King's Business - 1946-05


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S





Dr. Walter L. Wilson


though he may have no ability what­ ever in helping adults. Another may be gifted in music. When a leader is needed in any department, we should look to the Holy Spirit to find the individual who is equipped for that particular service. 2. LEADERSHIP IN TEACHING. 1 Timothy 4:11. All Christians are not gifted teach­ ers. Even those who know the Word the best may not be able to impart their knowledge to others. Teaching is an art which is both received and attained. A good teacher is one who is able to impress his hearers with the truths which he holds dear and the facts of the Scripture which he fully understands. The gift of teach­ ing should be cultivated both by prac­ tice and by the study of material and methods under able leaders. Matthew is the only one of the Gos­ pel writers who puts teaching first. In Mark, we are told to go and preach, but this follows the admonition to teach all nations. Deacons should be “apt to teach.” Let us seek to develop such an aptitude. 3. LEADERSHIP IN GIVING. 2 Co­ rinthians 9:2. The Corinthian Christians are an ex­ example to us in this blessed ministry of giving. They were forward and en­ thusiastic in the exercise of this grace. They were neither reluctant nor me­ diocre in this respect. They gave themselves without reservation and without mortgage. They gave of their possessions and of their talents. Those who give freely, gladly, and liberally encourage others to do the same. They set a good example in giving of their time, day and night, when there is a' need or a call. They give of their money and of their hospitality. Paul held the Corinthian s a i n t s up as model givers. They were leaders in this blessed field of ministry.

4. LEADERSHIP IN BEHAVIOR. 1 Timothy 3:15, 4:12. There is not much competition in the field of behavior. Leaders are to walk before the flock as examples. They are a pattern for others to fol­ low. Their lives are molds into which the graces of God have been poured leaving an imprint of Heaven. Paul could say, “Be ye imitators of me.” He was a leader in going for the Lord and in giving to the Lord, He led in praise and in prayer. He was an ex­ ample of faithfulness and carefulness. He loved all of God’s people and en­ couraged others to do likewise. His life provoked others to love unto good works. He included all people in his prayers. Not one was omitted. He was faithful to God, faithful to men, and, having counted the cost, was willing to pay the price. All Christians should seek to be leaders in behavior. There is no criticism of good behavior. JUNE 9, 1946 PREPARING FOR LEADERSHIP 1 C orinthians 3:10-15; E phesians 6:10-20. PREPARATION for leadership is ar- duous and confining in many cases, but it is blessedly productive in all cases. There are leaders in building the mystical House of God- There are • also leaders in sowing the fields and reaping the grain. There are leaders in fruit bearing in the vineyard snd there are leaders in showing forth the virtues of Christ, as jewels re­ flecting the beauty of the sun. In each case, preparation; is somewhat the same and in each case, preparation should be ample and thorough. There must be a purpose of heart, and a willingness to pay the price in time, education, money, and inconvenience. We should set ourselves to the task of becoming the best that there is in our own particular field.

LEADERSHIP? M atthew 20:20-28; J ames 2:20, 24, 26. A LL OF GOD’S people are not lead- ers or are they expected to be. There will always be one shepherd looking after many sheep. There will always be a he-goat supervising the flock. Qualities of leadership appear plainly in the life of a Christian. Leadership is manifested by an acute vision by which opportunities for serv­ ice are recognized and grasped, an ability to promote Christian enter­ prises, a desire to help God’s people and to.spread the Gospel. Leadership is revealed by activity in the prayer life» Bible study, and promotional ac­ tivities in the various departments of the church, as well as in plans proposed and suggestions offered for the carrying out of those plans. Chris­ tians should be alert to recognize those in their midst who are thus gifted with qualities of leadership. For Those Who Have Topics 1. LEADERSHIP IN SERVICE. 2 Tim- othy 2:3. There is much work to be done in the service of the King. Children must be reached with the Gospel. Adults must be brought under the sound of the Word of God. Places must be pre­ pared in which to conduct meetings. Printed matter must be issued and publicity circulated. Music must be secured. Troubles need to be ironed out. Finances must be taken care of in a godly manner. Leaders are need­ ed for all of these phases of Christian ministry. The Holy Spirit equips indi­ viduals for certain tasks. One may be able to handle finances wisely though he cannot minister the Word. An­ other may be gifted for teaching chil­ dren and winning them to Christ

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