. Klein—Director Arrangements by—Freeman High 16. Voice Ensemble and Soloists RP-3 a. Follow, I Will Follow Thee. b. We’ve a Story to Tell to the Nations. RP-4 a. The Lily of the Valley. b. When Twilight Shadows Fall. RP-5 a. There’ll Be One Song. b. When They Ring the Golden Bells. Orders for 3 or More Prepaid. CHAPEL SINGERS
SONGS OF THE NATIVITY Elizabeth Morgan Hilton with Novachord Interlude RP-6 a. Hark the Herald Angels Sing. Silent Night! Holy Night! b. O Little Town of Bethlehem. It Came Upon a Midnight clear. Elizabeth Morgan Hilton, Soprano Bertha Palmer Smebye, Piano RP-7 a. It Is Springtime in My Heart. b. Songs of Cheer— 1. There’s a Song in My Heart. 2. In My Heart Dwells Jesus. Bill Retts Choristers 16 Voices ' with Special Arrangements RP-8 a. Heavenly Sunlight. Sun of My Soul. b. I Love to Tell the Story. RP-9 a. More Time Alone. Take Time to Be Holy. b. Give Him Your Heart Today. Only $1.03 Including Excise Tax
California Patrons Add 2ys% Sales Tax BIOLA BOOK ROOM J BIOLA BOOK ROOM (C. E. Andrew) 560 South Hope St., Los Angeles 13, Calif. | Please send the following “ Sunshine Hour" Recordings @ $1.03 Each: ------ -R F -1 ,..........HP-2.............RP-3.............RP-4............. R P -5 ,.......... RP-6, I ..........RP-7.............RP-8, ...........RP-9. Enclosed Is % ............... j NAME . ................................. .......................................CITY.............................................................. j STREET ............. A ......................................................... STATE.............. ...................................
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