King's Business - 1946-05


1£AY, 1946

QUE. s To what did Christ re­ fer in the Garden o f Gethsemane when He prayed that “ the cup” o f suffering might pass from Him, if that were the Father’ s will? Our Lord referred to the awful bur­ den of the sins of the world when He prayed these words. Never for a mo­ ment, from all eternity had He been separated from His Father; and He knew that, when He bore the curse of sin for us ,(2 Cor. 5:21), His holy Father would have to turn His face away from Him. That is why there was darkness on the earth when He was Crucified. That is why the Son of God cried out en the cross, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Yet all the while, from all eter­ nity, the Son had planned to die, know­ ing that this moment of separation would come; for Dayid prophesied this very agonizing cry hundreds of years before Jesus was born in Bethlehem. (Psa. 22:1) But in that same Psalm, David, writing under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, also foretold the whole crucifixion—the extreme thirst; the shameful death; the scoffing; the pierced hands and feet; the broken heart; the casting of lots for His vest­ ure—all this is graphically foretold in this Scripture, which was written long before crucifixion was known as a means of execution. And what does all this tell us of our Saviour’s love for us? That, knowing full well the spiritual suffering before Him, to say nothing of the physical, He left Heaven’s g l o r y and bore “our sins in his own body on the tree.” He became a curse for us, bearing away forever the curse of sin for all wlio would put their faith in His fin­ ished redemption. QUE.: Why do C h r i s t i a n s keep the first day o f the week, in­ stead o f the Jewish Sabbath, which is bur Saturday? Because on the first day of the week our Lord rose from the dead. The Saviour, during His earthly ministry, deliberately healed and taught on the Sabbath Day, stirring up the wrath and indignation of the legalistic Phar­ isees. He showed thereby that “the Son of man is Lord even of the sab­ bath day” (Matt. 12:8). He showed thereby that He came to usher in a hew order, a new covenant. Yet let no Christian think that this gives him license to make a day of idleness and amusement out of the Lord’s Day. One-seventh of our time Still belongs to God. And the Chris­ tian who can go with the godless world to places of amusement on this day, shows his lack of love for the Lord who bought him, and fails to give a good testimony before the Christ-re- jecting world as a born-again soul.

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