T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
substituted for it the theory of evo lution. Churches throughout the land (not all of them, thank God) have rejected the blood of Christ, the Gos pel of God’s grace, and the inspiration of the Scriptures. Thus we see crime increased, the divorce courts filled, and children running riot. For Those Who Have Topics 1. LIGHT FOR SALVATION. John 8:12. God’s Word reveals God’s way. God’s Son provides God’s salvation. There are no substitutes for them. Through out our great nation, the Gospel is still preached in many churches, by indi viduals, by radio, and by the printed page. So long as Christ Jesus is pre sented as the Lord and Saviour, men’s hearts will respond, souls will be saved, and Christian influence will prevail to a greater or less extent. The Spirit of God uses the Word of God to bring the light of salvation to men’s hearts. There can be no substitute for His work. Education will not bring sal vation. Music, art, science, character building, religious activity, sermons, ritualism all have a part in Christian living, but no part whatever in the saving of a soul. 2. LIGHT FOR INVENTION. John 1:4. Where Christ is preached, the mind is enlightened and becomes actively busy in bringing a b o u t ways and means for the blessing of others. Heathen invent only for destructive purpose. Every profitable invention has come from countries permeated by the Christian influence—most of them from America or England. Antisep tics, anesthetics, spectacles, dental plates, timepieces, automobiles, radios, electrical appliances, and a multitude of other inventions for good of man have all been produced more or less under Christian influence. Antagon ism to God or ignorance of God leaves the mind darkened and the passions unbridled. Christ and His Word bring light for invention. 3. LIGHT FOR SERVICE. 2 Corin thians 6:1. Profitable service is best rendered by those who know the Lord the best and walk most closely with Him. Ser vice without God results in humani- tarianism, which is largely a carry over from animalism. Ants that are well care for ants that are sick. One dog will lick another dog’s sores. Birds feed the bird with the broken wing. Human kindness has no value what ever in the spiritual realm unless it is associated with Christ and His Word. A ton of coal given to the widow is hamanitarianism. When a copy of the Scripture is given with the coal or some mesage of comfort from the Word of God, that is Christianity. Service which omits our Lord has little per manent value.
and the teacher may help the pastor. The money-maker may help all three. So we combine our assets for the glory of our Lord. 3. SHARING OUR LIABILITIES. James 5:16. How can we help one another as we should, unless we know one an other’s needs? How can we know the needs, if we do not tell our desires and ambitions? God has planned that we should commune as Christians, and help one another to overcome hindrances and weaknesses in the life, in order that we may lift the load from our hearts and thus make it easy to minister for the Lord. The human heart craves a friend, one in whom he has confidence and upon whom he can lean for fellowship. Confiding our needs to each other produces sympathy and godly com passion which brings the sunshine through the shadows and lightens the load. 4. SHARING OUR OPPORTUNITIES. Acts 11:24-26. Barnabas brought a great blessing to the Saints at Antioch. He rejoiced with them in their Christian growth and taught them new truths about the precious things of God. Evidently he felt that he had led them as far as he could and that they needed a greater teacher than he, so he sent for Paul. What an opportunity was here, yet Barnabas shared it with this great preacher. There was no jealousy in his heart. There was no covetous ness. He was quite „willing for an other to have an opportunity to help the saints. This is a real quality of leadership, and manifests the glory of God. Christ let others roll the stone away from the sepulcher although He could have done it very easily. Let us, too, learn the secret of sharing opportunities a n d privileges with others. JUNE 23, 1946 QUALITIES THAT MAKE OUR COUNTRY GREAT J oshua 2 4 :1 4 - 1 8 ; P salm 3 3 :8 -1 6 ; P r o v e r b s 1 4 :3 4 . TATE DO have a great country. The ' ’ smile of God has been upon ue. The kindness of God has overshad owed us and the grace of God has been with us. This has been because the Word of God was freely given in our schools, churches, and homes. In the past, the principles of Christian living have prevailed to a large extent in our national life. The Gospel has been p r e a c h e d without restraint throughout the nation. Now things are changing, and changing rapidly for the worse. Home has become a board inghouse, the schcr^s in roa-’v c~"es have rejected the Word of God and
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